Shawn's Learning Log

@LamphunLamyai Ah blasphemy! I prefer using it on a laptop browser anyway as it’s easier to read the chord change.

I’ve used it as a sort of mid-term exercise… first couple of days I’ll just get used to forming the new chord, next couple days I’ll spend some time with it thrown it into this chord time exercise with at least two other chords, then after a couple days of that when my fingers are slightly more used to the changes I’ll start randomly strumming between those same chords in a sort of improvised manner… suppose you could almost call it “songwriting” if I layer a few lyrics in as well :joy:

I’ve seen that strumming machine but haven’t made much use of it yet… I’ll take a better look, thanks for mentioning!

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Nice progress Shawn. I really enjoyed your videos and look forward to hearing how you progress. I also have an Eastman guitar and I love it!

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@Eddie_09 Thanks Eddie really appreciate that…! Hoping the vids can get better & more insightful as I learn more & get more comfortable in front of camera! I work as a photographer so I’ve only been used to the other side of the lens up till last month haha! Yes, it seems Eastman guitars offer serious value for money… which model do you have?

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On another note… does anyone have any recommendations for picks/plectrums…?

I’m comfortable with around a .46 to .60… but find the jim dunlop nylon’s are kinda slippy after a short while despite the little grip pads on them… I’m often having to readjust it, though of course this could be down to my technique, I’ll find out with time.

I’ve just ordered some Jim Dunlop Jazz III’s, some Tortex Flow’s (both in .50mm) & some of the standard orange Tortex (in .60mm) to try out - but if anyone has any other recommendations I’m all ears.

Here Shawn. You may find this useful to learn the fretboard layout. Take little bits at a time like memorizing the 5th and 6th strings and then using this app to test your memory. If you know the 6th string, then you know the 1st string as the are the same, just a different pitch.

Open up Easy Mode to set what you want to test.

In the next screenshot, I’ve set up the an example setup to test your memory of whole notes (no sharps or flats) on strings 5 and 6 between frets 1 to 12.

Have fun!


Hi Shawn, i have The PCH1. Got it for $400 at the Chicago music exchange. I love how easy it is to play. Definitely great value for money.

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Hey Shawn! Good to see you in here, instead of just following your youtube!

Summary: my best recommendations for picks… find a store that has a ton of them and sells individuals, literally buy one of each and find what works for you. Prob will cost around $5-10 USD to get like 30-40 depending on the store/pick.

The needing to readjust seems to be normal, I’ve found it fades with time. A useful tip someone gave me, was to always have a pick on me, and just play with it (flip it around in your fingers, over fingers, rotate it around, etc) when you’re not busy or doing something idle that doesn’t require your hands. Since I started doing this, I’m finding I have better control when playing.

I’ve discovered that I have a handful of picks now that I like for different styles… some picks sound warmer (Dunlop nylons are in this category)… some have a sharper attack and sound brighter… some are great for flat picking, others better for strumming. For scales/electric I’ve been playing with various smaller jazz picks (ie: Dunlop Jazz III I have and really like, the Jazz III ultex is my goto in this category right now, also I’ve become a fan of the Dunlop “Subby”) and also playing with an Adamas Graphite 2mm.

For strumming, I’ve been using the Tortex Flex (did you mean you ordered the tortex flow or flex?) series instead of the regular Tortex more often than not, as I work on transitioning to a thicker pick for strumming again… I’m finding them to be great for transitioning to the next level of thickness… so right now, instead of using a regular tortex .6, I typically use a tortex flex .73… but you can also keep it at a tortex .6, I switch back and forth depending on what I pull out of my pocket first. I’m also a huge fan of the Dunlop Ultex series (I also find these can be a little grippier than the regular Tortex’s), if that comes out of my pocket first, I get excited lol. I keep a few favorites in my pocket at all times, a couple thicker picks for electric/scales/picking/etc, and a few for strumming.

Of the above, they do have different sounds… Nylon is more forgiving on pick style, and tends to be softer on “attack” (so less harsh if you hit hard) - I used these for a bit up until a few weeks back, but they were slipping out of my hands too, even after I had mostly stopped dropping the tortexs weeks earlier :rofl: … Dunlop does make a “max grip” vs of their nylon picks that have a bunch of little grip bumps on them. These are less slippery than the regular, but I still find if I’m playing for awhile, they slip.

