Romance - J.Kuffner ...duetting with myself

Hi Guitar Friends! This is something I’m working on since a few months already and it was time now to record, share and move on. The homework from the method book would be only to learn the melody line but I found the duet sooo beautiful and had to try to learn both parts :woman_shrugging::innocent: ooops.
The accompainement part looked really intimidating to be honest, a 6/8 with 16th notes…I know any rational mind would go like "well, and so what? You play two notes each beat! " Simple, right? But nooo…not for me, for my mind it was easier to start panicking :joy: You don’t want to know how long it took me to understand how to set the metronome properly and practice correctly!
And since it wasn’t challenging enough there are also a couple of variations to the pattern :see_no_evil:

I had to analyse the musicsheet, and I found out new grips like the F6 and an unusual way to play a G7 and a EminAugmented too (not sure about this one: it’s an Em but I fret the C note instead of playing the open B)…and I had to do a slow work on my fretting hand to play as much accurate as I could.

Quite a few innacuracies nevertheless…I still need to do a lot of work, not only on the guitar but especially on myself to be able to let the music flow, go with it and at the same time being alert and focussed enough to do things more accurately.

But I’m very happy with myself for all the achievements and the many enjoyable hours with this piece, nevermind the hicups :woman_shrugging::blush:

Thanks in advance to anyone who will listen and for your honest feedback…criticisms and advice welcome as well!


Very pretty piece and well done. Very soothing listen!

Video Tip: Rotate your phone 90 deg and lay it on its side. You will then have a video that fits perfectly on YouTube and be more enjoyable to watch…

All the best,

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Hi Silvia, this was so delightful, a wonderful listen and treat to my ears! I can imagine, this must have been quite a challenge, not only to get it, but to play it this fluent and sensitiv.
I admire your ability to work out those difficult peaces :heart:!

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Thanks for sharing, Silvia. Your duet sounded delightful and your disciplined fretting and picking hand(s) made it look and sound relaxed and light.

How do you set the metronome for 16th notes 6/8?

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Hi Silvia,

If you speak this “nonsense” in between, it will take 3 times as long to read for me :upside_down_face: because I keep laughing and thinking about what should I say here…and laugh again now … :joy: :rofl:

I understand what LBro is saying, but I assume that you can sit closer to your phone and the sound is a bit better… Oh, what if we start delving into recording qualities, then you also will sound EVEN better.
But incredible how dedicated you have been to this piece and it clearly pays off … really a great classic piece and one that is on my oh so long list … It was a pleasure to listen to but also to watch…
:man_bowing: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: BIS BIS BIS

No Bouquet…
I exchanged the bouquet for a (almost live) photo from the garden that shows how your studies are going


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Great job liked it a lot.

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That was very beautiful Silvia. I enjoyed that while sitting and having my morning coffee. Thank you for a great start to my day !

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Well done Silvia! You started my day on a peaceful note.

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@LBro thanks for the tip…I’ll try and see what I can do with the video editor App first.

Never a typo has been more appropriate and meaningful Andrea! :heart:

This was the starting point, once I eventually nailed the feeling of it I sped it up a bit naturally, without the metronome. Two notes each beat and what is important is to keep the accents on 1 an 4 as you usually do with a regular 6/8…it took me about one month only to understand this :see_no_evil: well late is better than never! :laughing:

Now this also what I love about this Community, that we can have a laugh together…and if I’ve been laughing at my own self I feel like I should share that too so you can laugh as well :joy::joy::joy: No trolling for anyone here…just good humor…and oh I absolutely love @JokuMuu 's jokes…Nicole you make me laugh so much :star_struck::pray::blush:…no need to say this is a positive thing like funny fun!

And the flower @roger_holland :heart_eyes::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: that leaves me speechless…you have the copyright on the picture so I need to ask: can I screenshoot and use it on my LL? :pray::blush:

@Jwaters @Eddie_09 @mfeeney0110 thank you so much for listening…my heart is full of joy knowing that you all have been enjoying it :heart:



Your musicality sings out. Superb.


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Silvia, that is a beautiful duet that is very well played. You were very ambitious to play the teachers accompaniment for this piece. That arpeggiated accompaniment has some tricky fingering. The duet was so well played that first I thought I was only hearing one guitar, but with earphones I was able to hear the individual parts. Thanks for sharing.

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Wonderfully nice written :blush:and everything I post and have invented or created myself is of course free for use :blush:

Last year I made one and shared it where you see a bee flying near the flower… but unfortunately I can’t find it,


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Thank you Brian :pray::blush:

It wasn’t actually ambition that moved me in the first place. I started in May when I was really really busy with my job and, given that I fell in love with this beautiful duet, I thought “this is what I need! I’m gonna dissect it, work slowly and just relax on the single aspects to get them right and who knows…one day maybe I’ll be able to put it all together”

Tell me about that :see_no_evil:
Thank you Steve, I much appreciate your support :pray::blush:

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What me? I’m always dead serious.

I love that as well about the community. It’s good to have fun together and share a laugh. I will always remember our :lion: :dog: from last summer. Wasn’t that one started by Rogier?

Speaking about fun…that includes flowers and insects of course. I guess a different flower with a different bee (of the bumbling kind) will do as consolation @roger_holland ? :honeybee:


Your video editing program can probably do many things. But it will be hard pressed to remove the bars on either side of your video. That has to be done up front of putting the video into the app. Just a suggestion mind you. Some might like the bar on each side approach, but I think it is kind of cheesy. Especially when it is so easy to make video for the Tube that fits the full screen!

All the best there Silvia!

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Lovely song Sylvia, a nice start to my day.

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Another lovely piece Sylvia and very clever that you’ve managed to accompany yourself. That was beautifully played and clearly a lot of time has been spent on it. You’ve certainly become the Community’s ‘classical girl’.

On another note, I’m amazed at the level of English that you ladies (@SILVIA @JokuMuu @Helen0609 ) have. It’s most impressive.


Lovely, Sylvia. I couldn’t stop smiling at you smiling your way through. Such an infectious performance and I think it’s good. More of the same, please.

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Lovely! Very enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing.

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That was played beautifully Silvia. I had not heard this piece before, but if you’ve made it sound this good then surely you were just joking about “inaccuracies” and “hiccups” :slightly_smiling_face:
I even had it replaying in the background a few more times because it was just enjoyable and calming to listen to. Congrats on your achievements and the hard work that you are putting into it.

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