RonG - April 2024 - Wicked Game (Chris Isaak) + In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins) + I'm Not In Love (10CC)

Another cracker of a cover, Ron :smiley:

The mod police will be on your case any day now, for not putting them all in a single monthly thread :rofl:
(Edit: oops, now that they’re merged, I see Rogier mentioned this on a different thread :laughing: apologies)

Once again, all the elements, masterfully taken care of.
For me, the most interesting part of the performance is the guitar and vox, which you do so well, and they are a little drowned out by the boomy/reverb rhythm section. But that’s just personal preference.

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Another wonderful piece of work Ron - great arrangement of one of my favourite songs. I’d take my hat off to you if I was wearing one :grinning:

All done without miles of tape loop as well :sunglasses:

(See from about 1:50 if no one has seen this before)

Best wishes

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Your version makes it a brilliant guitar song. Well done again!


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Great feedback than’ you Brian.

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Thank you so much Godfrey. Loved the 10cc vid re making iOS the track.

You covers are always excellent, Ron, great playing, singing, and accompaniment.

I selected and enjoyed Wicked Game

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I enjoyed each one of them. Your skills all around are pretty incredible. Great song choices IMHO.

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Hi Ron!
It’s a great choice of song to cover (I started with Chris Isaak) :slightly_smiling_face:
It was an amazing performance, and I really enjoyed listening to it. Thanks for sharing,

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Thank you Dave. As always I appreciate the feedback.

Big smiles. Thank you :blush:

Cheers Leo. I appreciate that.