Simple Chord Progression

Its a short video but I wouldn’t mind some constructive criticism
for my playing!


Hi Christian & welcome

Enjoyed your short video, good solid playing with nice chord changes, strumming pattern & mostly good timing! Saw some pauses in the foot tapping that didn’t seem to cause any problems but it may be a better technique to keep the foot going and try to time your strumming with your foot instead of the other way around.

Just curious, what’s your guitar background? You look like you have been playing for a while now! Have you been following Justin’s curriculum? Thanks for sharing your video!



Short and sweet :blush:

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Hey Tod! Thanks for the reply!

You’re right I noticed that too, and it’s a good point. I’ll have to control my restless leg haha!

And I’ve been self teaching for about two or three years when I can put aside time to practice. I have been using Justin’s beginner courses during that time.

Thank you! :smile:

Welcome to the Community, Christian.

Your playing sounded fluent, clean, good feel. I look forward to a full song.

Good idea to work on the foot-tapping to aid staying in time.

If you make more videos and it is possible, I’d suggest recording in landscape mode. It is generally helpful to position things to get as full a view of head and the whole guitar, as close as possible. That can help people pick up issues with posture, hand position etc.

I suggest you go over to #community-hub:introduce-yourself and share a little personal background, guitar history, and your goals and aspirations.

Look forward to seeing you active in the Community.


Hello Christian and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

That was a nice piece of playing. It had a, Lucky man by the Verve, vibe to it.