Not guitar-specific, but I am working on vocal melodies for a song I’m writing and getting frustrated. Doing it on paper would be far easier than using software when I figure it on the guitar from what I’ve tried so far, but I can pick out a melody on a keyboard easily enough and ‘dictating’ it right to score would be pretty neat.
I have a MIDI keyboard but so far all I’ve tried are GarageBand and MuseScore… the latter I thought would be great but it only seems to use MIDI for note entry, not duration so you can’t just play the phrase and record it. And as far as I know you can’t export from GarageBand into a form tools like MuseScore can use… ideally I would like it available in both so I can easily insert a guide melody for recording a take, or whatever.
I know tools like Sibelius are used by the pros but for a casual user who doesn’t want to spend ages learning the software, is there anything out there? Am I right to think MIDI is the only real option, or can modern software just as easily pick out the notes from my guitar playing these days?
I use GB for recording but have been thinking for a while about getting Logic Pro so if this is an area there’s a big difference, that’s useful to know.
Thanks for any suggestions, insight, etc