Roger's rock on wheels

Rogier, I can’t believe that I have missed the pictures from Feb 9 in your learning log. I showed the first picture to my wife, but not the second. That hits too close for comfort. There are occasions almost every week where my wife informs me that she has told me something and I replied with a yes and then I don’t remember the conversation. I usually am thinking of a song or guitar lick at the time and sometimes I even admit it :slight_smile:

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Hi Rogier, based on your zero point video, you are already starting with some blues soloing skills. I will be interested to see how you progress, since you are well ahead of me.

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Hi Mari @Mari63

My day started with a big smile after reading this :grinning:

And happy you liked (and heard/mentioned ) the conversation :blush:

I often think of you when I play :sunflower:


Hi Mathieu @math07 ,

Thanks ,I am also happy with those relatively fast fingers, but I noticed yesterday that by fully focusing on a good, healthy life again with the right amount of sleep and practicing a little more focused ( for what is to come ), I have already made a leap in neater, faster playing … Ooo but so much I like to learn like …uh ,that will come :smile:

Lisa @Lisa_S
Thank you and good to see you and of course I will keep you informed, this part of the community, these people are the reason that I can do this BLIM stuff :smiley: :sunglasses: :gift_heart:

Hi James @Socio
Thank you for also saying here someting :grin: :sunglasses:
And me also so so glad and

Now you give me some work to do :grin:, because early in the evening yesterday I easily forget that what I post “there” is not possible to read here, and I think the idea was put in my head by @brianlarsen

Greetings ,and I like it much to do this road together with some I know :sunglasses:

Hi Steve @SteveL_G99
Ha ha, I can very well imagine that you or I are missing something, especially lately with 15 topics moving up in an hour (especially for the people with that extra forum)…

Admit that you have a problem is the start of the solution :joy: :rofl: … yes, we guitar players are strange creatures sometimes…
Thank you for your kind words ,and I wish I could sing like you :sunglasses:



**tekst from yesterday afternoon **
The one and only lick book of course,

my wife ordered it :smiley: based on a joke from someone else in the community, she said this weekend when she saw my loose paper leaves :roll_eyes:

But when she came home yesterday …

It turned out that that bad woman had been lying to me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:… one of the things she does with her company is making work writing folders (don`t now how to spell that, business cards, promotional signs, flags, etc. etc. for other companies (from business to business), so this could easily be done but still :smiley: :sunglasses:… Much better than that booklet I saw, which of course had no pages with TABS in it …



Hi Rogier, I enjoyed reading your latest update on your log :100:! Thanks for the video and good to see, you are well on your way down the Blues Road :blush:. A pretty fast BT and you can easily keep up. Very nice! A great starting point. I’m so glad, you decided to “BLIM”, sure, we will get some nice improvisations and pieces of yours to see!
Say hello to Mademoiselle Kitty Cat!

She’s a real treasure :heart:!

I love your sense of humor so much :joy:!

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Hi Andrea, @Helen0609
Thank you for your sweet words , and yes she is :blush: and I am sitting with a big smile now too :laughing:

and i like it that a lot of you like the kitty (and dogs/pets) also so much :smiley: that is a good :sunglasses:thing

Greetings :cat2: :dog2:

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Hello Rogier :slightly_smiling_face:

So you are one of those BLIMs, too.
That’s amazing, I’m very happy for you and would like to wish you tons of fun and success :notes: :guitar:

I really enjoyed your lovely bluesy improv video :+1:
But I’m afraid I didn’t quite get the point of its title … “Point Zero” … :thinking: ???
I have to admit that I’ve expected something very different, like complete silence or the sound of tuning your guitar :smile:
So, if this very nice improv really is your “Point Zero”, I’m relieved that I didn’t join BLIM yet :sweat_smile:
You are sooo advanced already :blush:
Keep up the great work!

And have lots of fun with this great lick-book. These photos really made my day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Gunhild :lady_beetle:


Hi Gunhild,
Thank you very much :blush:

And yes ,Me Too the Blues :sunglasses:

Justin asks us with very emphatic pressure to record a video now at least before July 1st and that is your starting point before you start the course … And that man is apparently bored or is looking for a new hobby because he is there a lot :grimacing: :laughing:, fortunately there are about 735 students ,so you can fly a little low under the radar :innocent:(of course most of them are not that active, but still enough)

and I am far from one of the very good players, but fortunately also far from the beginners club, but oooo so much to learn before I confidently walk into a pub (Miles Amersfoort) in my hometown for a Jam session with strangers,

Nice to read it makes jou day :blush: :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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you can say that again.

That’s if Justin and Toby miss your post.

That’s my club, you’re welcome to pop in when you’re ever in the area.

