Strap locks

I am thinking of using strap locks on my fender Stratocaster. Any one have experience with these and what cons are there to these.

Here Justin mentions the advantages of another (Dutch) option (which I also used with two guitars


I bought some of these a few weeks back. Seem to work OK for me. Fender Strap Blocks | Parts


Jeff @Jwaters
My only comment would be why are you thinking about it now, should have been using some sort of strap lock from day 1.

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Definitely worth using something Jeff. I invested in the below over Christmas and they are absolutely brilliant. Possibly overpriced but with the added benefit of moving between guitars completely hassle free, worth every penny on my book.


Used these one for years. Cheap as chips and do what’s needed.


Yea I never had a problem with strap coming off until yesterday so I saved the guitar before going to floor but think now better safe than sorry


The ones I show at top for a set 5.00

I have Tried them Jeff… nothing wrong with them… but i like those fender rubber far better… much cheaper too… or… just buy two bottles with Grolsch and use those red rubber rings… that is a real win win🤣


Ditto. Really simple and inexpensive solution. No need for installation, drilling holes or anything like that. Just pop 'em on and forgot about them. Simples!


I bought the Jim Dunlop Straplok Dual Design early on. They always seem to click into place and there is no way they will come apart without you intending to take them apart. You can buy just the guitar side of the set as well, which is nice if you have one strap and more than one guitar.

The only down-side I have found so far is that if you have a guitar with the strap button on the back, these stick out a bit further than the manufacturer’s button and I can feel them poking into my tummy (look at an SG for instance).

I had one case where the screws were significantly longer. The heads on the original screws were too big, and I needed to trim down the screws that came with the lock.

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Started with these. OK on the Affinity but they dug into my side when I used the on the Washburn HBs

So quickly swapped to the washer types.

After my LP Cherry broke her neck, they were swiftly added to all my guitars including the acoustics.

But I would also recommend the Grolsch strap lock, as you get a free beer with each one.


What ever you choose get strapped, I’d hate anyone to go through the anguish I went through.
Gibson and tiled floors don’t mix !!



This is no different than strings, picks, slides, straps, pedals, or anything else. There is no one thing that fits all scenarios. We are all looking to find our own sense of style and unique voice on the instrument. It’s just gear, so try a few options to see what works best for you.

Personally, I use a couple of different strap locks that work best on each of my strap and guitar combos. Some locks cause leather squeaks, clatter when you move around on one guitar and not another. Some are just a bit clunky to use. I’m not married to one brand, material or type. That said, given a choice I tend to favor straps with built in locks. D’Addario makes a couple of different types that I really like.


I used to use mechanical strap locks and they are great - there are two reasons I stopped. Firstly I have a favourite strap, and it meant that I could only use that strap with guitars fitted with the same mechanical locks. Secondly, I’m a bit lazy and often don’t use a guitar stand. This meant I had to take the bottom strap lock off every time I set the guitar down leaning against a chair for example. Hardly a deal breaker, but it just annoyed me.
I have switched to the rubber locks now and will continue with those. I do find the one on the top bout occasionally pops off (just the rubber, not the strap!) with my Les Paul (I think it’s the angle of the strap button), but it’s fine on the strat and tele.

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I suppose they would come in handy if your jumpin around like Pete Townsend. Most don’t. I find them clunky and noisy. but thats just me.

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This is why.

Just standing and playing, no theatrics or aerobatics. Strap went ping, neck went crack. Simples.



Ouch Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner , I remember you posting that. Thankfully never happened to me but I imagine it provides a similar feeling to a kick in the proverbials :joy:


I’d add the washer style make zero noise. The sound of guitar neck hitting a cold tile floor when the strap pops off, is a sound you never forget. :scream: