Roger's rock on wheels

Nice work Roger. Some sweet lines, and phrasing there mate.

Cheers, Shane

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That was super Rogier. There was a totally Scottish vibe to your piece and I’m racking my brains trying to think what it reminds me of. A bit of ‘Local Hero, Wild Theme’ from Mark Knopfler perhaps. Really looking forward to hearing where this takes you to next.
Well done.
ps. What’s happened to your fancy remote on/off switch? :smiley:

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Hi all ,what a nice start to read this :smiley:

Thank you Deborah @MacOneill and this is the first time
that we have her playing like that on the video, so I had no choice that it had to be posted :smiley: :grin:… during the day it is always only once in the morning that she plays briefly, but actually always with me …so sweet :blush:

Yes Michael @MAT1953 that cat has two modus …Most of the time Complete ignoring or when I try to sing along or whistle, very exceptionally, sitting next to me angrily and sometimes meowing :see_no_evil:
Thank you :smiley:

A thanks Andrea @Helen0609
Completely forgot to make tea here and just did it in between typing, nice busy weekend here and nice that it starts with a message to you :smiley:, you are still working hard on collecting energy ( hopefully I’m wrong)

Miauww… :grin: :paw_prints:

Next week next week… :scream::smile: :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your nice words :blush:

Ooo Brian @beejay56
you almost made me look like a fool …Oh well, I don’t care, I am who I am… here it comes :roll_eyes:

I wanted to type, …No, it is not a Toccata but a Cyprese… :roll_eyes:

so so glad I looked it up :sweat_smile:

Learned a lot of new words thanks to wiki, and I hope it is also the start of a Toccata piece :blush:

Cool names …our is called how people call this animals in Dutch …Poes …
I like special names but always end with something like this…our bird was called Vogel…our fish had the name Vis and the color they added :see_no_evil:

Thank you :smiley:

That nice to say James @Socio and I will do my best to take your words to heart :smiley:
As for part 2 and further, knowing me, don’t hold your breath for too long, but I still think the same about it after a night’s sleep, so the chances are increasing… such a very busy weekend, so next weekend one in the Started delving into DAW, my wife had already selected something a while ago, but it was so long ago that she forgot about it :roll_eyes:

Thanks :blush:

Hi Lisa @Lisa_S that is so nice to hear ,thank you :smiley: and I don’t know what it is but my wife was humming this next to me in the car to the supermarket yesterday and I can’t get it out of my head either :see_no_evil:
I will do my best :blush:

The …little …? kitty …kuch :roll_eyes:

been trying to lose weight for only a year…she has started to look a little too much like her food dispenser on wheels :roll_eyes:

Hi Shane @sclay thank you very much that is nice to hear :smiley:

and then I should listen to Scottish music more often Gordon @sairfingers ooo Mark K :blush: if only :crossed_fingers:
but vey nice to hear you like it :smiley:
That fancy remote :grin: ha ha This was a first recording of a first idea and I never thought it would work with so few mistakes, I think not even played 15 minutes that morning so I especially wanted to capture a motif that was in my head on video so as not to forget it… if I first get the remote control and must be turned on and with Bluetooth on the phone press to connect (okay, it seems like more work than it really is) :laughing:

Oh well, you also see me in a flowing moving action :smile:

Greetings all and nice to speak to you on this beautiful sunny Saturday morning :smiley: :sunny:


Rogier this sounds so so so…good! I loved it from start to finish! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: You have this motif going on and developing it very well. I can’t wait to the complete recording, but no hurry…ok, I’ll wait! :grin: Are you improvising it? (Hope it doesn’t sound a stupid question…) My compliments Sir!

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oooooh thanks a lot
Now I understand the name of this character


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Hi Silvia @Silvia80
That is so so nice to hear :smiley:

You could say that I improvise a lot … after 10 minutes I had put down the chords that came to my mind (so they will certainly not be original) …
the motif came into my head immediately after waking up and without further practice this I turned on the camera… normally I play about 3 times, maybe 5, sometimes 10 times and then a style automatically emerges for the backing track played… .this was first time…

such a very good question, although I had already written something like that… but I sometimes write a bit too much :roll_eyes: :blush: :see_no_evil::grin:

Aaa Yes Deborah @MacOneill :see_no_evil: …thank you so much ,because sometimes an eyebrow is raised (or chuckled) because it is sometimes used for a female body part or some just find it a bit strange just ’ Poes ’ becaus it is like call here ‘Cat’ (Kat … in dutch) … I had completely forgotten about Tom Poes (which was very special/uh stupid… but that story is for much later)

Thanks Girls :sunglasses: :sunny: :sunflower: :honeybee: :hibiscus:

Its just that I know a cartoonist who works on Tom poes , and one of my friend gave me a Tom poes book
I cant read it but the illustrations are nice :smiley:

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Original title : If you know what I mean
English Title : The Dragon That Wasn’t (Or Was He?)

This was a great movie from my youth…I never could realized how close this story become my own life, it’s a brilliant story…

The books are also great by the way, I still have a very old one upstairs :smiley: :sunglasses:

thought they had been released in all European languages…

Have fun :smiley:

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Tom poes is not published in France but Boes is !

I suppose it means something like Beef ?

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The horror… I thought… Well I had to look it up… it is there, I found one but very few, Maarten Toonder is a europeen crowned Writer/Drawsman… well in Zweden :smile:

Oh well, you can live without :sweat_smile: a but but ,In the end I’m glad I knew him/them (even just a little bit). :blush:
