Silvia's Learning Log

You keep on progressing, showing your joy in every video,and sounding wonderful Silvia. Thanks for sharing, always a happy moment to catch up and listen.

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Belissimo Silvia

You are certainly making good progress. Always enjoy watching your classic pieces and love the idea of singing the melody part of the accompaniment. Interesting that the strumming video brought to mind a version of Bob Marley’s One Love. Can’t recall the artist but it was a non-reggae laid back version. Your progression sounded very similar. Always a joy to listen.


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Hi Silvia,
That’s more superb progress you’re documenting for us here. I think the minuet duet work is really good, shows the variety of methods you are using to achieve really good results.

And that chord progression is beautiful, the change in picking pattern between verses is so interesting and the dynamic change in strumming builds very nicely. You should be more than quite happy with that in my view!

I hear you with the finding more time for theory, I can’t do things like this in piecemeal fashion, I need to carve out a good hour block at a time for my own benefit, but if it’s a choice between an hour of theory or an hour of playing, there’s only one winner! :guitar:

Awesome update :slight_smile:

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@roger_holland Rogier you’re always very kind :blush:
I was displeased to read you were not well with your health, I hope you are now better and send you my best wishes and a big hug :hugs:

I have no clue :joy:

Thank you so much Tony for your feedback…I think it’ll be worth for you to give it a try and apply the Dynamics to your own chord progressions: it might be easier than working on a real song because you decide how to make the patterns change and you don’t get distracted by the lyrics…I just did a few attempts and chose what seemed to sound not too bad to my ear. Have fun!

Hi Lisa, I’m glad the Minuet brought up some sweet memories…do you still play the piano occasionally? I would have liked to so much to learn it! Thanks for your feedback, it really means a lot :blush:

@jkahn Jk I really appreciate you took the time to check my log and my videos. In the past few months I developed from easy single notes melodies to more complex technique, such as introducing the bass notes and the second voice and Ithink that pleases the ear very much! But I think my brain was trained at that point and ready to process more information, as well as I could give thumb a special focus thanks to i, m being automated and going on their own.

It does feel good, but really it wouldn’t feel half as much without all of you to share it with!

@DavidP as I’m writing to Jk I feel like I learnt the “very easy” stuff for many many months, and when more complicated technique was introduced it was not difficult to incorporate it, only a bit challenging which is good to keep on enjoying and be fully engaged, which you know are my priorities. I’m really happy you enjoy following my progress because I love sharing it: making a video for the Community and reflect on my learning process to write about it boosts and enhance it both cognitevely and pyschologically…and the kindness of people like you delights my soul!

@TheMadman_tobyjenner thank you Toby, I’m glad you enjoyed listenining to my recordings! I only know the original Marley’s One Love but my ear can’t detect if they sound similar :blush: Thanks for checking my log, I do appreciate it a lot!

@Notter thanks Mark for accurately writing your thoughts especially on my chord progressions, it’s very helpful to know what works and it’s good to know it sounds good to someone’s else’s ear and not only my own!

Eh!! That’s what I say too :grin::innocent::guitar:


I agree. I am adding this to my strumming practice routine. Thanks

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Hi Silvia,

unfortunately not at the moment, because I don’t have one here. Only an old keyboard, which just isn’t the same while playing. It feels totally different somehow. But as I haven’t played piano in ages (10+ years) it will feel like starting all over again, when I finally will get back at it.

It’s never too late to start learning piano. :smiley: But of course I see time constraints (at least on my end :sweat_smile:), so maybe someday you can fullfill your dream. :smiling_face:

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I have a keyboard and time constraints as well …who knows if life gives me health it might be my retirement plan…:thinking: oooops it might be a bit too early to think about it :joy:

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Okay, wow! Silvia, this log is fabulous! I have been missing a lot over the past few months and your playing is gorgeous! :clap: :star_struck:
Thoroughly enjoyed working my way through from early July till now. Many great updates and videos you have shared, especially enjoyed how you had the picture-in-picture effect by using your (other?) mobile phone, worked really well! I also thought that (in addition to your sumptuous guitar skills!) the composition, lighting and final editing of your clips was magnificent, they’re a joy watch! :smiley: :+1:
A couple of highlights for me were seeing you do the Brittany Spears cover, how cool was that?! :astonished: :sweat_smile: And Leyenda by Alebniz was a delight! Totally hear how The Doors’ Spanish Caravan is derived from that as @CATMAN62 very interestingly noted (I was a big fan of The Doors in my teens after watching the Oliver Stone movie). I love the ominous, foreboding tone and think what you played would make a great intro to a metal song… might steal it! :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Once again, a pleasure to read what you’ve been up to and looking forward to hearing more!
Take care :hugs:

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@nzmetal Hello Jeff…I do apologize for my late reply…your super kind words kept on going on in my mind since I read them, especially

I feel sooo very much flattered …but do feel free to use all the wonderful vocubalary you own because I know you’re genuine in your view and it makes me happy to think there’s some sort of truth in it even if a subjective one :grin::wink::grin::hugs: Now…seriously…I think you’ll be happy to check this video I’m linking for two good reasons:

  1. You’ll get really inspired to do a metal version of the Leyenda/Asturias Theme
  2. You’ ll get fascinated by some real sumptuous guitar skills :laughing: (she’s my heroine…like hero not the drug :joy:)

I’m using my tablet to record myself duetting with myownself on the phone…:see_no_evil:
It’s just my humble homemade alternative to the free software you once suggested me…as I can’t find any spare time to learn it!

I need to ask permission to steal your idea of updating with a video as I found it a really interesting one…it’s like presenting ourselves to the others in a more direct way, I’d like to do that in December to wrap up the year!

Thanks again for checking my logs and videos…I was soo happy to read your comment! :blush::blush::blush:

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Thank you, Silvia, enjoyed reading your reply! :smiley:

:joy: Watching your playing just brings it out, can’t help it! :man_shrugging: :laughing:

Oh yes! Wow, she is incredible!! :astonished: Aside from her obvious technical mastery, her expression and use of dynamics is phenomenal! Lots to be inspired by there! Thank you for sharing! :smiley: :+1:

I can totally see why, I think she’s mine now too! :heart_eyes:

Don’t play it down, I totally dig it! I actually think your composition with the placement of the phone in relation to yourself works really well. Stick with it I say :sunglasses:

No need to ask, please go for it! :smiley: I stole the idea off Toby anyway! :joy: I would love to see a video update from you, I really hope you do give it a crack :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again and take care :hugs:

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And my commission charges are very reasonable. :rofl:
@SILVIA Go for it Silvia. :+1:



I’ll do that in December! :smiley:


Monthly Update, as regular as a Swiss clockwork this month because December is my third and last “IdowhatIwant” month of the year and it already feels like a breath of fresh air :partying_face::blush::grin:


  • Farewell…the last Classical piece in the book! Observing myself while learning this one has been particularly interesting:
  1. I listened to the demo and watched the lesson and thought it would be too difficult for me because of speed.
  2. I thought it useful to start analysing the structure and I visualised and memorised it in a very short time ( :upside_down_face: oh wow!)…( short compared to my standard being always very slow at memorising)
  3. I did the arpeggio exercises as explained, but my fingerpicking seemed so slow
  4. I realised that to build speed I just had to keep the hand super-relaxed, which I was able to do
  5. When I tried to play the piece, I realised that I could fingerpick decently fast but I wasn’t able TO BREATH along with it! This is something I need to work on: breathing along with my playing! So I’m happy i got aware of the specific aspect I need to work on :blush:
  • My Bonnie…in the book there’s a Chord Accompainement Section which is divided into Thumb Strumming Accompainement and Fingerstyle Accompainement; I worked this past month on the strumming one but I ignored the suggested songs in the book and chose My Bonnie instead…then I also wanted to learn the melody line and I memorised this one as well :upside_down_face: For the strumming part I used my knowledge and exercises from Justin’s Dynamics Course (using different patterns, adding Fills and the 4 bars feeling)…and I want to say that it has been challenging! And playing the melody over the strumming has been challenging as well!

I anticipated Justin with Thumb Strumming :sweat_smile: …hopefully he’ll teach me how to make it sound better with the new course!

I worked on

  • how loose I can hold the pick
  • the volume of strumming by changing the grip on the pick…
    I found this all very challenging for me and I don’t know when I’ll be able to apply it while playing, I just need to keep on practicing for the moment.

I’ve got an hint of where my guitar 'sweet spot might be…anywhere but not in my hands :rofl::rofl::rofl:
God…this guitar of mine is big and loud! :laughing:

And last but not least: Elise my old Classical Guitar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: …while listening carefully to the last clip I found out a very accurate metronome made out of some plastic toy and loved that :joy:

Ah…I was forgetting the video!

And the THEORY COURSE! Justin sung over my chord progression and I just couldn’t believe that! Diving deeper into Challenge 2 right now! :notes::notes::notes: :blush:


Looks like it is getting colder where you are Silvia, but you updates are always so heart-warming. Just delightful to read about your progress and watch the videos. Your children are deeply blessed to have you bringing music and joy to them.

Happy December and see you for much much more in 2024

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Thank you David!

And the other way round…it’s an happy circle!

@roger_holland Rogier…:gift_heart::kissing_heart: your flowers heart made me smile :blush: …always great yo receive one!


Sylvia, what a delight to read through your new log entry. I repeat myself by saying, that I absolutely admire your dedication, inspiration and your way of handling your practice. So much joy and satisfaction come out of your videos :heart:, it’s just heartwarming. Your kids are blessed to have a teacher like you! Keep on doing what you are doing, it’s just great! There’s so much value in bringing a musical approach to children. I wished, teachers would have been so mindful at my time being a child. They were in kindergarten, but that stopped in school.
Thanks for sharing :hibiscus:!

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Hey Silvia another great addition to your learning log and further recordings demonstrating the progress that you have made over the year that you can look back fondly upon as you continue to progress in 2024. I was pleased to see that you turned the heating on for the second recording otherwise you’d be treating us to a rendition of frozen.

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This was a great update to read and listen to Silvia! I went to check the live theory class as well, great to hear Justin to sing over your chord progression! I bet this was exciting for you :smiley:. Have fun playing and looking forward to the next update in 2024!

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Always a joy to read/watch/listen to your updates Sylvia. That was a beautifully played piece. Especially as you were playing left handed! :smiley:
Then the technical IT wizardry. The kids are very fortunate to have you. Well done.

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