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I’m always around… sometimes a little bit blind :roll_eyes:, but always around :sunglasses:… I hope you’re not insecure about posting your video (I’m still missing one from someone here :thinking: ), because you have have already let see enough beautiful things and in this new area, as you have read from me before, the calmer you start now, the greater the learning curve/ results… and with your ability to focus, that will be really good (is it already of course because there is no bad here)

Tssss Still 12 day`s to take off i see now :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:

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Rest assured I will be bringing the levels down a notch or two when I get around to recording my point zero video. I’ve been so focused working my way through the other requisites like PMT G3 & resolving some technical issues that I created when I replaced my laptop. 12 days to get myself prepared and record myself :confounded:

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Ok guys…Blues is gonna be my lullaby tonight :joy: Here after Toby and Shane AVOYP…

Rogier this was a great update of your LL, I much enjoyed the reading and…I can’t believe you’re improvising…it just sounds so good! You have this stuff…like you’re doing it so naturally…I’m well impressed! Bravo, my friend…I’m very happy for your new adventure in the Blue seas of Blues…:thinking:…yes I know I wrote something similar to Toby, I just like the expression :wink::joy: and I wish you a lot of fun!



Hello Roger! Just jumping into your LL. Scrolled through and stopped enough to admire your progress! I ended with watching your first recording for the Blues course and I look forward to more.

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Hi James,
I’ll be honest with you,…you’re not bringing anything down (you’ve heard enough now :blush:), there are a lot of people who absolutely do not meet the requirements suggested by Justin…and with what you already have shown :sunglasses: and the preparation you do (so happy I did that theory long ago :sweat_smile: (I already start to forget quite a lot :grimacing:), so this does not apply to you,

CRRRRRxP That’s annoying, in terms of recording quality you know it doesn’t matter you see…I don’t do anything else with my computer in terms of recording DAWN etc…

but I also had some issues with my computer but luckily she’s back to the office now . :rofl:
Goog luck :crossed_fingers:

Hi Silvia, @Silvia80
And I’ll say it again, ooo you’re way too nice, you make me blush just like the people above :blush:

I’m glad it looks natural, then all those months/years of practice have made sense after all :sweat_smile: …hold that thought and watch me over 6 months :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

the power of the blues (and music) is in the repetition…and you know what? the power is in the repetition… :smile:
Thank you thank you thank you :sunglasses:

Hi Michael, @WonderMonkey
Thank you very much .That’s nice to hear and I’m very pleased to see a new face here (for my LL because I’ve seen you hanging around of course)…



Hi ,
Do you know that story that Pet/dogs owners are becoming more and more like their pets?

For me this is the case with my guitars, but they are starting to look more like me :smile:, the bodies are becoming more and more damaged, which I don`t care, although in the past it was going a bit to hard with zippers so away with those cloths …

But now one is exaggerating… a little bit much :roll_eyes: …he also broke his back :see_no_evil:

3 times is a charm, sometimes I drive backwards and when I go forwards and I sometimes take something with me,this was the third time with this guitar and I forgot the safety clamp, and took this photo as a joke to my wife (something about finally buying a new guitar again)…

For a long time (because this was a while ago) I thought there was only a deep scratch on the back, but when I got the replaced the strings last week and the light fell on the back differently, I saw a crack that extended all the way to the neck… that hopefully also explains an irritating resonance/vibration that I feel quite often when playing some combined notes…

Well It’s time to GO SEE THE guitarDOCTORrrrrrrr, I know there isn’t one around here, so it will take a while …

Seeing this in the category of very minor suffering, no home visits and flowers…

Although, a home visit would be nice :smiley:



Oh dear that looks painful Roger. Hope you can get it fixed. :crossed_fingers:

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Yes, I hope so too, that what I feel resonates can then be solved, scratches and cracks are not a big thing for me ,but something like completely breaking off the headstock like with you :scream:

That has happened to me also as you can see but they fixed it before I bought it :laughing:


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I’ll not ‘crack’ any poor puns on this topic :roll_eyes:
but I feel for you :cry:

For others, some things start to look like their guitars… :wink:



Did you know that Switzerland is one of the few countries where it is legal, and a small number still do, eat their pet cats and dogs? :open_mouth:

Animal lovers question morality of eating pets - SWI

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No Tears please , It’s just the hassle of finding a guitar doctor and having to do without my guitar, but for a nice trade-in price and the same kind straight away I’ll change it without blinking an eye, just the Fender Player that I play maybe 5 minutes a month (to heavy ) I have a sort of emotion bonding to because … well,too long a story, but in short it’s my first new guitar ever…

:smile: and…What a butt ugly car ,saw it before here on the site …still

Now ,freaking grazy people :astonished:

Yes of course ,but some are changing there policy about that now,
But since pigs are smarter than dogs, I also find it unbelievable to abuse them (far too often) in stables in a many ways (what I see a lot ) and then slaughter them. :cry:

End on a cheerful note, of course you received my tag from just above with the lick-book, it can only be that you put that in my head via … .Putting strange ideas in my head… or do you find it so ugly that you wisely keep your mouth shut? even Justin liked it :smile::laughing:

Got more than 5 lick i need /want to post soon…well start with one… but I was waiting for Trond @tRONd for the first because we talked about one some months ago …so hope you log in soon.


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