Sober October

Awesome! Sounds ideal, wish I could join you! Good luck! (but not too much luck :wink:)

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Yeah. Itā€™s the carnivore diet Iā€™m on. For life. And I love it.


Sober implies one can still drink as long as theyā€™re not drunk.
Sober October implies that all other months normal people are drunk all the timeā€¦
What am I missing?

Im 10 weeks cigarette free today and there is no way Im going to try and give up my red wine just yet, lol.
Good luck to everyone giving it a go :grinning:


Well done on the ciggies Gary. They are filthy things. Im about 7 months away from them myself and feel much better- along with my wallet.
As for drink, I had my last one of those in July 1996.:nerd_face:

Cheers, Shane


Well done, Its been quite difficult as my wife and friends all smoke. We have never smoked in the house so thatā€™s one blessing.

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What made you quit Shane? If you donā€™t mind me asking and did you miss it at first?

Congrates on butting out. I quit in 2007 saved my cigarette money and have bought 2 Gibson guitars and a truck with it. My wife quit in 2020 and already bought a new guitar. I see a new guitar in your future. :wine_glass:

I think I would seriously be pushing my luck on that front, lol. I do have some very expensive hobbies as well as playing guitar. Mission Control games room and I drive a wrangler Jeep which does 17MPG lol

In a nutshell Stefan, I had a serious problem with it, and acfew other things, starting from my early teens, and was heading for a very early grave. So it was quit or die pretty much. Did I miss it initially? No. To be honest, it was like something dreadful was removed from me. And I felt extremely fortunate to have escaped it at 26. No such thing as an old alcoholic. Thats a myth. They all die early if they keep drinking. Anyway, I received alot of support, and went to AA for a few years. After 26+ years its a very different life.

Iā€™m not one of these ā€˜alcohol is evilā€™ crusaders. Never have been. Its just deadly for me. If you wanna have a drink, go for it, enjoy yourself. I just tell people there wouldnā€™t be enough to go round if I ever started up again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Cheers, Shane


Thank you for the reply Shane and so being so candid.

Massive respect for being able to give up the booze. I know how hard it was just to quit smoking, so something that rules your life like I guess alcohol can must be even harder but Iā€™m glad you did otherwise we would not have ever got your fantastic AVOYPā€™s and be part of the music you share.


Thanks for the kind words Stefan. I feel very lucky to have escaped it so young. Most donā€™t. Also feel blessed my children never had to see that sad, chaotic life.

Cheers, Shane


I remember you saying that before and thinking I must remember it :grinning:
Iā€™m also with you on the non-proselytising but being open and sharing with anyone who asks.

With your past and rhythm/lead progress youā€™re gonna end up being called Keef :rofl:
Have a great weekend buddy :sunglasses:

TournƩe Minerale, so also from Belgium then ? :grin:
Yeah after Christmas, new year, all the receptions, a tournƩe minerale can do good on your body :laughing:
As long they donā€™t invent a ā€œno guitar monthā€ itā€™s all good to me :laughing:

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But, but, the money, the women? I feel robbed nowā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile:


You probably had all that but just canā€™t remember.
Happens all the time to rock stars :rofl:


Day 22 here without a pint . OK bragging a little maybe.
Sure do miss my favorite hoppy tasting beer though and there have been a couple times when passing the beer store i though about stopping but no, hanging tough, sleeping better, concentration better etc.
There is a saying related to the topic I heard on the internet: "One is too many and 6 isnā€™t enough ".
We probably all know someone who that holds true for.
Tobacco free for 15 yrs but couldnā€™t drink during that 6 mos.
process. They went hand in hand for me.

Pure gold, Brian. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Iā€™ve always been very proud of my quick wit, but have to concede yet again that Iā€™m playing with the master hereā€¦:nerd_face:

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Indeed, Belgium it is! :smiley: And no, Iā€™m certainly not in for a no guitar month :scream:

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve got this wrong but I thought it used to be Stoptober (giving up smoking) and dry January (giving up drink)?

But good luck to whoever is doing what.