Strumming Pattern for "Nothing Has to Be True"

Sometime just a bit of knowledge makes figuring out something even harder

I’m trying to figure out pattern for First Aid Kit song Nothing Has to Be True

As Jason suggests I’ve listened to the sing many times

I get it

But where it changes from C to F is confusing

I then go into the dark hole of internet and a “teacher” says it is down, down, down, up, up on the C then up, down, up down on F

The count doesn’t seem to work

Including video link of them playing

I’ve zoomed in on fingers

Kind of makes sense, but I can’t figure out the count

Thank you

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Hi Tom, I’ll take a shot…I get
with the chord change on the second-to-last D.

I’m pretty new at figuring stuff like this out…I’m interested to learn the “right” answer. :smiling_face:


Thank you, Judi

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Let me know if you think it’s even close. :wink:

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I will try Tue and let you in know!

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What’s your count using 1,2, 3,4?

And where do you think second bar starts — the quick F to C?


Here’s what I’m seeing. The chord change is on the bold D (3 in the second measure).
I suspect this is properly counted in 16ths (1e+a…) but I still get lost that way and end up thinking in two measures counted in 8ths.


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I so appreciate this

Thank you

I hope it helps, Tom. Even if I don’t have it right, maybe it will get you on the right track!
FWIW: I slowed down the YouTube to 50% speed - helped me suss out what she’s doing.


Now I need to translate all this to 16th note pattern!

This might be it in 16ths…

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Much appreciation, Judi

Thank you


As I play around with this in 16th note pattern it seems F gets two beats on one and two — and C gets two beats on 3 and 4, then back to C

Am I right?!!!

And does F come in beat 3 in first bar, or 1 im second bar?

Hi Tom, I’ll take a look tomorrow. :smiling_face:

Now I’m a pest!

Thank you

Not at all, this is a fun exercise!

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I have to take a look at this - I love that song.
Back when I get a little time.

Introductory bar that repeats multiple times.
I tabbed using 16ths, tied when the chord lasts for a longer duration. This allows to see how a consistent Down Up 16th strumming motion allows the whole rhythm pattern to slot together consistently.


Thank you for doing this Richard! Now Tom has the right answer, and I have the relief to know that I wasn’t that far off on the pattern - only one stray U. :smiling_face:


Thank you, Richard
