Sunshine of your love cover attempt

A few days into learning this.

Pretty disappointed with the tone as it sounded good in the room but I think the katana has a preset on the line out function I need to change.

Apologies for the solo as it was improvised roughly from what I could remember.

Seems I need to work on my vibrato during the riff, getting back to the power chord shape from a good proper vibrato always seems too soon. Plenty work to do but I’ll take it!


Hi Neil!

Lots to like here! You played well, stayed in the groove & I didn’t find anything wrong with your tone, the production was good as well… sounded pretty good!

Only “criticism” is that to my ears, the solo competed with guitar 1 instead of complementing… may just be my personal preference here…

Overall though, nice job & if you can work on your solo a bit, this one’s a “keeper”!!!


Thanks for feedback @CATMAN62 I agree about the solo. Going to have another Crack at it!

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By the way, which Katana are you using? Also, what difference do you notice between “room” sound & recording sound?


Love it, makes me want to take another shot at learning it for sure :slight_smile:

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@CATMAN62 I have a gen 3 50w. I mean I’m recording into the daw directly using an interface and it simulates a mic recording apparently. Tonnes of stuff to fiddle with in the settings but it sounded a bit cleaner to my ear through the amp. I think I also mis aligned the solo and rhythm section in the daw so it’s badly out of time. Going to take more than that to fix it though :joy:

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Well played Neil, you sounded great through my headphones, and you had me tapping along with the beat right the way through … :clap: :+1:
I’d agree with the suggested levels tweak by @CATMAN62 ; although I’m not experienced enough to offer a qualified critique, or which knobs to twiddle … :thinking:
Honestly, that would go down a blast at a JGC Open Mic, as it is.
Super job, well done … :sunglasses:



The rhythm guitar section was very well played: accurate timing, good dynamics. The solo was a bit of an adventure: the first and most obvious glitch was the synchronicity with the rhythm track. If that timimg problem could be eliminated it would work better. Enjoyed listening to it.


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Hi Neil. I thought your tones were great. Super rhythm guitar and the sync between your rhythm and lead was the only weak part. Get that sorted and you’ve got a really good version on your hands. Well done.

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Hi Neil, excellent job. Love to hear it again when you sort out the timing with the solo.

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Thanks for the kind words and encouragement everyone! Going to do another solo and then try to actually line it up properly with the rhythm track on the computer this time! :sweat_smile: