Second Electric Guitar or an acoustic guitar

Hey there!

Obviously a lot of perspectives on this but Iā€™ll give you mine.

I was in the same boat as you when I started learning. Learned on an electric then debated what my next guitar should be. I chose an acoustic and couldnā€™t be happier that I did.

Itā€™s such a different experience of playing guitar and I think it creates a nice balance learning on both. Even if itā€™s not for the long haul, I think itā€™s worth getting some time in on it. Youā€™ll develop even more finger strength, its sound is a different palette to play your songs with, and youā€™ll learn lots of different techniques on it like percussive hits.

Sure you can do a lot of the same things on electric but itā€™s not a competition, both are guitars ultimately. And if youā€™re really worried about losing the electric sound, buy an electric acoustic. Add a couple pedals and you can get it sounding pretty metal if you wanted to :wink:


@Svalbaard - I just luv your answer. :+1: :sunglasses: Exactly, life is too short, live life while its here. Just get on the highway and the pedal to the metal :rofl: :joy: :rofl:




Learn to play the c chord on all instruments. Itā€™s just practice and patience. It will come in time.

Then get an acoustic. To be honest Iā€™d have an electric and acoustic as a minimum if I had the funds.


Personally, I think Iā€™d stick with the Les Paul. I donā€™t think the weight or the neck/nut width of a Squier would matter that much, as far as the learning process goes. With that said, if you just want a Squier (or a lighter electric with a narrower neck, in general), then Iā€™d say go for it. The most important thing while youā€™re learning is to have an instrument that you want to pick up play. So even if your reason boils down to ā€œhey, I like that guitar and I just want one,ā€ then that is a valid reason in my book.

I donā€™t think it makes things more complex. Actually, I think having both is beneficial. Again, if you want an acoustic, then go for it.

As for ā€œshould I get a second electric or an acousticā€ Iā€™d say thereā€™s no wrong answer, but my advice would be to get the acoustic so you have one of each. Youā€™ll end up getting a third guitar later, anywayā€¦ :slight_smile:


Indeed. When I get to the gates of Oblivion and Mr Satan asks me if Iā€™ve made productive use of my time, I donā€™t want to have to look back on things I didnā€™t do because I overthought them.

ā€œYessirā€, Iā€™d say as I start to riff on Hells Bells and Highway to Hell on my low slung Tele that has improbably managed to pass into the somewhat surprisingly tropical looking Netherworlds with me.

ā€œOh! Come on inā€¦ā€ heā€™ll growl. ā€œYouā€™ll fit right inā€ :slight_smile:


I would like to thank very much each one of you. You all have provided very good comments with interesting point of views. Some of them were funny as well and put a smile on my face which is always appreciated specially at the end of a stressful week at work.

Who guessed this is GAS and buying a second guitar was inevitableā€¦you were right. Today I went to a Music Store and played with dozens of guitars, Les Pauls, Fenders, Squier, things within and outside my budget. Just for fun.

I then realized some interesting stuff:

  1. I donā€™t really need a new guitar. But I want one.
  2. I want a lighter guitar. Not to replace my LP because I love it, but to allow me to switch between guitars in a practice session. And because I want a new one!
  3. I found out that I ā€œneedā€ a red guitar. Not available in the storeā€¦

Based on that I Iā€™m proud to say I just ordered online my second electric guitar. It will be a Squier Classic Vibe '60s Stratocaster - Candy Apple Red.

Hopefully it will be a nice experience to have a Stratocaster in addition to my Les Paul and to try different things on both. For sure in the future I might be talking about a third guitar lol

Thanks once again and have a good weekend!


I wonder what the average time is between posting a ā€œshould I get a new guitarā€ thread to the actual buying of a new guitar?

This one was only 2 days!

It is is always inevitable. I have learned that when I find myself deciding I am absolutely not buying a guitar, it means I am about to buy a guitar.:man_facepalming:t3:


Yes. Even before the C chord has been mastered the unending search for the perfect guitar has begun. That will soon be followed by the equally unending quest for tone. A few pedals are bound to follow shortlyā€¦


Iā€™ve seen that on the Fender website. Very pretty guitar!

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Having a versatile electric guitar, such as a Les Paul-style guitar with humbucker pickups, along with a guitar with single-coil pickups like a Stratocaster or Telecaster, can provide you with a diverse range of tones and playing experiences. This setup allows you to explore different genres and techniques without limitations.

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The idea of rewarding yourself with a new guitar for reaching a milestone, like completing grade 1, is a great way to stay motivated and celebrate your progress.

The Epiphone Les Paul Standard 60 is a fantastic guitar with a rich, sturdy build and a classic sound. While it may not be whatā€™s typically labeled as a ā€œbeginnerā€™s guitar,ā€ itā€™s wonderful that you enjoy playing it.

Hi andreschiavon,
Iā€™m coming late to this thread but just to throw into the mixā€¦
get one of each :rofl:.
I have a Gibson LP special btw no idea whatā€™s ā€œspecialā€ about it, looks like most other LPā€™s.
A fender Strat MIM (my go to guitar) and a Epi something (forgot model. Iā€™m old :face_with_spiral_eyes:) acoustic.
I found that even though I am no where near what would be called proficient,
having options helped keep me interested.
One last thought, I found it helps with finger dexterity. ( different scale lengths etc)
Enjoy your guitar journey.

The SG sounds like an interesting option, especially if I enjoy the tone of the Les Paul.

Iā€™ll keep in mind the difference in playing position and the feel of the neck when trying one out. Trying before buying definitely seems like the way to go. Appreciate the advice!

My thoughts on the original topic is that the LP isnā€™t going to get any lighter over time so if thatā€™s an issue then swap itā€¦ itā€™s exactly what I did and got an SG instead which is definitely lighter.

I hate the term beginner guitar. I know what it means and itā€™s probably not sensible spending thousands of dollars on a first guitar but the irony is that a lot of cheap guitars are hard to play because theyā€™re mass produced with lower QC standards (generally). Sadly itā€™s when youā€™re starting out that you need as much help as is available so thereā€™s many ā€œbeginnerā€ guitars that ensure the player never progresses beyond beginner.

On the matter of second guitars in a general Iā€™d say get an acoustic and electric unless youā€™re dead set on shredding in a metal band or similar. I started with electric, thatā€™s the music I love, but I then bought an acoustic as a second guitar and thatā€™s what I mostly play now because itā€™s what I enjoy playing.

I suppose the difference I notice between my SG and my acoustic is when theyā€™re sat on my knee in their most comfortable position, if I look down at the guitar, Iā€™m looking at a different position on the fretboard. Once Iā€™ve got my bearings then itā€™s ok but if you handed me my SG and asked me to put my finger on the 6th fret without looking, Iā€™d probably be at least a couple frets away (Iā€™m sure if I played both guitars equally then this would sort itself out). In relative terms, the nut (fret 0) on the SG seems quite a long way away (I donā€™t think this unique to the SG, more reflects my acoustic has a short scale and sits differently)

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Nice way to go, theyā€™re a great guitar and should give you plenty of happy hours with it. The only thing I would add is that if your LP gets less attention because itā€™s heavy trade it for a SG, more or less the same sounds with quite a bit less weight!

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Thatā€™s awesome to hear about your progress with the electric guitar! The Epiphone Les Paul Standard 60 is a solid choiceā€”itā€™s great that you like it.