Those are some of my currents above. As mentioned, the pick you use will affect the sound that comes out… esp with acoustic/strumming. Sometimes, you can get a warmer sound out of an otherwise bright acoustic guitar by just using a different material pick or a brighter sound out of a warmer-sounding acoustic. The same basically applies to electric, but typically you would want a thicker pick for electric I’ve found, even for strumming.

Do you have any music stores near you? If you’re near or in a city or even a town with a few music stores, ring them up on the phone and see if any of them sell individual picks. Then just go down and check them out and maybe get 1 of each, figure out which ones feel best to you, then play with them and listen to the different sounds/dynamics you can get playing what you already know. I read this advice on some forum about a month ago, and whenever I’m in a new music store, I check to see if they have any picks I haven’t tried now, and I’ll grab 1 or 2 (they only cost about $.10-.30 for most, some of the really nice ones may cost like $1, Justin mentioned in one video that he uses a $40 pick if I recall correctly… I haven’t even seen a $40 pick at any store, so you can probably avoid that one for now :slight_smile:

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The bottom 2 rows are what I just pulled out of my pocket… normally there’s only like 4 in there, so I don’t know what’s going on today… the random pile above are the rest of what I got from the last trip to the guitar store… most of them are just different sizes of the bottom two rows for me to move up to later. The tin is awesome - get a little tin! Or use a mint tin to keep the picks you like, or might like in.

If you buy singles though, you can get one of each, figure out what you like - then order the packs of them.

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Hi Shawn,
My Musician’s Friend “Gear Advisor” suggested these Dava Grip picks…

I just got a dozen this week & they seem pretty good for the slippage problem… not really cheap… just over $1 per pick, but I think I like ‘em!


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Amazing! I think that’s pretty similar to the E1OM I have… I obviously don’t even know how to play yet but I’m already eyeing up dreadnought styles & other wood colours :joy:

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Yes Bryan! Amazingly helpful as always… some great tips for me to consider there!

I did exactly that today… I went to three stores & picked up about 10 or 15 different types to add to the ones I already have… this should keep me busy now mulling these one’s over!

Yeah I meant Tortex Flow - the one’s I ordered arrived & I found even the 0.5 a bit too thick for me but should be good for the future when I’m improved. The standard Tortex & Jazz III’s are being delivered next week. During my trip today I came across the Flex so I do have one of those to try now as well.

I came across a Fender Nylon (very similar to the jim dunlop nylons) but with a super dry matte grip end so I have high hopes for that one.

Thanks again for all the advice!!!

Very interesting! I reckon I’ve looked at over 250 picks this week but not come across these before… I’ll see if there’s any way for me to get them in the UK. Thanks so much!

I got these through Musician’s Friend online. Musician’s Friend is affiliated with Guitar Center here in the States… do you have Guitar Center in the UK? They may stock them if so. I really like this pick, it’s a “medium” not sure of the actual mm thickness…
Good luck!


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Thanks Tod! They sell them here on Amazon so I can order them on there… cheers!

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Introduction of the Em, Am & Dm chords. Still have plenty of work to do before I’ll feel comfortable enough to move onto the next module & add the next chord & exercises etc… so going to spend another week working on these minor chords - Dm in particular!!

A run through of the 5 songs I was practicing for Am, Dm & Em… I didn’t realise “Chocolate Jesus” was played with an E major & not an E minor till it was far too late so just ignore that mishap… it served its purpose for a week or two. :joy:

Pretty happy with where I’m at after 7 weeks.

Started with the C chord over the weekend so will see how that goes.

This introduces plenty of new songs of course. This led me to quickly discover the difficulty I have with changing from Em to D - though no surprise as I have troubles with Dm.

I have a feeling I’ll be spending just as much time on improving that Em to D change as I will on developing the C over the next couple of weeks. Oh yeah, and strumming… rhythm… etc.

All in all - happy enough.


You’re doing just fine, Shawn.

Nothing really to comment on, maybe just a reminder to work hard on keeping the strumming hand moving even if there’s a little hiccup on a chord change.

Enjoy the C chord!

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Thanks David!

Though learning the C chord has opened me up to new songs that pose a newly problematic challenge for me… namely Em to D!

Time to set the metronome at a snails pace again :joy:

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And so it goes, Shawn, forever and forever as there is always something new to learn that will present challenge. That’s why we say forget thinking about learning guitar as a sprint, or even a marathon; it is a never-ending adventure.

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This was a solid effort, you definitely “feel” songs rhythm right :slight_smile:. Great work on your YouTube channel, you put tons of work in it.

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