Spring/summer songs ๐ŸŒž

All is forgiven, mon ami- back to hibernation, please :laughing:
That is a shocker of a song! :open_mouth:
I suppose they did try to insert three reasons the lads might like it :rofl:


Was that Jamie Pressly I saw in there?

Iโ€™m shocked that @TheMadman_tobyjenner would post such a blatantly sexist video. Iโ€™ve watched it several times now and can find no redeeming features :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The song is possibly one of the worst Iโ€™ve ever heard. :joy:

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To be fair, thereโ€™s a decent hook towards the end :rofl:

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At least the 2nd song featured Bruce SPRINGsteen but guess I was being to subtle. And you did ask for St Tropez and Mr Tylerโ€™s video was close to that ambience of French plages.
@sairfingers keep watching youโ€™ll find something.



Hehe, right over my head :roll_eyes: :rofl:

(I know hijacking/double posting ins frowned upon, but you guys should head over and check out Oldheadโ€™s new cover in his March post. Got a feeling itโ€™s could get missed by many)


Video not availableโ€ฆ :pensive:

Must be a Holland thing it plays on my end.

Doesnโ€™t play in Scotland either!

I can view it here in Canada, letโ€™s see if one of these works.

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Both play for me.

I checked after I posted, and it worked. Hopefully those you posted work.
Really old video, so itโ€™s audio only.
Maybe it didnโ€™t make it over the pond :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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This song by the Kinks always makes me think of nice lazy warm spring/summer days.


Well, considering the weather over here, weโ€™re rather waiting on a sunny dayโ€ฆ
Fot context: this was recorded in the summer of 2021, when there were still a lot of covid-restrictions, no festivals, no concerts.


Nobody mentioned โ€œOn the Beachโ€ of Chris Rea so far. A very special song for me and definitely my first choice for this thread :guitar: :blush:
:sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:

Almost forgot this one:


So tonight at 10:51 PM the summer solstice in this part of the world ,

And that is the end of spring and HELLO summer :smiley: :sunglasses: , always a nice time (I will come back to this when the temperatures rise above 25 degrees, let alone above 30 and I canโ€™t play the guitar anymore, but for now Iโ€™m happy :smile: it all has its charme)

I forgot about the thread until about 3 weeks ago(?) and I must say that it brought back a lot of nice memories, even earlier, but I must say that I have a new favorite spring song, I already played with the song as one of the first before I met Justin, with many people on stage and many different instruments, but this performance with the time frame gave me a constant stream of goosebumpsโ€ฆThank you for that Els @LadyOfTheCastle โ€ฆ

Iโ€™m also very happy for Gordon @sairfingers that summer is almost arrive , at least now he gets warmer rain :rofl: โ€ฆso sorry :blush: but so but also true, 270 rainy days in Scotland per year (by the way, our spring was the wettest ever measured, so we share a bit in the misery :roll_eyes:)

So My new favorite spring song has becomeโ€ฆ

Greetings to you all and happyyyy summer :partying_face: :sun_with_face: :full_moon_with_face: :sunny:


Thatโ€™s a really car hy tune, Rogier!!! I enjoy watching large groups of amateur musicians coming together to perform a song like this!!! It reminds me of @NicoleKKB Nicoleโ€™s post of the worldโ€™s biggest rock band!!!
Thanks for posting this gem!!!


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Hi Tod ,
Thank someone ELSe โ€ฆ I only re posted it :blush:


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