SDKissFan May 2024 - Bon Jovi Legendary and Simple Plan

Hi everyone,

Here is a new song from Bon Jovi that is called “Legendary “. I am finally feeling human again so getting back to playing.



Jeff, Glad you’re feeling human again and are getting back to playing. Nice, confident performance of that Bon Jovi tune. Well done.
I’m going to have to give that finger strumming a try.
I know @brianlarsen uses it a lot, and I’ve seen others here in the community who use that technique.

Well done Jeff, very nice strumming! :slight_smile:

Hi Dave,

Thanks for listening and the positive comments. I was sick with pneumonia for over a month and had no voice until a few days ago. I didn’t think I’d ever recover. I can do better but at least I’m back to playing for the first time since Easter. Either diseases are getting worse this year or I’m just getting old lol. Take care.

Hey Boris,

Thanks for listening and the positive feedback. I was on the fence about posting a song because I am my own worst critic sometimes. Still room to improve but a great start to feeling normal again. Have a good day.

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Hi Jeff! Welcome back & nice take on “Legendary”!!! I hear you about being your own worst critic… same here. It’s hard not to be, right? Good strumming here, chord changes are in time… nice!!!

I’m always telling people younger than me that if I had it to “do over” I would live faster and die younger… none of the aches & pains of old age crap!!! You know that when it literally hurts to get out of bed that you have been taking up space in this world that maybe you shouldn’t !!!
And, I’m “only” 62!!!

Well, Tod, I think you are a natural songwriter. You just crafted the lyrics so now get to work putting chords to your first song, titled “Old Man Blues” or perhaps “Just Taking up Space.”
:wink: Michael, 66 years young


Thank you Michael!!!
I like that! Old Man Blues sounds about right! I’m constantly writing lyrics in my head or rewriting the lyrics to songs that I hear with a good groove that I feel the lyricist “missed the mark” on. Not sure if I can come up with the right chord progressions to fit, though.
It is a dream though…
Maybe someday I will post an Original here in the Community!!!


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Good luck with that original. You’ll need to round out your lyrics. I suggest you start by making a list of words that rhyme with:
bladder leak
hearing aids
We’ll be waiting for your song release AVOYP!

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Hi Jeff,

sorry to hear about you suffering from pneumonia. :slightly_frowning_face: But good to hear, you are feeling better and are back in the guitar playing saddle. :+1: Very good comeback after such a long and probably really exhausting break. :clap:

Take it easy one step at a time and soon you’ll be where you were before the break and even beyond! :slight_smile: Most important thing is to feel like playing and performing again, so that’s very good.

Take care, mate! :four_leaf_clover:

I think I may leave a few of those out!!! :crazy_face:
You have given me inspiration… THANK YOU!!!
I just completed draft 1 of the lyrics for “Old Man Blues” (PS - Don’t tell my boss, I’m supposed to be working!!!) & now all I have to do is compose the chord progression, make any and all required changes & tweaks, put it together with the lyrics and PUBLISH!!! :grin:


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Sorry for the “Hijack” Jeff ------ :male_detective:
Forgive me! :flushed: :pray:


Hi Tod,

I sometimes play guitar while participating in work meetings. It helps me calm my nerves so don’t feel bad about a mini escape from the work day. I love the idea of an old man blues song. I picture you performing with a few laughs from the crowd as they relate.

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Hi Lisa,

Thanks for listening and offering the encouragement. At least I feel normal again now that I can play guitar again. Not playing was like asking me to hold my breath for the past 6-8 weeks. Have a great week.


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Hi Jeff, happy to hear you’re getting better but try not to overdo with your voice. You’re Rhythm is developing really well, I enjoyed your performance!

Hi Silvia,

I appreciate you taking time to listen and share your thoughts. I’m still working through strumming sos #2 again to improve the rhythm. I’m glad to hear I’m headed in a good direction. Have a great day.

No worries. Sounds like your on to a great song.

Hi everyone,

I randomly found this song and decided to post this since I played it for my wife. She had to fly out of town unexpectedly to care for a relative. Last night was my first night alone in more than 12 years so I dedicated a song to her. I hope you all like it too.:sunglasses:

Good job, Jeff. I enjoyed that a lot!

Thanks for the song, Jeff. I’m a bit late to the party here. Glad you got past that pneumonia. I know what it’s like to have to sing as your voice is barely back, happened to me a couple times. Nice job.
