Well, what a cracking tune this is. Had great fun learning it, playing it, making it somewhat my own here and there. I actually recorded this last week, and intended to do it again - as I knew I could rip a better one (don’t we all) - but I thought, just post it man, and maybe come back at a later date.
I must admit, I’m embarrassed to say I’d never heard of Phish until Ian Stich of StichMethod Guitar fame, enlightened me about 2 years ago. He’d often go on about them in his videos, so eventually I checked them out. Now I can see why he’s a fan. These guys are awesome, have had a cult following for years, and are the improv kings. Anyway, enough rambling.
This song has a wicked groove, fairly straightforward, with a good A shaped barre chord workout, 9th chords etc. Main guitars parts removed, as per usual. Singing as well, again, on this one. I’m on a roll!
In line with the improv ethos of Phish, the main solo, and the ending solo are mine. I worked out a basic framework for each, so it may be slightly different each time. I kept them pretty simple as it fits the song ( and also easier to play )
Anyway, hope you enjoy. Feedback, tips, comments welcome.
I love this song!!! You really got that Funky Bluesy vibe DOWN!!! Loved the tone (how ‘bout a rig rundown), loved the way it made me want to get up & move, really, really loved your vocals here!!! I think that’s arguably the best I have heard of your singing!!!
I wasn’t familiar with the song so had to give the Phish version a listen… you nailed it man!!!
Much appreciated Tod. Very kind.
Its a cracking song for sure.
Tod, I use S-Gear amp-sim suite for everything, and have been for probably 2 years.
I’m no expert, but its tones, and versatilty are unmatched to my ears. In league of its own. A great learning tool too. Have never looked elsewhere since.
Developed by a one guy, Mike Scuffham, for over 20 years; a genius, who used to be a distinguished lead amp designer for Marshall in a former life. An added benefit is you can talk directly to him in the website forums, where he is very active. Its a pity more people dont use it, but everyone has their preferences.
Well enough of the plug. Check it out if you’re on the software route. The cost is unbelievably low as well.
While I clicked this I wanted to type “Should I do control paste with my post before this to you” … and while listening I see what you typed…
Wonderfully played even though I don’t like the music very much (apparently not my taste, but for now I would like to blame it on the fact that I just got out of bed)… we thought the ending (my wife listened) was better then the beginning…
You can really tell you’ve been putting in the time and effort to get the most out of your guitar, congratulations on the progress!! It is very inspirational to see!!
The song is great, I love the vibe. it has a wonderful mix of JJ Cale-esque groove and some Grateful Dead vibage happening!! Have to look more into Phish’s catalogue of music.
Shane, that was Phantastically Phun! I haven’t been a Phish Phollower but might become one now. You know how to groove. I liked the solo work - simple and clean.
Terrific stuff Shane. Don’t know the song or band but that one reminded me a bit of Canned Heat, perhaps Goin’ Up Country.
Wow that was a barre chord workout. Super playing, great vocal, terrific vibe. You’ve got the whole package in that one. Excellent!
Hi Shane,
Glad I stopped by as this was excellent work. I really enjoyed your clean tones, even on the solos. They sounded refreshing and clear. Very nicely done all around and I hope you do some more!