

Leonard Cohen was a singer / songwriter who had a recording career from 1970s till his death in 2016. I have records of more than 75 of his songs so, yes he has inspired me. I probably listen to some of his songs every other day. Some of his finger-picked guitar accompaniments are great too.

There is a lesson on Justin’s site for Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Hallelujah’.

Here is one of his great songs, performing with his fellow Canadian, Judy Collins in 1976.

Hope you listen to more of his songs.


I find your song very beautiful Brian…and yes it made me think…the repetitive Rhythm gave me the sense of that balance and was somehow soothing.


Thank you.


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This is odd. I wanted to share the song with someone who isn’t a guitar player, so he’s not on here. But the soundcloud link leads to nothing. There are no songs on your soundcloud. Is this intentional?

Also, I don’t know how to say it but I don’t like Leonard Cohen. I think he’s wack. You are so much better but that’s just a personal opinion. It doesn’t matter.


The Soundcloud link at the top of this page syill goes to the song: I’ve checked and played it this evening. All my songs are private so cannot be seen / played without the link code which only I can access and use.

I know Leonard Cohen doesn’t appeal to everyone and the same is true of almost every other performer: it is good that we can sometimes emjoy different things.


I see. That brings me to another question that was lingering with me the whole time. What is the goal with your music? On the picture it seems like you’re playing live. Do you want to play live, are you already playing live? Do you just want the people in here listening to your songs? What is your direction?

On a side note: The counter doesn’t show it but I was listening to this song about 10 times today. In total it has to be more than 50 times, I can sing along now by heart. I love this song so much. It became one of my favourite songs ever! Just wanted to let you know. :slightly_smiling_face:


The picture was taken when I was singing live: I did a lot of open mic performances around the millenium, the year 2000, in the UK and America. I had two very long periods of severe illness since then and now I only play ‘live’ for myself at home. I want to improve my understanding of guitar playing - I’m completely self-taught and I’m learning huge amounts from Justin’s site. I want to share my performances of my own and other people’s songs and improve those performances using the things I learn from Justin.

I’m glad you so enjoy Solstice: I will be posting other songs in future.


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I’m glad you shared it.

My favourite thing about this song is, despite it’s darkness and gritty feel, in the end it resolves into a solution, while still remaining the overall feel of the song. Even in the solution there is the change of key or more precisely the last change, which completes it all. It’s a master piece!


Thanks for your continuing appreciation.


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