South East Asia Hangout

Taking the lead from a recent thread, I was considering setting up a hang-out for anyone in the South East Asia area, or nearby timezones:

Timezone: UTC+8
Language: English

This would be an online meeting held one evening per month for up to 1 hr.

The idea is that we meet up to have a chat about anything guitar related such as:

  • What we are practicing
  • Songs we are learning
  • Gear: we own, have just purchased, or are considered buying

To participate, you’ll need a setup capable of being used for video meetings. That’s generally most modern smart-phones or tablets, or a PC or laptop.

You will need a headset with a microphone.

If anyone is interested, reply to this with an indication of your location. If enough people are interested, I’ll try and set something up.




@nzmetal Jeff, I have no idea if the timezones might work for you, but this was posted since you posted your reply in the Virtual Jam Buddy Topic.


I think he is 5 hrs ahead, which could make it tricky.

I was thinking of around 8pm local time (UTC+8) which would be 1am in NZ.




A post was merged into an existing topic: Building up vain love

Hi Keith. Seems like a cool idea.
I think literally have visited every possible high end guitar shop in Singapore lol splurging some money. Might be going back to Malaysia like in August to visit those reminiscing guitar shops too, and the luthier I met when I was a teen :rofl:

I assume you’ve been to Peninsula Plaza then.

Music Bliss? And Swee Lee of course.

Apparently, Swee Lee are going to have a big new retail space in Clarke Quay as part of the revamp there.

(At the moment, visiting Clarke Quay is a bit like playing Pacman!)



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Yes. For high end acoustic guitar, we only have Taylor, Martin and a Singapore brand of handmade guitar. Really lack of the choices and also expensive :smiling_face_with_tear:
Wow never heard of the one at Clarke Quay and probably will visit it when it is available.

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Nice one, @Majik! Great to see this type of thing being initiated. I might need to sort one for Australasia, think I’ll steal your intro text :wink::joy:

Thanks for the mention too @DavidP! :smiley::+1:

Yep that might be a bit late for me :sweat_smile:

Not this guy! :yawning_face::sleeping::rofl:


Might be taking a selfie with this funny building too :rofl: I believe I have seen another Malaysian youngster on our forum

And what about Singaporean here

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If there aren’t enough local people. I might consider an earlier time on a weekend, such as 9am UTC, which would allow some of the Australian and NZ folk to join.

