Strada Facendo - Claudio Baglioni

Some progress with my struggl…eeehm…strumming! Freudian slip. Lol.

I seem to be unable to play without messing up something, might be the lyrics, the chords, the Rhythm or all of them…:woman_shrugging:

Changing the time signature to 5/4 in the last few bars is intended to be as a product of my lively creativity :joy:

My dark eyes and I have grown old together With a soul eager to ask for a place that doesn’t exist
Among a thousand fresh mornings of bicycles A thousand more sunsets behind the tram wires
And a hunger for smiles and arms around me

Me and my drawers of memories and addresses that I have lost
I have seen faces and voices of those I loved go away sooner or later
And I breathed an unknown sea in the wide and empty hours of a city summer
Next to my naked shadow of melancholy

Me and my many evenings closed like closing an umbrella
With my face above my chest reading my pain and troubles
I walked those streets that curve following the wind
And inside a sense of uselessness
And fragile and violent I said to myself you will see, you will see, you will see

Along the way, you’ll see That you are no longer alone
Along the way you will find A hook in the middle of the sky
And you will feel the road make your heart beat You’ll see more love, you’ll see

Me too small among all these people in the world
Me who dreamed on a train that never left And I ran through moonlit meadows
To tear one more day away from my naivety And young and old I said to myself you’ll see, you’ll see, you’ll see
You’ll see along the way That you are no longer alone
Along the way you will find You too have a hook in the middle of the sky And you will feel the road make your heart beat You’ll see more love, you’ll see

And even a song can never change your life But what is it that keeps us going and saying it’s not over
What is it that breaks my heart between songs and love
Which makes me sing and love more and more
For tomorrow to be better, because tomorrow you Along the way you will see


Very nice although I unable to translate the lyrics.
Not sure how many can play something through perfectly, even noticed in a few of Justin’s song lessons he says whoops played the wrong chord, you just have to keep going.

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Love your playing, your singing and your sense of humour :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: Thanks for sharing Slivia :pray: :pray: :pray:

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:clap: brava :clap:
That was very impressive Silvia! Solid strumming for 5 minutes plus all the fast and sometimes complicated chord changes. If you get one “wrong” just keep going most people will not know the exact chord sequence anyway and will just not notice. So don’t beat yourself up, it happens to everyone, all the time. Great performance and very enjoyable to watch!

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That was great Silvia and nice consistent and solid strumming throughout. If there were mistakes then I didn’t notice them and anyway even when we make a mistake we just keep going. The person who never made a mistake never made anything.



Your enthusiasm lights up the performance; continuing so well after the few small mistakes demonstrates your growing confidence. Very enjoyable,


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Enjoyable as always Sylvia. :grinning: Thanks for the English translation as well!

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Very enjoyable cover Silvia, well done! Solid strumming, lovely singing - what’s not to like?! :slight_smile: like the play with dynamics towards the end, made it more personal :slight_smile: all the best!

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Hi Silvia,

What a cheerful start to my morning :smiley:…very well done because with this long song that is extra difficult… :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses:

Thank you and greetings :sunny:

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Very enjoyable Sylvia. Super strumming and chord progressions. That initial chord sequence sounds very familiar but I can’t think where I’ve heard it before.

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Hi Silvia. You are comfortable, confident and enyoy the song, I can really tell that. That made me relax and enjoy your song. Whatever you noticed as technical issues is definitely not that big to distract from your performance. I mentioned before, I love Italian and you sing beautifully. :slight_smile: That last part sounded quite high to me, but you handled it great!

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Great performance Sylvia. Lovely vocal, steady strumming and clean chord changes. My only comment……get out of the habit of watching your fretting hand so much. As I said, your chord changes were clean so no need to look as often.
Well done.

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Bellissima! :smiley:

A ‘mess up’ that is well-dealt with makes a song much more interesting :wink:

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Good job sounded good to me.

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@MAT1953 Michael I very much appreciate your comment, thank you. I added the translated Lyrics under the video, if you want to have a look.

I practiced this song way more than a lot and I was feeling a bit down yesterday for all the mistakes, also because it is unpredictable where the mistake will occur as I was confident with all the sections and knew the chords very well…soon or later my focus just flies away…nevermind, it’s a journey and I will improve this aspect too the same way I improved anything else!


As I wrote to Michael in the comment just above this I was feeling a bit down yesterday…but as that word game “struggling/ strumming” came to my mind I was already better thinking the reader would laugh and I had a good laugh myself at the bad joke :blush:


@Eddie_09 Now…these are wise words! Thank you so much Eddie!

[quote=“Eddie_09, post:5, topic:347580”]
The person who never made a mistake never made anything.

@MollyT thank you so much for listening and commenting with kind supportive words, it does mean a lot!

= Eternity :scream: the struggle is real…
…soon or later my focus just flies away…nevermind, it’s a journey and I will improve this aspect too the same way I improved anything else!

@adi_mrok I’m almost good as Feebe in Friends to make songs more personal…well…almost…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Willsie @TheCluelessLuthier @Jwaters thanks a lot guys for listening and commenting…I sometimes feel very much the struggle and an “external” point of view helps a lot!

@beejay56 thank you Brian…quoting my own self:


I practiced this song way more than a lot and I was feeling a bit down yesterday for all the mistakes, also because it is unpredictable where the mistake will occur as I was confident with all the sections and knew the chords very well…soon or later my focus just flies away…nevermind, it’s a journey and I will improve this aspect too the same way I improved anything else!


@roger_holland Rogier thanks A LOT …like…tantissimo!..for this

And also for being there! :sunflower:

@Boris1565 what you wrote is something that I have to remind myself

Thank you :pray::pray::pray: I think it’s right I’m aiming to play more accurately, but at the same time I’m aiming to be able to keep on going when the mistakes occur…and they will occur no matter how much I practice; I must learn to accept that as well.

@sairfingers Gordon I miserably failed at my One Take attempt :joy::joy::joy: The reason I was staring at the fretboard is not because of the chords, having a fixed point to look at helps me to not get distracted from the song… and I can get distracted oh so very ffffff…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: fairly easily! Next time I will stare at something else :wink::grin:

@brianlarsen then I absolutely need to develop this skill because my ‘mess ups’ tend to occur to much often! :wink::blush: Grazie Brian!


@SILVIA Davvero Fantastico!!!

Not much to add to what all the other members of the community have said here.

Just remember that this playing and singing thing is NOT EASY. There’s a lot going on when we play and sing at the same time and it takes time (for me, usually about 200% more time than I think I will need!! :rofl: :rofl:) to get a song down. You are there, now just enjoy playing it and the “wrinkles” in the song will get smoother and smoother the more you play it. . .lovely voice and lovely song!!


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Then stare at the camera and give us that smile we all know and love :smiley:

I only manage because it’s just me watching. That’s why I haven’t ever done an open mic. It would all fall apart!

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Thank you Jeremy!

Goal number 1! :grin:

Well I tried in the first few attempts but that distracted me as well! :see_no_evil: But thank you for the thought, it made me smile :blush:

What what!? What do I read?! You have a very solid Rhythm feeling you can rely on and you can sing very well too: I"m 100% sure that, unless you choose a very challenging song, you would be able to take the song to the end and make the audience connect with it and the good vibes of it…and nobody would notice or even care if you forget a chord, as long as you keep going! But maybe you are like me in this respect, and when one has practiced really a lot one also expects to be able to play accurately…it is so annoying to make mistakes!

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