Strada Facendo - Claudio Baglioni

Hi Silvia,
Very enjoyable listen on this end. I liked your guitar tone, seemed very natural. Your play to me seemed very consistent on strumming and both hands seemed fluid too. Vox was nice and well done. You are doing well, so keep up the effort as it is paying off!

Be well and rock on!

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See?! A full screen video! Can’t do the same with Classical guitar though, because of volume. Thanks for your supportive comment, I much appreciate it!

I changed the strings a couple of days before recording and …listen listen…it took me only 30 minutes, without oiling the fretboard, which I did in July…this is a big achievement itself :grin:

Thanks for this, I really needed it …the song is long, the chord progression is not one you memorise straight away…so…yes…it has taken quite a lot of effort to learn it. But it’s one I love and there was no other way than committing it to memory!

That was a solid performance, Silvia. You’ve come along superbly on your learning journey. You’ve clearly been practicing effectively. You’re setting a great example for all those following in your footsteps.

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Such great chord changes. A long song to memorize and learn it all I should think. So, as I always say, your skills are truly impressive. You have such lovely tone.

On a separate note:

I can relate and agree with @sairfingers quote.

I’m paraphrasing here about when Justin asked me (when I won a session with him) why I don’t play for others live. I said on recordings, you can start over. He said, you can start over live too!

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James you’re very kind indeed! But that last sentence, which I’m not quoting, makes me feel flattered and makes me blush! It does require a lot of work on ourselves to be able to play Music. Grazie :blush:

Well, almost I guess, until about 3.39 when I messed the chords, which I actually knew very well and started losing control a bit…but I kept on going :grin:

I think I did, honestly. I worked on the single aspects and I did a lot of strumming along with the original recording.

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Pam…you’re always so supportive! Thank you!

This is a song I’ve always wanted to learn, but often the chord doesn’t change on the beat but on the and after beat 2…so I thought “As soon as I realise that my feeling develops and that changing the chord on the and will be doable I will learn this song first!” Then along the way my feeling developed and so I learnt Along the way = Strada facendo :smiley::sweat_smile:

Did he say that?! How nice you had the chance to have a session with Justin! I feel myself very lucky too, I could take part to an on-line workshop with him and we were just 8(?) students…I was so unconfident back then! I think he understood that and the things he said on that occasion made me build my confidence…along the way!
But…playing live…that is something we should discuss further! Because the first time you prepare for that it’s a rollercoster of emotions! And it’s anything but easy! I personally don’t aim to perform by myself in front of an audience, on the other hand I love having the children sing along …but then we have to perform in front of parents and grands etc twice a year :see_no_evil:

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