Rudolph dal naso rosso + Christmas Medley

I loved listening to this in your beautiful language and your lovely tone. Your stage presence is spot on. I say you have the “It” factor.

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Thanks Pamela :blush: It was a success, the children were just great and I did just a little bit of a mess with the Rhythm in the short instrumental part of Rudolph…but not that much to tell the truth, just not accurate as I wished it to be.

Like Stephen King’ s It? :clown_face: Hopefully not that disquieting :joy:

Oh no! Nothing like that! Like this! a quality or charisma that makes a person stand out and be especially appealing or intriguing

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Now that sounds like a fun Christmas Party. Nice job, lovely sound.

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Hello Silvia, this was such a enjoyable listen on late Christmas Eve :smiley:.
Thanks a lot for sharing it and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones :christmas_tree::candle::sparkles::dizzy:!

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You’ve caught the festive spirit there brilliantly :innocent:

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Can’t believe I missed this Silvia but what a treat for Christmas Day morning, even for an old grump like me :rofl: Always nice to hear a traditional festive song sung in a different language, so I really enjoyed Rudolph. Thank you and Merry Christmas,
:christmas_tree: :sunglasses: :christmas_tree:

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@MiJoy @NicoleKKB @Eccleshall @TheMadman_tobyjenner thank you all so much for sharing this with me :heavy_heart_exclamation: Hope you’re having a serene Christmas day with the people you love the most :heart::santa::christmas_tree::gift: