Learn to play Silent Night by Xmas Classic on JustinGuitar!
View the full lesson at Silent Night by Xmas Classic | JustinGuitar
Learn to play Silent Night by Xmas Classic on JustinGuitar!
View the full lesson at Silent Night by Xmas Classic | JustinGuitar
This is an interesting arrangement of Silent Night. The easy lesson title is misleading since Justin says in the Learn More section that this is good for grade 3+ students. I almost dismissed it as a simple strummer or fingerstyle. This is a cool chord melody arrangement using a mixture of triads and open chords. It is not too difficult but it does spend half the time further up the neck with the triads.
Hi Steve, @SteveL_G99
Come on ,it is the time now
Go for it and…so far I’m one of the only 2 I think (SGTcollon Stefan) who posted this…I learned more from it than I could think for at the time,
Have fun and greetings
Rogier, thanks for the encouragement. I have already added to my practice schedule and after going though the grade 3 lessons the past two years, I can report that this is not too difficult. I’ve already played about halfway through the tab. Thanks for the info about the posts. I had not thought about looking for posts of this. I will take a look at them.
That’s so true! Fingerstyle and especially those arrangement tell me so much about the instrument. Accuracy, both of fretting and picking hand, string space, melody and feel…
I’m practicing this for a while now and have totally forgotten, that it’s played with block chords in the video. And I was “torturing” myself with rolling chords (Which sounds really nice).
Is there any good advice on muting strings for fingerstyle? My D string starts to hum or drone in a very unpleasant way sometimes. I’m trying to fix that, but with a trial and error approach. Could use some hints to get that under control .
Hi Andrea , @Helen0609
Nice you are working on this
I don’t know when your D string will turn into a humming or drone, but it is certainly something that I had problems with in the beginning and still now with other songs when start .
I just tried it and I notice that sometimes I press my thumb or other fingers of my picking hand softly against it and sometimes the tip of a finger of the fretting hand…
I just tried it with some others songs and I notice that it depends on which finger is nearby and sometimes the top of the vinger and sometimes the long flat side and whether the mouse of your hand picks it up on the bass strings …
I notice that I have very much applied the trail and error approach, so my story won’t be of much use to you, I’m afraid…
Best I can say for now I notice the soft touch on a D string with this Xmas one when that goes drone with my thumb of my pick hand…
Ps; @SteveL_G99
Thank you Steve fot dropping by and the appreciation of my performance
Thanks for your reply Rogier @roger_holland!
Highly appreciated!
I remember your performance somewhere here, it was on electric, if I remember correctly? Anyways, I saw it as you posted it and really enjoyed it.
I have this droning thing only on my acoustic. I started practicing this tune on acoustic and I’m getting there step by steep, but that awful hum annoyes me.
Maybe I should mention, that I play it at a slightly slower tempo, I like it a bit slower, when it’s only instrumental.
But then, tones have to ring out very clearly for longer and the humming gets even more present.
Whenever I can, I try to mute with a free fingertip or palm like you say, but I haven’t seen any muting techniques here for fingerpicking. Maybe it’s covered in the Folk Fingerstyle Lessons.
So I keep on cheeting!
Btw. I’m practicing it also on electric and don’t have the problem there…
Maybe I’m switching to electric for Christmas…
I have played it on electric and acoustic, and my memory fails me to remember the differences.
Generally during the first recordings also on electric when playing much louder I always hear a lot of string vibration/noise due to accidental touch, letting go of the string too hard, etc.
But I can imagine that on an acoustic the hum is worse, the string vibrates more easily, I think (
I really have to pay close attention ) I usually have my use fingertips of free fingers from pickinghand with vingerstyle and use my thumb on the side of the upper strings. My further knowledge ends here because I will eventually try something. Maybe someone will come up with the solution(s), but anyway… practice practice and it will work out fine by itself
Muting with Fingerstyle?
Here is some information about it I hope in unanswered questions I saw this, and perhaps Richard, who later says that the answers have been added…maybe
Thanks again, Rogier @roger_holland!
Yes, definitely a thing to work on. I’m very sensible on every kind of string noise, also the squeeking on acoustic strings is something I don’t like at all.
But working on this is also a good thing to get much more sensible with the instrument .
I have to try this later! Good idea!
Thanks for the link too, I’ll check this out later!