Rolandson learning log

I will work on my vocals. Not for others of course. When I learn it than only for me. Maybe 10 minutes a day would be enough.

I recorded the Major scale Pattern 1 (E shape)
When I buy the Jam tracks from Justin is it allowed to record it like I did with this one and upload it on soundcloud?

@Rolandson, keep doing what you are doing. I support you 100%. 168 followers on SoundCloud and 144 hearts received from the members of this message board are nothing to sniff at, and certainly something for many of us to aspire to. Don’t be deterred, you’ve got your music out there and it is doing well.

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Thank you very much.
Just read on your profil that you are a sourdough bread baker. Me too.

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Thanks! I use einkorn wheat.

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I use Spelt wheat and rye. I buy the flour from a small mil.

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