Sounded pretty cool to me JK . Definitely got that blues sound down.
Hi JK ,
Only two weeks… that’s great
Maybe it’s my speakers (they are really bad) but for me the sound was too much with distortion…something cleaner would sound better…but again that could be my sound…(Edit: just read that it is my en others old/small speaker problem
I’ve been working on this blues riff in licks for long (sinds they came out) and only put an old atemp in my ll ,…I’ll record one soon and put it on the right place …I play one every other day and sometimes I mix them spontaneously the last weeks,…but in the beginning and still I play them like Justin teaches them…that’s my base ,…and I build each week on it…this is going to be really fun and good…VERY FAST…but you already know that
Wow JK,
That was pretty cool. Love the nice fret work and picking that went with it. Just a nice sounding bit of guitar work there on your end. I hope to hear more of the same from you!
Keep on ding your rockin thing!
I’ve returned to take back what I originally said about the fx you’ve got on the recording, JK. Just so happens that for the last week or so, for the first time I’ve been trying to use fx and learn about them. Listening to your piece a couple more times I think that “growl” sounds very good. It’s grown on me. I knew nothing.
Thanks for checking it out Eddie . I don’t got the blues IRL, but it’s fun to play on guitar.
Clearly a taste thing going on with a distorted blues sound . Polarising for some!
I checked out some of your blues lead playing on your LL, and wow, so good. You’re clearly really good at it, that latest one you posted sounded very melodic. I only really know 1 position of the minor pentatonic scale, and no actual licks beyond set piece stuff or what I mucked around with on my own. So still early days learning here. To be honest as fun as it is, I don’t see myself getting very heavily into blues improv in the long term, but I do want to mix lead & rhythm in rock & folk rock guitar and this stuff seems like a good entryway into that. Plus I just do whatever Justin has in his lessons.
Thanks LBro. Justin did the arrangement. Funny, listening back I hear where I got the dynamic wrong, hit notes too lightly and whatnot. Will need to keep practising .
What a quick turnaround! Welcome to the dark side I guess? Really, this is all subjective taste stuff. I seen some AVOYPs where some people suggested too much reverb, others said it was just right…
I enjoyed that JK sounded good!
Nicely played JK.
I like what you say about rhythm, fills, back on the beat and also enjoying the swing feel of blues shuffling.
Well played on the piece.
RE: tone, it’s maybe not the dirt that is the issue people are hearing but the eq, it is very bass heavy and booms when you thumb-strum the thick strings.
@ everyone enjoying this blues solo piece …
Are you aware that Justin has a full set of lessons on this style in a module here: Solo Blues Guitar |
And we have a community challenge topic here: Guitar Challenge (Blues Study Pieces) - Solo Blues Guitar (Justin Sandercoe)
Great stuff JK, thanks for posting, I’ll have to check out the lesson, especially the playing with fingers part, I’ve done some of that but I stick to acoustic folksy stuff so this should be fun.
As it was mentioned before, your timing was very impressive, maintaining rhythm with some lead stuff can be very challenging so kudos for that!
New guitar looking and sounding good, another one for the Tele army
Thanks for checking it out Jason @Rossco01
Thank you sir, always great get some detailed Richard feedback . On EQ, I yeah, could be that, I didn’t really tweak anything, just selected an amp model preset and played.
Those blues study pieces look very interesting, definitely a lot harder than this one . I see why it’s a challenge, it looks like they have escalating difficulty.
Kevin, If I’ve inspired you to check out the lesson, great! I found it one of those things that seems really complicated when getting started and once you get the hang of it, it’s not so bad. It starts off with some new chords I hadn’t seen before… once you’ve mastered it, would love to see a AVOYP
BTW - Teles rock!
Sweet fingers of blues JK. Loved your switching between lead and rhythm, I thought it was really well done. I liked the juxtaposition between your t-shirt and what was coming from your very tasty guitar. Wireless as well?
2 week in and you’re smashing it. Great vibe!
Thanks Stefan. You’re always so eagle eyed . Not very Pearl Jammy really! I got the wireless around the same time as the new guitar, it’s… OK. Around 38-42 seconds in it cut out for a bit and you can hear it in the guitar, watch the blue LED flash. And standing so close to the amp… maybe I’ve got too much bluetooth stuff. But it is damn convenient rather than getting tangled in cables all the time.
Good stuff going on here, JK. I think ya may have them blues in the blood. Good for you going with the finger style too. It’s all about muscle memory, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. Well done.
Dude! That was killer!
Seems so! But for me, I LOVE that tone!! The dirtier the better! Stick with it buddy!!!
Well done JK and good exercise this one! Nice guitar.
As a suggestion, I think it could be beneficial to practice it with a metronome to ensure staying tight in tempo going through the licks and back into the riff. Could help to optimise the rythmic shuffle groove. (I’m an ex drummer turning guitarist so sensitive to that).
Hope this helps.
Thanks for checking it out @oldhead49, @nzmetal and @Twangmaster.
@Twangmaster, I know a few times I fell behind the beat on the transition… I think that’s indicative of my current skill level. Years ago I played drums as well, although perhaps not as much as you! Thanks for the tip, I do practice with a metronome almost every day.
Very nice groove! I love the blues and thought you did well! Cheers!
Hi JK, you’re welcome. Your performance was great after just two weeks playing it. I think it’s a harder exercise than it seems and especially to maintain the shuffle feel and tempo when doing the licks. Anyway, I just thought it could be a suggestion as you continue to perfect it.
I think this is a very hard lesson and you did great. Very pretty guitar too!
I was doing the same lesson and noticed Justin doing something interesting with his thumb. He uses it to mute strings - the thumb rests on the string above the one he’s playing. He moves the thumb as he switches between the strings. I have been slowly trying to get the hang of it because it helps control unwanted string noise.
Thanks @kamkor! Yep I’ve started to notice Justin does all sorts of things when playing to make it a lot tidier. Can’t say I’m trying that precision muting like you’re describing, that’s beyond me, however I did try to wrap my thumb around the top for muting the E during the A rhythm sections, and tried to use the heel of my hand on the bass strings during the lead parts. But hey, I’m still pretty messy in that kind of playing, it’s a continual development that will take years I think .
It’s already great that you are incorporating string muting techniques. Since you’re doing it consciously, with time it will simply get better and better.
“it’s a continual development that will take years I think” → very well put, and it will be a fun journey!