Spring/summer songs šŸŒž

Hello , :smiley:

Yesterday spring started again here, and although every season has its beauty in this part of the world (Sorry @sairfingers :laughing:, hopefully you get a little less rain in the spring ) but Spring is my favorite, finally working in the garden every now and then without jacket and cold hands and with the first terraces in the sun where the jacket can be taken off ā€¦people smile a little more and what is best of allā€¦the garden, nature comes back to life and becomes green with many other fresh colorsā€¦and it gets a little more beautiful every day.

This song that I post will is worth the translation if youā€™re looking for some joy in more than one thing , for me it is a beautiful ode to the sun ā€¦ Everything becomes a little more beautiful when the sun shines ā€¦

a rough translation that I also have to adjust a bit because Google doesnā€™t quite work here,

It is at least 100 times more beautiful
when the sun spreads its golden rays
Sometimes itā€™s too good to be true
when it shines brightly over the wheat
So who my goodness should I go to ask?
It would be nice if you could say
Thank you for the sun
Is the one who invented the sun
the same one that brought us war?
All misery and all evil
did that same something make that too?
You donā€™t quickly thank someone for that
But for the sun and all the cool things

What could be better than cycling when the sun is shining

Feeling all the rays before it disappears for another night
Thank you for the sun.

This sentence ā€œWhat could be better than cycling when the sun is shiningā€ makes it for me :smiley:

I just saw the clip for the first time ā€¦ not the prettiest version, but otherwise you donā€™t have a moving image ā€¦ there is also a guitar-along (2 meter version) version

live ā€¦2 meter sessies

A song with a big wink and intended for happiness and celebrating the sun,
AND not unimportantly, very easy to play withā€¦ :sunglasses: :guitar:

Do you have a personal spring/summer/sun song that immediately pops into your head AND where spring or summer is adored ?

There are a lot of things going through my head right now, but Iā€™ll stick to one for nowā€¦

Happy spring time :smiley: :lady_beetle: :honeybee: :rose: :rosette: :hatching_chick: :sun_with_face: :sunny: :parasol_on_ground:



Sorry, but I canā€™t help myself.


Ha ha, no apologies needed, I know this one and itā€™s a nice song :sunglasses: :smile:. I listen to it now with an extra smile because while I listen, 3 to 6 pigeons are alternately busy on and off a feeding house 2.5 meters away from meā€¦ .along with some other birds that sometimes fly away irritated by those big fuss-makersā€¦
Nice Rick, I have no active memory of this song, so thanks,
Now of course we have to wait for all the clichĆ© songs :smile:, and nothing wrong with that, Iā€™ll put most of them in a playlist, I think itā€™s nice for the extra summer feeling when eating with friends in the garden this year, and itā€™s very nice to have a new song added. :sunglasses:

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Ok itā€™s a slight play on words but the summer sentiment is there! This particular video also shows a lot of the guitar play too. Note the use of capos.

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Lighthouse is a Canadian band forned in 1969 so Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t hear of them. :sunny:


Ok, @roger_holland hereā€™s one more in the spirit of your original post:

The original (all-English) version by Michael Franti is also nice.

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First day of Spring! Once again had to cancel golf. Pouring rain, howling gale! :worried:. And before anyone says I must be a fair weather golfer, my view is itā€™s meant to be fun, not an endurance test. :smiley:


I see a stern visit from PETA* in your future for this post.
*People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Rogier, my friend, Iā€™m so happy for you to be blossoming in your garden again that I shall offer you two songs :sunflower: :sunglasses: :rose:
The first a cheerful (but crappy :rofl:) summer song from my early songwriting daysā€¦,

and the second a very sad but beautiful song about chasing the sun :sun_with_face:


Glad to read youā€™ll be out in your garden tending your plants and flowers Rogier.

For me spring signifies my vegetable seeds starting to come on throughā€¦

This is a song that no matter what the time of year it evokes a summer feeling.


Hi Rick @stitch
I had heard of the band, but not of this song ā€¦ and I went to look them up and I heard that there is a lot I donā€™t know, but I like them :sunglasses:. I also donā€™t have the names of songs that I do have in my head right now ,it s only the name of the band that I remember , but I must say that when I came across this forum I discovered that there is much, much more music and especially names that I did not know, a lot of music that I have listened to a lot on tape recorder (recorded myself or copied from friends) or radio where I had or have no idea who that actually belongs to ā€¦
let alone names of band members more than 1 who is or was usually in the spotlight :blush:

Hi @jjw John
:smile: I did liked that first one :blush: and this one I happy and ready for copypaste :smile:

Oooo Gordon @sairfingers
:joy: :rofl: :joy:
A first requirement is that the ball does not blow away by the wind and a second as far as I am concerned (I almost went golfing years ago and was already on the queue) DRY weather, clouds no problem ā€¦beter with a little bit of sunā€¦ but above 0 degrees and dry without too much wind. :sunglasses: :blush:

Just look forward to the sunny days on the golf course that are coming and feel free to post a photo of them :sunny:

Hi Brian @brianlarsen
If only that guitar could tell some stories of where it has been :rofl:

A song of yours that I didnā€™t know (?)and really like, but Iā€™m also a bit tired and my head got confused from all that spinning, but I also had to laugh about it :upside_down_face: , I also did something with a song and spring I thought of when creating this topic maar I never listened to that again and didnā€™t think it was appropriate to promote myself like that with old junk :rofl:

The other one sounds very nice in the background and I will definitely look up the lyrics later, my idea of ā€‹ā€‹spring songs was cheerfully for the summer/spring evening .Not that it all has to be that way, of course, because after 2 hours of happy music Iā€™m also ready for something sad, dark and gloomy :sweat_smile:ā€¦ I also have some rougher thoughts on songs about the summer, but let that pass for a moment :smile: :innocent:

Hi Stefan @SgtColon

The first is already more than 10 cm high on the windowsill here :sunglasses:
especially that song ā€¦ and I was briefly in a band that we had given a name that no one knew exactly what it meant ā€¦ when this song later came out we were pleasantly surprised that Will was singing about ā€œusā€ 'Double Dutch ā€™ (at 2:54 )
Ooo good memories :sunglasses: ā€¦thanks

So from now on Iā€™ll chat lessā€¦I think :roll_eyes: ā€¦Iā€™ll try that ā€¦ :grimacing:


Songs with no guitar:


Any Violent Femmes song Santa Cruz California in summer when the snow in the mountains is gone.

Sublime song just because SanDiego and LongBeach

Wavves just because new surf punk style stuff is good too.


Hello Rogier,

If in doubt, choose ELVIS!!!


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Thats cool you write your own songs. Well done


@SgtColon and there I thought you were going to post


I love your original, Brian :star_struck:! A really great song, spreading positive vibes :smiley:.
And even the skull is wearing sun glasses :sweat_smile:.
Fantastic :+1:!!


Thatā€™s a song, that came immediately to my mind, when I read your post :blush:.
I love this particular cover version :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


Knocking on your screendoor by John Prine - summer vibe even without the lyrics.