thanks so much for your reply. You’re right, I might me to tough on myself. I just kinda feel like Justin could have added a bit where he plays along to a blues tune so I know what to expect. But like @Steggo81 mentioned, I might have to have a look at his left handed practice, didn’t do that yet.
Might be a good idea to record myself to, never done that in "public"before so a bit nervous to do that.
Had a look at Marty to, one of my favorite songs and within 5 minutes I was strumming along! Made my day! Thanks for the tip!
Thanks again for your support, much appreciated.
Yeah you’re totally right, and believe me I am suffering haha! Got my blues, “stink face” going on and everything. 
I’ll have a look at his course once I finish this module, I love the blues so its really something I’m interested in.
Yeah you’re totally right, on of the reasons I love the blues is that it “feels” right even when played slow.
Thanks for your reply. You’re so right, I’m definitely getting back to finger style but I felt myself drawn towards the power chord/rock part a bit more at the time. And to be honest I just found the whole fingerstyle stuff so incredibly difficult that I kinda gave up to soon maybe.
Thanks for the tips. The rythem is (thankfully) always something that came natural to me, it’s all the other stuff I’m struggling with. It was just that I felt kinda lost on what I was supposed to do, in the other lessons this was not the case. Like I said above, it would have been nice to see justin play along to one of the blues tunes on a basic level so I could get a sense of what was required of me but I totally forgot to check Nitsuj! Going to check it out tonight!
Thanks again everyone for your support, much appreciated!
First time I’ve ever posted something on a forum and I’m really amazed at all the great replies, what a nice community this is.
Keep on rockin all!