4Dec2023 - I am finishing up Module 19 this week with intro to singing. In all of my other videos I haven’t focused as much on my singing, but more on my guitar playing, but thought that it was appropriate at this time to add some of my notes on my vocal practice as a video of tips for singing since I have had university vocal training and a year of private voice coaching. I also I made a short video of a vocalization exercise using the electric guitar to play a short movable major scale pattern on the electric guitar. I don’t have the training to teach voice, so this is like the advice from a more experience amateur.
Tips for singing video:
Video of some of my tips for singing
Video of guitar/vocal exercise:
Since it is in the holiday season, I wanted to post a soundcloud clip of my singing from the my younger days. This is the only time I will do this and only because I am studying the module on singing. This is my solo of O Holy Night, done 35 years ago at a Christmas cantata in a large church in front of hundreds of people backed by a professional orchestra and church choir.
This was back when I had more power and projection to my voice. Now, at 68 years of age, I have to work more on getting tone and expression in my voice…
Here is the clip. I’m no Andrea Bocelli or Josh Groban but I sounded OK back then. Also this was digitized from a cassette tape 20 years later: