Shame by Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow - adi_mrok cover

Hi guys, very unusual for me to make two covers in such a short period of times, but was lucky to record it yesterday without obvious hiccups, so here it goes! It’s a really well written song lyrically and musically, so I couldn’t resist the temptation to learn it.

Picking pattern is really tricky and I needed to decipher some really poor quality videos to bottom out how it’s played. Tabs were really bad and were incorrect when it goes to second bit during the verse, and it was driving me nuts!

Interestingly picking pattern only involved thumb and index finger. It was a lot easier that way to hit strings, I tried using all 4 fingers but only managed to play it quickly and error free way by using just 2. Also watched some live studio recordings with guitar being shown in less than 10% footage and I gathered guitarist was doing it the same way there. I would recommend this song to any fingerstyle players as a good practice for accuracy and speed.

Recording wise it was as usual - no much fx except some reverb, eq and bass boost on guitar. Enjoy! And I am in September now so I don’t have to merge it with my recent post, lucky! :laughing:


Another great performance Adi! I love the picking pattern and those small chord embellishments, it sounds beautiful.

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Adrian @adi_mrok
Very nice cover, you mention the guitar parts are not easy, I would add singing it is not easy either as I know I tried to learn to sing it with my singing teacher, not sure I ever got it to your standard.

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Excellent performance! This is the second time just recently that I have seen the 2 finger method used. :thinking:

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Sounding great, guitar and vocals both. That’s a lovely singer/songwriter song, and I’d be very happy indeed to hear you out somewhere playing this! You do such a nice performance for both this kind of music, and much harder rock. A very enjoyable listen.

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That was really lovely to listen to Adrian! So beautifully played and sung; you did a great job on this song. Bravo!

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Very nicely sung and cleanly played. Good transitions between picking and strumming without a pick. But why the headphones @adi_mrok ?

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Boris, Matt, Mari, Silvia - many thanks for the listen and warm words of encouragement! Really appreciate it :grinning:

Thanks Mark! Out of curiosity what was the other song?

Thanks Rory! I use headphones in order to make sure I am keeping correct levels when singing and my face is not too far/close to mic. Also helps to better hear yourself when you’re smashing hard when strumming :grinning:


That was terrific Adi. The song has a very nice guitar part and your vocal is on point as usual.

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Little Bird by Dom (Bobbyblob). It was a combination of 2 finger picking with a bit of strumming here. Little Bird - Traditional

Ah I did see this one but haven’t focused on which fingers are being used, good eye Mark :grinning:

Excellent stuff Adi. Loved the fingerstyle play (why use 4 fingers if you can do it with 2 :grin:) and that was a great vocal.
A lovely version of this song, well done.

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Loved it! Never heard this song before, but you really made it your own. I wouldn’t think of Robbie Williams’ voice if I heard you singing it in the street, it sounds like your song! Great performance, thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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Hi Adi,
That was a very nice start of my morning :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The first and the last AVOYP I think for today so I was lucky ,thank you :smiley: … because I see that all videos of blim unit 3 have been released it will be a busy week ,and now then I can dream about that impressive finger picking pattern for a while." :sweat_smile:


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Hi Adi! Excellent performance (should I say: as always?). Beautifully played and sung! Your picking seems so effortless and all those little embellishments!

May I ask you, if your two finger technique is Travis picking in it’s original form?
I recently read some comments under a Travis picking tutorial, where some criticised the multi finger approach as not being “original” Travis, which obviously is based on thumb and index (not so far into picking techniques yet).

On another note: nice to see you back!

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Adrian, this was really great. Fantastic work on figuring out the guitar part and you played it so well - really inspiring.
Your timing was great, the song just flowed nicely from beginning to end. Your vocals are great, and I think you made your setup sound really good - mix, eq, reverb, everything was nice. Thanks for an enjoyable performance.

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Another round of gratitude for listening to Jacob, Andrea, Rogier Constance and Gordon - many thanks! Glad to be back :grin:

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Super stuff. Very impressive in all aspects. Thank you

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Adi ,once again great performance.

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Sounded great Adrian. Your voice really suits this song.

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