Romance - J.Kuffner ...duetting with myself

Such a nice classical piece. I personally didn’t see any errors. So enjoyable to both hear and watch your performance. I always enjoy each one you post.

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You should be VERY pleased & proud!!! That was superb!!!
Why would anyone criticize you or offer advice on what is a flawless performance!
I am impressed with the video as well! Nice picture within picture effect & it sounded quite pleasant!!!
Your joy for playing is infectious… I feel happy watching & listening!!!

Thank you for sharing!!! 🩷


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Ha, this makes me smile! This typo is so stupid and funny at the same time :joy:. I’m on vacation in your beautiful country and my braincells seem to be on holiday too! I was enjoying the beautiful view from the terrace, when I watched your video after a very relaxed breakfast​:coffee:. So I really found some inner peace with your piece :heart::hibiscus::blush:!

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Silvia, I’m impressed… one more time. You’re improving each time I listen to you. Your fingerstyle technique is very good (impresses me) but the more impressive to me is your music. You’re always always always doing music. Always singing. Always creating some atmosphere, some emotion. All this could sound really boring (scales and arpegios…) but you always manage to create something else. Some soul. Atmosphere. It’s always a pleasure to listen to you Silvia. Thanks for sharing.

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Delightful, Silvia. Your discipline, perseverance is inspirational and the results are always wonderful.

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That was a sweet treat to my ears, Silvia! What a lovely tune and beautifully played. :blush:

Getting both parts together appears like a true challenge, especially the accompaniment itself. You can be super proud of your achievement here, there were some tough grips and getting those patterns into your fingers to be played that smoothly must have required lots of practice. But it was totally worth it, as your performance felt soft, relaxed and seeing your smile while playing is like the icing on the cake! :smiley:

Thanks for sharing this little gem with us! :slight_smile:

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That was delightful Sylvia, your playing is really coming along nicely - keep it up!
A challenge, take a look at John Williams, either Cavatina or Romanza - they’re both lovely pieces to have ‘aim for’ aspirations for, it took me best part of a year to get those down properly!

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@LBro I’ll try with my next AVOYP for strumming, it might be a bit trickier for the Classical Guitar as having the phone closer means more volume. Thank you for the tip.
All the best there with you as well!

@TheCluelessLuthier thank you so much for listening and commenting Mark, I much appreciate it, I’m very happy you enjoyed it!


Thanks Gordon! I’ll do my best to keep on learning and improve and be worthy of it :smile:

Hello John, thank you for your kind comment, smiling does help a lot, it’s like telling yourself “hey, you’ve been practicing well, you can do it, there’s no reason whatsoever why you should make a mistake!”

@Charlie_James Hello Dale, thank you for taking the time to listen: each one of this warm feedback makes a real difference to me, and motivates me to keep going!

Oh…but there are mistakes and ‘innacuracies’ I can assure you! :laughing:

Only, as I was hoping, the listener gets caught up in the flaw on music and on what it is telling him/her, and doesn’t bother about the mistakes. Nevermind the mistakes :woman_shrugging: The fact that you all connected with this piece makes me being self-indulgent: we practice, we learn, we put all oneself in and try our best…that will be enough :blush:

Hey Silvia, I had to watch/listen a couple of times to fully appreciate what you did here, very clean playing and so smooth and easy. Lovely piece and beautifully played. I imagine this took some serious time and effort to get to this level, well done. I also love the way you smile and look so relaxed while playing, I always look so serious, another thing for me to work on. I enjoyed this post thanks for sharing.

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Lovely, Sylvia, well played … :clap: :clap: :clap:

I am not sufficiently competent to pass constructive comment upon your playing. On the first hearing it sounds a simple piece, but on a second listen it is quite complex fingerpicking, interweaving the bass-line and the melody.

