I have played it on electric and acoustic, and my memory fails me to remember the differences.
Generally during the first recordings also on electric when playing much louder I always hear a lot of string vibration/noise due to accidental touch, letting go of the string too hard, etc.
But I can imagine that on an acoustic the hum is worse, the string vibrates more easily, I think (
I really have to pay close attention ) I usually have my use fingertips of free fingers from pickinghand with vingerstyle and use my thumb on the side of the upper strings. My further knowledge ends here because I will eventually try something. Maybe someone will come up with the solution(s), but anyway… practice practice and it will work out fine by itself
Muting with Fingerstyle?
Here is some information about it I hope in unanswered questions I saw this, and perhaps Richard, who later says that the answers have been added…maybe