Superwhite (Jim White tribute)

When I mentioned I was working on a musical response to the Jim White visit in one of my many anticipatory posts, Gordon @sairfingers quipped:
“Looking forward to that one Brian. (assuming it’s all your own work of course). :wink:
This leopard is well beyond his changing-spots-years, so it’s all begged, borrowed or stolen,
from the nod-to-The-Doors intro, to the videos, to the interview mashup in the middle…
Sue me! :wink:

YT blurb, credits & lyrics

On Valentine’s Day, 2025, Jim White rolled into West Kirby, Merseyside, with the fabulous Belgian musicians Geert Hellings and Nicolas Rombout to perform his latest collaboration ‘Precious Bane’ with Trey Blake from Brighton, in a gig I organised.
The middle section contains an ‘imaginary’ description of Johnny Dowd (who played in my living room last year).
It’s a mashup of Jim’s descriptions of David Byrne, Tom Waits and a homeless person, living on the streets of New York.
If the glove fits…

This video is a musical Thank You card / souvenir to four wonderful individuals (five, if you count Johnny)
You can view some of the performances in a playlist on my YT channel

Chris Goldring, lead guitar, mandolin
Hans Larsen, drums
Brian Larsen, guitar, looper, vocals, video & audio editing, production

Jim White, heavily edited interview from vpro Vrije Geluiden extra (no permission)
Video extracts from Jim White’s BBC documentary ‘Searching for the Wrong Eyed Jesus’
& Johnny Dowd’s ‘That’s your Wife on the Back of My Horse’


I wanna tell ya ‘bout Jim White and the big heat
Comes out of the peri-Pensacola wetlands cool an’ slow,
Like Mr. Mojo Risin’ with a light guitar
And tight skin on the back of the beat

He drilled a pre-millennium hole in the substrate of my brain
Searchin’ for the Son of God, with a funny stare
Prisoners, preachers, pimps & harlots
In a borrowed a chevvy from a Pentecostal car lot

Chasing tornadoes from God to vice
He’s superwhite, superwhite
He’s super nice

Sparks and flames from Rennie an’ Brett
The handsomest couple you never met
He got 16 powers, and all the force
Of David Eugene Edward’s Horse

But who’s that dude with silver hair, the gravelly voice, who breathes despair?
Hellwood! Hell won’t accept the Dowd!
Tell me, Jim, how’d you smoke him out?

(Jim White)
It’s a series of extraordinary, improbable events
He had on a coon-skin cap with a little tail, mirror sunglasses, and a strange western outfit
He thought he was the illegitimate son of Hank Williams
And he lived in Hell
*He ate pepper. Black pepper… and he drank Listerine. *
And that’s all he ate
He had a guitar with one string on it
And he would make these grunting sounds as people walked by
So, it’s like seeing a mirror image of yourself- only functioning on a much higher level
*I had found a voice howling from a direction, which I knew I needed to go, *
but I saw no way to get there
So, he was John the Baptist, in the desert, crying out:
*“Oh, yeah… the Jesus guy! *
*What’ll you have, Mac?.. *
And he turned around and walked out
He’s a wonderful person
He’s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful person

Chasing tornadoes from God to vice
He’s superwhite, superwhite
He’s super nice

Still can’t believe that Jim & John,
my hero alt. Amer- icons
broke my bread and slept in my bed
and made me smile just like Jim said:

Dig a grave in my backyard
Lay me in it and throw the dirt on me
You will not ever see the smile disappear from my face


I like it very much, no matter how you created it… It’s the final result that counts. The musical arrangement is great, and so is the story.
Well done, Brian.

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Thank you, Tomasz. Much appreciated :smiley:

Ooo Just read it in one of your 4 topics popping up in a day :see_no_evil:
My mistake,stupid stupid … I should have been much more specific :persevere: :persevere: … and also twistings some of my words :scream: … as a punishment no more quoting for a month you get a 2 month no opening topics as a punishment … see how quickly you start shaking,

Well now that I’m here… :thinking:

This is a very nice musical thank you card :smiley: :sunglasses: :clap:… Funny to see that I saw the beginning bus somewhere on TV not so long ago… but where???

and I’ve seen most of the video before, nice… :sunglasses:

It’s super well done the whole video and all flowing together and your voice fits this like a well-fitting glove :smiley: :sunglasses:

Greetings …

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What’cha gonna do about it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All the video (apart from the Johnny Dowd playing) comes from the Searching for… documentary. You must have seen the film or the trailer.
I have a new pc with Win11 and have switched to a new video editing programme DaVinci Resolve. Steep learning curve! :open_mouth:
Thank you for the stamp of approval :smiley:

I like it, Brian :+1:

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Thank you, Hec :smiley:

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Very cool Brian , you do a great job of bringing the listener through a song. Great to see you back on the horse again :sunglasses:


Hi Brian

This is quite wonderfull. Everything about it. Particularily your phrasing while singing and that lead guitar (the credits mention Chris) is perfect. Rythmn guitar is very good too of course.

Great to have you back

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Really enjoyed it! Music, images, story! :clap:

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Well Brian, beg borrow or steal, you’ve created something quite special here, something that (I’ve said this before about one of your previous productions) is worthy of inclusion in any arthouse cinema’s playlist.
Clearly a huge amount of time and effort has gone into this.
You’ve said in the past that learning/playing guitar is a bit of a means to an end. Well you’ve certainly achieved something here that eclipses the rest of us here who churn out covers of songs.
Impresario, audio/visual producer, musician.
Ok enough sycophancy from me.
Well done my friend.

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The brilliant, creative mastermind is back! :smiley:

Keep it short: I thoroughly enjoyed this tribute, Brian. It’s always stunning how you put all bits and pieces together (I wouldn’t call it stealing, it feels more like borrowing) to create something new.

What do/did Jim and the Gang say? :slight_smile:

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Always something special from you and your merry (or not) gang of collaborators, Brian.

No exception here, music, lyrics, video all sounded and looked top drawer

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Hah! that’s a brilliant piece of work Brian!

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Very atmospheric Brian, quite mesmerising!
Look forward to hearing a live version :grinning:

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Apologies for the delayed responses, I was in Devon with my son for a few days.
The Celtic contingent arrived :smiley:
@Eddie_09 Always enjoy hearing from you, whether as a comment or porch-performance.
Go raibh maith agat :wink:
@Will_E_Vander Cheers, Will. Chris beamed when I mentioned this.
Good to be back :laughing:
@domi7 Vielen Dank, mein Freund :smiley:
@sairfingers, My goodness! So much praise shoe-horned into a single comment… I almost smell a rat! :rofl:
Thank you, my friend, much appreciated. The most difficult part on this one was actually learning how to use my new video editing program DaVinci Resolve, but I think it will be time well spent.
As you have probably gathered, I’m still buzzing :wink:
@Lisa_S Vielen Dank :smiley:
Well, it’s still early days, but not a word yet from either Jim, Johnny, or any of the gang on the video. It’s possible that the description of Johnny Dowd that I put in his mouth (a mashup of David Byrne, Tom Waits and Hank, the homeless man) did not go down too well, but I’d say more likely that they all just have a million other more important things to do :wink:
He did have this to say about the gig though:

@DavidP Thank you David. Generous as always. Yes, I was always more interested in the Sheriff of Nottingham than Robin Hood :rofl:
@twistor59 Cheers, Phil. Glad you enjoyed it :smiley:
@Richtrfc Well we can do ‘live’ next Wednesday, but I’m pretty sure this ‘song’ will never be performed :rofl:


Wow, that’s supernice! It probably won’t get any better. :smiley:

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