Stick a fork in me. I’m done

Hi Jeff,

If you have even the slightest feeling of regret about stopping guitar maybe take that as an indication that you shouldn’t actually stop playing altogether, but do a reset of your expectations of what you want to accomplish. It would be awful to look back months or years from now and wish you had kept up with it.

On the other hand, if you have no regrets, then hey - you tried something new, learned some new stuff and developed an appreciation for just how hard guitar actually is. I think that makes it a worthwhile experience, even if you didn’t take it as far as you thought you would when you started on the journey.


Hi Jeff. We haven’t met but you sound like I did at age 23 when I gave up guitar and bass “for good”.
I was never going to be a rock star, so I “got on with life”.
Then at age 50 at the tail end of a mid-life crisis I decided to learn bass again. (See my newbie at 63 post)
After 3 months of pain and frustration, I finally got somewhere…etc
It opened up a new world for me.
Never say never. One day it’ll come back - maybe you need lots of time to process things. 27 years in my case!
All the best.
Bruno from NZ


That is very very good advice. Take the pressure off. I teach guitar to a group of elderly citizens and it’s completely differentiated using that philosophy.