Songs For Module 3

The best songs to practice the skills you've just learned.

View the full lesson at Songs For Module 3 | JustinGuitar

Hey. Sorry to be a corrector. But Sing is played in G#m and C#m:( But you’re still awesome.

Hi @cookiec52 You’re right Craig - the Am and Em chords do not match the original key of the original recording. To do that you would play the Am and Em shapes on a guitar tuned down a half step to an E-flat tuning.

Remember though, Justin is teaching this as a totally simple 2-chord song for new beginners.

Cheers :blush:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator

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In both the Beginner’s Songbook Vol 2 and linked video “MOVES LIKE JAGGER” is played with Am and Dm rather than Am and Em. Where should I place the capo in order to play the song using Am and Em?

With your capo at fret 7, Am shape becomes an Em chord and Dm shape becomes an Am chord.

Cheers :blush:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide & Moderator

The version of Cortez the killer in your Spotify playlist is no longer available on Spotify. :smiley:

Neil Young removed all of his music from Spotify in January 2022.

Hello, Regarding Moves Like Jagger, we didn’t learn the Dm shape yet so is it a mistake to include in this module? I’m confused.

Hi Josh

As explained in the lesson notes on the website you can use a Capo and play either Am and Dm with Capo at fret 2 or Em and Am with Capo at fret 7. So at this stage in the course you can play with the latter.

A post was merged into an existing topic: App songs removed again

At this point should I be strumming to the songs or continue just playing the cord on the first beat?

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Hello and welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community.
Module 3 is your introduction to new ways of strumming.
It is still very new and you will be spending time practicing the skill as a stand alone item within your practice routine.
When it comes to playing songs, as you progress, you do want to introduce more complex levels of strumming.
You will be keeping on with one strum per bar on tricky songs or fast songs.
You may move to two strums per bar (on the 1 and 3) or four strums per bar also.
And it is worth trying to apply his new technique of up strums within songs. If it means slowing right down then play slow. If using up strums means you keep making lots of mistakes then practice and improve it as a stand alone skill a little longer.
I hope that helps.


Did I miss the Dm lesson? Can’t find it.

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Heh, no, you didn’t miss it. Dm is introduced in Module 4. I guess Justin was excited to introduce songs with Dm!

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Hi David,
James is explaining it here

I hope this helps , and welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:



Sorry to say, I’m not a fan of the songs for module 3. I don’t know these songs and its hard to get into it. I have taken it upon myself to use the songbook and practice songs in my level that I recognize. Other than that, I really enjoy the lessons and have made great progress using this site compared to trying to learn on my own.

Hi Theresa!
I totally get what you’re saying about not knowing/liking the songs in Mod 3… I’ve run into the same thing at points along the way with Justin.
Do you have Spotify? I didn’t before Justin Guitar & signed up just to be able to find/play Justin’s curated playlists. In many instances, the songs were pretty cool after listening to them a couple of times - a couple I found really, really appealed to me after I got past the intro & into the verses/choruses of the tune. You might try this approach…
Also, what is your preferred music/genre to listen to? If we have an idea, the Community might have a few suggestions for you…
Keep it FUN!!!


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Im currently using Justins app. I love the song in Module 3 Call Out my name. But I just cant get the counting right, all the others no matter how fast or slow that I have played ive counted 1 to 4, but not sure of this one, it sounds like 1,2,3,4,5,6 then change chord on next count but that doesnt seem right either. Any ideas. Thanks Jill

The song would be in 6/8 time
This will help you figure it out

This will also help


Thank you . I absolutely love this song.