Socio's Learning Log

In some cases its actually the other way around ! If you check my latest LL update, you’ll see I am now taking the Timeboxing approach and have tried to be disciplined on the time front. Some days I won’t get everything done, so that becomes the next days starting point. I’ve also changed the way I attack each section where I am learning something like a solo or blues piece by going to the new or problematic part first and working on that for 5-8 minutes, then review the whole piece including the new section. Then finish that element with a couple of run through of the piece that is in consolidation mode.

It doesn’t always go to plan, yesterday I spent 90 minutes on the hard rock rhythm course and pushing my tremolo picking, pretty much 50 minutes on one string ! But had 5 solid days covering everything before hand.

Today its Songbook Sunday and I’ll work through my main MMS Acoustic Set of 11 songs. And although its mainly about memorising I am now looking at scale links and chordal picking in some songs where I think they will fit in, so its application of the “learnt” stuff as well. No fingerstyle songs in that set yet but Greensleeves is pretty much boxed off.

When you get to my age time and work will no longer be your enemy !




Update 1

New acquisition arrived today to practice jamming. After spending a day in front of a computer screen at work the last thing I want sometimes is to spend more time in front of a computer.



Wow James,
Happy NbigPD :smile: :partying_face: :sunglasses:

That looks like a luxurious device, have fun with it :sunglasses:


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Huhhh, James! I’m curious! Tell us more soon!

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Boy bought a boom box!
Bravo :sunglasses:

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That looks like a lot of fun, James, wrapped up as a learning tool! So have fun, and enjoy learning :slightly_smiling_face:

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Update 2

After overcoming some technical difficulties I finally got around to recording my “Point Zero” Blim recording.:

Inspired by Howling_Mad_Jenners who gave me the encouragement to enrol in the Blues Immersion Course here is my Unit 0 recording.

I’ve only been learning techniques like string bending the past couple of weeks, so I’ve still got a lot of work to do on them.

I’ve kept it to the 90s limit. Any longer and I would have run out of things to say.


Great to see you posting your starting point, James, that is such a good idea. I like your comment about playing longer would have you run out of things to say at this point, as it shows that you recognize that you are saying something with your improv, not just randomly stringing together notes and techniques. You are exploring some cool techniques, though, and that gives colour to your playing. I really liked the double stops towards the end. And I also see that you’ve paid attention to the input we always hear about repetition, and leaving space. I had been working through some of Justin’s blues stuff for electric guitar as well and it was neat to hear how you’re using some of those first 5 licks.

Not much really to say about your Point 0 posting, since what it is is simply where you’re at right now! Good on you for posting it, and I will look forward to seeing your future posts. :slight_smile:

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Hi James,
I am proud of you that you dared to do this, not everyone dares to do that, as we now know, but they still have 2 days left :wink: :crossed_fingers:
It’s a great starting point :sunglasses: :clap: and it can only go up from here.

I wish us both a lot of fun and a steep learning curve over the next 6 months and beyond :smile:


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Thanks, Mari :slightly_smiling_face: I thought it would be good to share on my learning log with my community friends that have followed, supported and encouraged me throughout this guitar learning journey. Hopefully, it will also be an inspiration for others to enrol in Class 2 in 6 months time. Absolutely, it’s not about randomly piecing together licks and notes. Even licks can be rephrased for emphasis, played with different timings and in different positions. I’m hoping the Boss JS-10 will prove a useful practice tool for the blues immersion course.

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Thanks, Rogier :slightly_smiling_face: Yes, surprisingly it looks like only a third of the class have posted a recording in the BLIM section. It did feel more daunting posting the recording in the BLIM section having watched all the previous recordings, some really experienced players in the class. Even though I post recordings on YouTube in public setting, it felt like posting to a larger audience and one that doesn’t know us yet.

I’m sure that we are going to have lots of fun and learn alot over the next 6 months, supporting each other throughout the journey, then through the 6 month consolidation period advised by Justin before enrolling in the advanced blues course.

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Is the advanced blues course something in development as a follow up to BLIM? Another 6 month program? I’m hoping to hear something on the revamped Solo Blues Guitar course soon.

Yes, it sounded like something in development. It seems like Justin has quite a few things in the pipeline for us all.

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I could see the potential of having a different immersion every summer. :blush: The topic may change every year some blues, some acoustic, some rock, some jazz, some classical etc… My credit card would not like it, but it would be something to look forward every year. :blush:

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Don’t let this bother you or hold you back James. Look at it this way you have 6 month of learning ahead of you. Most of the more advanved players have 6 months fixing bad habits and relearning. Enjoy the journey and be a sponge(soak up all you can) and don’t forget to steal all the licks you can.


Good for you James posting your point zero blues.
I look forward to hearing/seeing your progress with the BLIM course.


Absolutely, Rick. Plus I’ve got more to gain from the course if I fully apply myself. I’m already soaking up as much as I can and the first unit isn’t released until Monday.


Enjoyed your little jam, James, you already sound like you are playing the blues. So the foundation to build on is pretty solid.

Enjoy the course, have fun!

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James, I had thought about getting one of those BOSS JS-10 practice systems myself. I’ll be interested to hear how it works for you. I read where you were discussing the merits of this on @Majik ’s learning log and you were anxiously awaiting arrival, so glad that it finally arrived.