Socio's Learning Log

James, I am glad to see that you are doing the Blues Immersion course. I know that you will learn a lot, but I was not ready for the complete immersion now. Your zero point recording is a good first start. I’ll be interested in seeing how you progress.

Steve, my first impressions are that the Boss JS-10 will help with working on my rhythm and lead playing. It comes with quite an extensive list of backing tracks including drum and bass tracks. The slow down function is good as it allows you to reduce/increase by intervals of 1 without having an effect on the pitch. It has an AB repeat function which should be useful for practicing particular sections of a song and possibly with transcribing. It’s fairly easy to set specifically the start and end points. The USB function will be very useful as I can just have the material I’m working on that particular week/month on a USB and don’t have to connect the device to the laptop and use the Eband song list editor. Sound quality is better than I expected.

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Steve, I wasn’t entirely sure either whether I was ready for the Blues Immersion Course but after a good pep talk from @TheMadman_tobyjenner I overcame my reservations and I’m really glad that I enrolled. There is a lot to take in on the course and requires focus and commitment but it helps to have the support and encouragement of my close peers on the course and those within the wider community. Hopefully, the recordings and updates within my learning log will encourage others to enrol in Class 2 in 6 months time.

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Thank you James, I was just applying the Tesco factor. Indeed I myself, as you know had doubts about signing up and did a multi week deep dive into my knowledge and technique, before stepping up.

@SteveL_G99 Steve, if you have read any of my posts and comments over the years, you will know I always advocate that this is a long haul and a slow one at the. It sure ain’t a sprint.

Keeping an eye on your log but not feeling the need to pass comment, you are doing the right thing. Taking and biding your time and building a good set of skills. So many other go tearing up the road only to drive straight into the first lamppost ! Keep on this steady path. In time, if you feel the need and have the desire, you to will be ready to sign up for courses like BLIM and in the meantime, methodically work your way through the Grades.

Keep doing what you’re doing sir !



Just approaching the final week of BLIM Unit 1. I’m thoroughly enjoying the course and the experience that it brings. So far the course has been challenging but not overwhelming.

I feel that I have risen up to the challenge quite well with the support and encouragement of my community friends. I have learned a lot in such a short period of time and made some good progress. I’m still a bit rough around the edges but things will smooth out over time.

Every minute of the course has been rewarding, my callouses are developing callouses and only one string has been harmed in the process. Looking forward to the final week of Unit 1 practice sessions and getting stuck into Unit 2 when it’s released.



This is great to read James :blush:

That’s the ideal for learning and improvement! it also shows Justin’s expertise to design a course that meet his students’ needs…how he is able to do that on distance learning basis is something that always strucks me.

That’s what matters really! I’m very happy to read this positive LL’ s update.

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Its been a fun filled and challenging 3 weeks James. Its certainly been jam packed with opportunities and quite intense at time.

#BBP@makingprogress ! :sunglasses:

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Good for you, James !!

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James, it sounds like a lot of fun. I am happy that you find it rewarding and challenging without being overwhelming.

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Hi James, I can‘t keep up with all what’s going on in the community these days, but happy to hear you are having a good time with BLIM! It‘s a great chance to level up one‘s playing, I guess, and I‘m sure you will take the most out of it! Wish you a lot of fun and satisfying progress! Cheers!

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@SILVIA @TheMadman_tobyjenner @DavidP @SteveL_G99 @Helen0609

Thanks all. Just as I come up for air BLIM U2 drops a few days early :roll_eyes: it’s a good job I’m not one of those students anymore that waits to the very end to cram everything in. U1 was like a familiar friend with the exception of string bending. U2 will be completely new to me with the exception of the rhythm elements, so looking forward to stepping out of the shadows and taking the next step in learning after I’ve recorded my U1 progress. Not sure if I can share the videos for P1 outside the BLIM section :thinking: though I’ve got a solo electric blues in the pipeline for the main community and possibly a fingerstyle cover.


P.S. spending time with @Majik is great but not good for the wallet. Listening to him talk about the Katana Go inspired me to buy one to practice electric when travelling.


Looking forward to it :slightly_smiling_face:

Now I finally have to ask… Wondered about it ever since I saw the acronym for the first time. BBP stands for …

  • Brilliant Blues People

? :sunglasses:


Its a trade secret. Like all good spies if we told you …
Keep guessing folks, only Jeff McErlain seems to know what it stands for and he was still clueless, even when declaring himself an honorary member.



:grinning: I see there is a hint which I will use to continue my investigation … :face_with_monocle:

But maybe investigating any further is futile, because it could be just this:

  • Budding Blues Players



Glad I am in the southern hemisphere out of reach of the hitmen, @TheMadman_tobyjenner because I know what it stands for. But shan’t spill the beans, lest the sheriff and deputies saddle up and come to take me down :rofl:


Yes it is hidden in plain sight if you know where to look. :rofl:

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Hi James, I look forward to hearing both of those recordings.

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Almost 2 months into BLIM and it’s been a blast. I’ve learned so much in such a short period of time whilst building some really good friendships along the way.

A short recording for the learning log as a record of my progress on the BLIM journey.

There is much that I need to work on which I’m aware of and will continue to do so as the journey progresses.

I did a couple of other short recordings but they are BLIM related and I don’t want to post any spoilers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Good to see you posting this here James as well as in the #BBP mini community ! As I said there, progress being made and moving forward. A long hard 2 months and profits being reaped for sure. Better get a Diary Chapter in the pipeline or folks will think I’m slacking :rofl:

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Sounds good James @Socio

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