However, an observation I would make is that you looked like you were in a “happy place” while you played; sharing lots of smiles … :sunglasses:

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I am Tod!!! :blush:

What about this one? :wink:

This is like honey on my half-skimmed natural yogurt :pray::pray::pray:

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I hope your having a relaxing and enjoyable holiday Andrea :blush:
But you’re right Italy is not a safe place to stay nowadays…now they’re scaring the hell out of us on the media with this Violin Spider :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:…did you hear about it?
…but I try to be rational, if it bites you it leaves a clear sign and hurts, so that one can go straight away to the doctor and get the proper medication…nothing to worry about but it’s good to be aware of it!

Yes, always :heart_eyes::blush::woman_shrugging: Thank you so much for listening and for your kindest words! It was pure joy to read them!

…well not always and not to everybody but they are to me indeed…it always wonders me how much I can achieve and learn, like I can’t believe I can achieve so much! Thanks for being there David, always with a supporting word for anyone :pray::pray::pray:


It actually always is for me, because the accompainement part needs to be decently accurate rhythmically speaking…and play the melody along is a bit like being able to sing and play at the same time…it’s the opposite thing I’ve always been doing with strumming where I start singing and then try to accompain it with some Rhythm :roll_eyes: :see_no_evil::joy: but I’m getting wiser and also practice more properly now :innocent:

As I was saying above

It often happens when something feels like challenging to get all tense in our face, especially the jaws…smiling really helps me to contrast that… I smile also when a chord change that took time to nail comes out fine, or on the contrary when there’s tension in my hands (here for example there’s a C chord that doesn’t ring out properly because the previoius grip was tense). And I smile when I feel I’m doing right …in the end smile smile smile :blush::blush::blush:

Thanks so much Lisa :heartpulse:
Hope your little biggest treasure is keeping you good company with his/her kicks? I’m not sure you told us if boy or girl…I probably missed that!

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You are definitely right on that as well as on the part of “smiling away the tension”. To be able to do that as you do, is a skill in itself. :smiley: I wish I could do that, too. I end up with my “guitar face” in all the situations you describe. :joy:

Aww, thanks for asking, Silvia. It means a lot to me! :heartpulse:

Maybe I dropped it somewhere in an answer, but definitely no big announcement, so it could easily get missed. We’re expecting a little baby boy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He is doing fine and he’s already kicking like Chuck Norris. :rofl: Especially after I’ve aten or when I lay me down to take a nap - we need to work on the timing! :sweat_smile:

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Thanks Darrel, I very much appreciate your support! This Duet was already above my level of skills and I felt once more a bit guilty because I tend too often to go out of the “outlined path”. I had a listen and watch at the beautiful pieces you mentioned

but they are way too advanced for me, they are played all over the fretboard and that I’m not able to do yet, last month I’ve just started to explore triads all over the fretboard with the PMT Course and slowly learning to use all the 12 frets! Also I like to know what I’m doing, to sing the :notes: DoReMiFaSolLaSiDo :notes: in my head, it really helps, until my fingers move on their own and my ear feel connected; I know I will build my fretboard knowledge through the pieces I will practice and play and that will be easier if done gradually. But who knows…in a few years maybe I’ll get to that level of competence and Romanza will definetely be a must for me.

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Thanks Eric for your kindest comment!

Not the piece itself actually, but more the skills that are required to approach, practice and eventually play it, e.g. my time feeling, learning to fingerpick in a way that the fingers are nicely relaxed, the problem solving, gradually learning to remove any kind of tension which is not that one kind the music requires, smiling…

And to this I will add

Absolutely this :heart: When I play I’m in a place where I feel somehow “a better me” and since it took work to get there…well one has a very good reason for smiling :blush::blush::blush:

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:joy: I’m so happy to read this :heartpulse: You have there a perfect jam buddy :kissing_heart::heart::blush:

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That’s OK, they’re both really nice ones to have for future reference, you’re right to follow the tuition guidelines, it’s not easy to learn how to play Classical properly, I had lessons quite early on and it has really been helpful for everything I’ve done since.

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