Shadow of the day- Linkin Park

Smooth and steady, Jeff, looking relaxed and the overall tone sounded really good.

Vocal-guitar balance is tough when recording with a phone or a single mic through an AI. I always struggled to sing loud enough and think the Chris Liepe course helped me to improve that. Plus setting up to record this type of performance using a dynamic vocal mic and plugging the guitar into the second input of my interface. Then I record with a webcam on the PC and the OBS software.

Thanks man. Linkin Park came out in the late 90s and was famous for the angry rock music mixed with some light rap music. The later stuff was more ballads and you could tell by his songs that Chester’s depression got worse. In The End and Crawling are a couple of songs from the early days. I used to live in the same home town where Chester was from and really can relate to his struggles. Thanks for listening.

Hi Roger:

I will have to take a look at that funk module. I have been focusing on timing thanks to some exercises Richard suggested to help and otherwise not been watching new videos. I did watch Justin’ latest “Sounding Lifeless” video. It hit home that my playing was too mechanical and how I need to connect emotionally with the music. Thanks for the compliments.

Thanks David. That sounds like a good idea to help improve how I sound while recording.

and just to be clear…i’m not saying you have to do that whole course because it’s really hard…all I remember is that the practice of getting the rhythm and the shaking of the wrist ‘free from water’ at times that helped me a lot…so really only the strumming technique lesson,…but I can actually imagine better now ,that it’s more convenient to just start at the beginning and get the basic rhythm guitar done…but After a while a little bit of peeking there can of course never hurt…but really only after a while…sorry for the misleading information…have fun with the progress…

Hi everyone,

Thanks very much for the kind words of encouragement. I recorded this after coming out of a brutal work meeting that I had to present performance metrics for my drug company client. I needed to get back in a good mood and guitar playing does that for me. I have been working on putting more feeling into my playing as well as playing in time. I appreciate you all taking the time to listen and share thoughts. I still have plenty of work to do. Have a good day everyone.

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Thanks Roger. Anything that will help me improve, I am all ears!

Hey Jeff, I agree with the others that was your best performance so far, you’re coming along in leaps and bounds. Well done mate.

Thanks a lot!

Nicely done Jeff. Looking in top of things as you always do. Good driving rhythm. I agree with you that the vocals would benefit from being brought up.

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A lot to be happy here about Jeff especially the rhythm as your hand was flying throughout as it should. Work ahead of you of course but I would try to enjoy this moment for a while as this is really a step into the right direction. Well done!

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Awesome mate. Looked really comfortable playing which probably means you are confortable and are on to a good thing.

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Nice work Jeff, really enjoyed it mate.
I had completely forgotten about this song… I don’t think I’ve heard it in over a decade. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your invitation to watch your AVOYPs :slightly_smiling_face: . Shadow of the day is one of my favourite songs :star_struck:. So great that you‘ve chosen it for this video :smiley:.
Playing and singing at the same time is so difficult. Congrats for mastering it so well :+1:.

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Nice man! I covered this song about 2 or 3 years ago, its a great song! CT is the one that turned me onto it. Keep it up!

Vielen Dank Nicole! I am glad you like the song. To play and sing is harder than it looks, but not impossible. Take it one day at a time and you will get there.

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Thanks very much Byron. Have a great day

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: SDKissFan - May 2023 - Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin plus Shadow Of The Day - Linkin Park plus Living On The Edge - Aerosmith

I love this song and you sound really good!

Wow thanks for the kind words. It is a special song to me and I appreciate getting the chance to play it here.