Small Win - Chord Breakthrough

I tried a new song yesterday and was surprised to discover that I could play the song at speed without looking at the fretboard and my fingers just automatically went to the proper chord shape.

Yesterday was my 6 month anniversary of playing guitar and when I started I thought it would be a year or two before I would be able to play chords without thinking about it, so Iā€™m pleasantly surprised. Itā€™s only 4 chords so far (D A G Em), so many more to learn, but it felt good to achieve this milestone.


These little victories are what keeps us going. Congrats.

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Good stuff Craig. Thatā€™s pretty solid progress for 6 months mate. Now onto the next 4 chords :+1:

Cheers, Shane

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Congrats! Itā€™s the best feeling when you can do something that seemed so hard at first. Great job! :clap:

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Ahhhh, yes, such a magical feeling!!! Justinā€™s teaching ways and the right amount of practice seems to advance players at an excellent rate!! Congrats!!

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Yay!! Congrats! :clap: thatā€™s awesome! Such an amazing feeling :smiley: :sunflower:

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Congrats, thatā€™s great progress! Things like that motivate to keep on! :+1:t3:

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Hell yes! Isnā€™t it a sweet feeling when suddenly thereā€™s a payback for all the steady effort.

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Excellent progress Craig!
My guess would be that youā€™ve been practicing. :wink:
And practice does make perfect.
Congrats on your progress and keep on truckinā€¦

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I was having a lot of issues with G to D and D to C for a specific song I was working on, so I would speed 5 to 10 mins of every practice on the C and D chord shapes (pressing releasing, changing which finger I put down first, hand on knee between chords, etc) I soent 22 days to nail the D chord and still working on the C chord (I stopped a week ago at 29 days, need to get back to it).

Yes, practice does make perfect.

Enjoy :sunglasses:
