So I spent 400 dollars on Ableton Live

For anyone interested, I tried it and decided to stick with GarageBand because for me I just didnā€™t need anything more complex. This is where I found my information about how to get it: How To Get Ableton Live & Ableton Lite 11 Free & Legally - Whipped Cream Sounds

Thatā€™s cool!! Yeah so I got a focusrite user interface and it came with a free trial of ableton, another reason I bought it after my trial was up

Very good.
Thanks for the update Byron.

Yep, I think I got that too when I got my focusrite too. I never did it though. At someone elseā€™s suggestion, I went straight to the waveform.
Guess I could just go try it there if I still have access to it.

Glad your happy with your new daw. And thanks for sharing your good experience.

You should try FL Studio. Install demo version first, it is free. And if you like it, you can buy FL Studio. Updates are forever free. But never use VPN while you use FL Studio, image-line, company that makes FL Studio will think that you gave your license to other people and you will lose your license.

That sounds pretty poor, is it supposed to be a pro tool?

Doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t shop around. 400 might be worthwhile but if another tool is as good for 200 thenā€¦

That said it IS a pro level tool and IMO itā€™s amazing itā€™s affordable. The days were, this would cost thousands, require special hardwareā€¦ We are very blessed

Yes. It is my favorite DAW. Synths are very good. Try Sytrus and Harmor.

Yeah true! Im happy it works on my PC for sure!!


To late. Guess I could change my mind, but not right now.
I made my decision and put what I had on my old computer on my new computer.

The best DAW is the one that works for you. Live (Ableton) is a top notch DAW. Though all them whistles and bells come at price. I looked around. $400 as you found was the in the door cost for the ā€œmediumā€ version. The full package is $600 in the door. I get update pricing at anywhere from about $190 to $300 depending on the version you have. It seems they do a major update about every 2-3 years. Anything I say about Live is to be taken with a grain of salt as I donā€™t run it. I just have bumped into it here and there along the production path.

You probably picked the right package for what you intend to do. The full version opens all the program features up and adds more content to make musical instrument type sounds and likely more. I think the medium version will be good for you for a long time. If you ever feel the need to upgrade you could go to the full version.

If we are comparing to Reaper. It is $60 for 2-4 years use for the full version, all updates and upgrade are included in that cost. It is not as flashy, nor does it have flashy plugins. It is however a very full featured DAW that you can do virtually anything with, is highly customizable and has a massive amount of well done ā€œhow toā€ videos. I was on Cubase for years. It was a ā€œflashyā€ DAW with many nice plugins. It cost me $600 in the door and $300 a year to maintain. Normally there was 2 fair sized updates a year. I would have stayed with it, but the audio engine to me sucked. They completely rebuilt that engine and my testing showed no improvement. Depending on the plugins, it might stutter at 25 plugs. Whereas Reaperā€™s very efficient audio engine took 50 plugs and was looking for more. I have no clue on how good Liveā€™s audio engine is. I suspect it is decent or it would not have the following it does.

Reaper to me was intimidating after coming over from Cubase. They are simply different and that took me time to overcome. Perhaps you see here why I say picking the right DAW for you in the first place is money and time well spent.

The biggest advice I have in picking a DAW is to put effort in up front to figure out what will work for you. I would resist the temptation to load the free trialware, cut down version of the DAW that comes with your AI and use it for a while. The reason is you will spend time to learn it and then switching to something else is a major undertaking. Loading up that ā€œfreeā€ DAW and testing it, along with other DAW package trials is one way to help one decide on a DAW package.

Another thing with Reaper vs the big boy DAWs is plugins. With Reaper I did not spend a ton getting into it. I then can use some dough to purchase top of the line plugins that are industry standards. With DAWS such as Live, Pro Tools, Cubase and others. You will get plugins that do the job. You spent money to get those. Nothing prevents one from adding a top notch plugin into Live or most any DAW. But the point is you then paid for that plugā€™s capability twice.

At any rate, the above is simply my 2 cents and what I have found over the years. I am not here to open a debate one what DAW is best. Hopefully this is taken as simply sharing. Again, the right DAW for any given person is the one that works well for them. For you it is Live and that is GREAT!

All the best, enjoy your Christmas present (Live) and lets hear more from you as you use it!


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Thanks man!!! So far i really like it! Thanks for your help and taking the time with me as well!!! :slight_smile: