Silvia's Learning Log

I’m super late to this party. Some excellent classical playing there Sylvia. And wow that practise schedule is really something. :smiley:

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Wow that scenery is to die for. Beautiful :sunglasses:

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Don’t worry Steve…I’m not discouraged :wink::blush:

@roger_holland greetings Rogier :hugs::wave::wave::blush:

@sairfingers Gordon I’m always late to parties :woman_facepalming::joy::innocent: there’s always too much interisting stuff going on over the Community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It makes daily life way way easier…:thinking:…in so many respects actually, not only guitar related ones.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment, I do appreciate it s lot!

@TheMadman_tobyjenner that is actually a beautiful place…but my “die for” scenario would be a wild one, only the nature, me and my guitar…:thinking:…the acoustic one! :desert_island::star_struck::blush:


Thanks for sharing, Silvia. A walk home with that view, a slice of heaven every day

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So beautiful! :heart_eyes:

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I’m literally obsessed with this Flamenco arrangement of the most beautiful classical masterpiece Mariage d’ Amour :heart_eyes::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



A beautiful tune. I can understand you getting hooked on it. Have you had a go at playing any of it?


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I thought about trying last month, there’s a very good tutorial on YouTube by Sky Guitar, but it felt like too advanced for me and instead I went for another great Classical piece, Un Dia de Noviembre by Leo Brouwer, one of my favourites, but just the main theme, which seems Beginner friendly…

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I was bent on flamenco 2 years ago but it felt like the shoes to fill were just too big for me. It is a beautiful and very dynamic style but it feels I have a few more years to go before attempting it again.

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Hi Radek…I attempted it too, the rumba flamenca strumming pattern to be precise…and I can’t wait to give it one more go :heart_eyes::star_struck:…but one thing at the time! Now I’m focussed on my acoustic guitar strumming and I want to develop that and improve…olè :dancer::grin:

Observing Ana Vidovic’ s graceful fingerpicking and fingerpick randomly on open strings along with her hugely helped to get rid of tension and developa relaxed way to pluck the strings.
Now her example is going to help with some issues with my fretting hand…this video is particularly useful to see how she sometimes supports her chord changes using the whole arm to kind of accompany the change, resulting in such beautiful smooth playing…her fingers are like gracefully flying on the fretboard.

And…how I can do it at the moment :see_no_evil: But I think I now know how to improve it…and that’s a great feeling :grin:


I agree. Big part is to understand what exactly you need to do, both in terms of music and mechanics. Once you know that, you can have effective practice and not roam in the dark trying to figure out things yourself along the way.

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Very musical with a lovely tone. If the practice is so good the final performance will be brilliant.


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Thanks Brian, you’re really kind! I also think it doesn’t sound bad…but look at my face, a lot of tension in my jaws and my mouth is closed like I’m hardly breathing…once my technique will be improved I’ll be able to put just the amount of effort required and thus I’ll be more relaxed and it’ll feel and sound like killing my soul and bringing it to life again note by note :blush:

Very impressive Sylvia. You’re really getting to grips with that piece. Well done.

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What a lovely piece, and you’re off to a good start as well!

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Hello Silvia.
You’ve set the bar very high by showing us the Ana Vidovic video, but that’s okay, it gives you something to aim for.
When we start a new piece, it’s about finding the notes and learning the mechanics of playing them. When we get used to playing them, we begin to find the music…. But you know all that.

Watching and listening to Ana Vidovic playing made me think of Justin’s Falling Leaf lesson. Does that help? :smiley:

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David …no bar setting here…just observing her and try to absorb all the goodness :blush:

Absolutely! But before thinking of dynamics I need to smooth out those chord changes!


The party is over…third end of school party performing in front of a large public: happy, exhausted, grateful.

First time: emotionally overwhelming…“it’s not anxiety it’s excitment!” …let me just get to end of the song :scream::sweat_smile:

Second time: “I’ll make it! :muscle::muscle:There’s nothing to worry about” …apart from the heart beating so very fast and the amp cable disconnecting for a few seconds! :scream::sweat_smile:

Third time: I just enjoyed it all the way through! :sweat_smile::blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

:thinking:…I haven’t counted the Christmas parties :joy: …so this probably is the sixth time :sweat_smile:

And …Mums have been wonderfully helpful to create a super special stage!

Now 28th June will be the last day of school and then…Summer Holidays :star_struck::heart_eyes::tropical_drink:


Ooo my …what an amazing stage/view :scream: :dizzy: :sunglasses: :partying_face:

Greetings :smiley:

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