Solo September; 2/9 Chill RnB Solo in B Major; 13/9 Dreamy Solo in B Major; 'Something' Solo, Beatles

A 2 minute original RnB solo over a beautiful chord progression in B Major that I couldnt get out of my head. Another great backing track from Dave Simmons from Tao of Twang.

It’s a I-iii7-IV-I-V in B
ie B-D#m7-E-B-F#

In this one, I’m thinking triads, major pentatonic, plus surrounding colour tones from the full major scales. Experimenting too with playing a bit behind the beat in parts, and occasionally a bit looser with the rhythm, which I think suited this one. Pretty happy with this one. All done in a few days, and discovered a few things as well.
Comments, tips etc welcome.

Cheers, Shane


Bravo Shane.
I watched quite a few of Tao’s video lessons a while ago and liked his style. It seems he is still giving the good stuff and it is benefitting you for sure. You had phrasing, motifs, space, melodic quality and a whole range of fine components adding to a tasty whole.
What to say as a tip?
The whole piece is very much laid back and easy … perhaps some of your hammer-ons and ‘big’ notes could have been played with a little more confidence and dynamic oomph.
I’m only adding that for want of much to add.
It’s jolly good my friend.

Always impressed with your soloing, mate, but this one really floated my musical boat.
Well done!
Oh and did I mention tone? :open_mouth:

Thanks for the listen and the feedback Richard. Much appreciated.
Re the hammers and ‘big notes’. Interesting you say that, as its something I’m mindful of. ie developing the finesse to ‘go bigger’ when needed, without sharpening the note out of tune either by pressing too hard, or getting wobbling with the vibrato. I’m finding its really just a ‘feel’ thing that’ll get better over time as I get more experience with it.
Thanks again.

Cheers, Shane

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Thanks for the listen Brian. Felt good this one, and came together pretty well. Those tracks from Dave at Tao of Twang are often pretty inspirational too.

Cheers, Shane

Hi Shane,
I can only cheer :scream: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: I absolutely loved it and will listen to it more often. And sooner or later go see the man you mention.

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Wicked Shane. :+1: I actually just love the super mellow sound, sooooo laid back :+1:

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Hi Shane,

that’s a nice one, feeling super relaxed and with a really laid back vibe! :sunglasses: :clap:

Very enjoyable listen! Playing a little behind the beat on intention is probably the key here adding to the groove and laid back feel. Agree with you: It suits well. :smiley:
Great tone and it fits the feeling of this sunny saturday afternoon here. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing!

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Shane. All I’m going to say is wow that was terrific!

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Shane, that was absolutely fantastic! Only complaint was that it ended too soon - I could listen to that soloing for hours…


Fabulous, Shane.

I know you are one who loves and wants the ‘constructive critical comments’ but you are well beyond my ability to offer you much of that.

I would just say that your ‘musical imagination’ flows fluently into your playing, enabled by all the technique and know-how you’ve developed over the last while, and you play with the backing (not over it) with feel and sensitivity.

I do love the finger salute at the end that says (in my mind) ‘oh yeah baby, love it’

Thanks for the listen and kind words David. Yep,feelin in a good place with the playing atm, but lots more to continue with, learn and discover.
The old finger salute at the end has become a bit of an accidental signature, perhaps denoting " thats a wrap", or “yep, thats the one”.
All in all, glad to be feeling near the crest of the wave at present, mindful however that all waves contain troughs as well :nerd_face:.

Cheers, Shane

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Nicely played, Shane!
Very mellow vibe that sounds smooth & professional… emotional… beautiful!
Did I detect a sprinkling of “blue” notes in there? I’ve been listening to blues for the first time over the last couple of months & am trying to train my ear for the sound… this was a good study of softly enjoyable blues!
Thanks for sharing!!!


Shane your impros go from strength to strength. That was a lovely interlude.
If that was too positive, I hope the shrimps get burned on the barbie !
Your invested time and effort is paying dividends for sure.

Is that the prescribed feedback sandwich ??

As Clint would say, play on playa. Oh and do what Close says, he seems to know wots wot.


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Hey Todd,

Thanks for the listen, and feedback.
Re the blue notes. There are some instances of 1/2 step curls from the Major 2nd to the b3 of the B Major chord, ie., from C# to D. As its basically a major progression, and I’m using the major/ major pentatonic, that b3, the D, is the blue note of that major pentatonic. So yep, I’d say thats what your hearing.

The b5, the F, I never play.

Cheers, Shane

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Thanks for the listen and feedback Toby. Sandwich had just the right amount of each on it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Cheers, Shane

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Super tasty grooves there, Shane! :smiley: Lots for me to take away from this :nerd_face:
Really liked the opening riff and that you also repeat (around 1m27s) with variation at the tail end, just so good! :yum: There’s a whole song just around that begging to be let loose! Love watching you running all over the fretboard too, which seems so smoothly negotiated, impressive stuff.
I’m early in this path (as you know) so nothing in the way of advice I can give on this, but plenty for me to learn! So thanks for sharing! :sunglasses: :+1:

Appreciate the listen and kind words Jeff. Just keep at it mate. The rewards will start coming if you do.
Im still pretty early on with the blues myself, but if I had to give one bit of advice, based on the last year? Learn everything you can about those 1-4-5 chords, and progression.

Cheers, Shane


Thanks mate, that’s great advice! So good to get insights from someone who has followed the path recently. Look forward to getting the flow and touch you have developed already, sir! :sunglasses: :+1:

Hi Shane.

Seriously cool mate.
Could you please let me know what settings you use for that tone?
Its so much better that I have got out of my Les Paul.
In fact, I have seriously considered selling it.
Its sounded fine in the shop and I tried other LPs as well.
I have a Katana mk2 50w amp. The strings are 9s (used to see if I could “clean” the sound up).
I have a shedload of patches from Tone Studioas well as Justin’s.
None have come close to your tone.