Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi Lesson

Learn to play Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi | JustinGuitar


This was an amazing lesson. I’ve only been playing guitar for three months and it’s insane how much fun it has been. Trying my hand at finger picking for the first time made time stand still. Hours passed by and it only felt like minutes. Thanks heaps, Justin!

I love the way you’ve done this one. Very organic. I laugh at the look on your face around 11:15 each time. Thank you, thank you for making us feel that maybe someday we can pull something like this off, while in the meantime enjoying the process. I am at module 10 currently. Picked up my guitar again after 40 years…

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Justin! This is one of your best performances!