Tab software WIndows and Android

I want some software that will run correctly on Windows 10 and Android to create and view Tab.
I have Musescore on the PC (free version) and it works fine - I have created several scores and saved then both locally and in the cloud. If I then try to view the score using the Musescore Android app, it either just runs in circles or continues trying to load the score without any success.

Musescore is free at present, with the Pro version available at various ‘marked down’ prices, but it is pretty useless moving forwards because I need to view the tab on my Lenovo P12, which is a great sized tablet for viewing scores.

Money is tight, so I can’t be forking out loads of money to get a replacement that may not function correctly - judging from the comments and reviews, many of the apps suffer the same thing, with the PC based one working ok, then a complete PITA trying to use the scores in Android.

Any suggestions that aren’t expensive?

Guitar Pro works well for score viewing on Android. This is what it looks like on my phone (obviously it’s better on a tablet)

It’s not so great for editing though, but I don’t think any app will be.

Justin has a discount code for Guitar Pro:




By the way, you can download the Guitar Pro free demo to try out. Not sure if that’s just the Windows version though.




One other avenue you could explore is SoundSlice dot com as a replacement for the tablet part of the set-up. It depends what you want to achieve but with a free account you can get basic playback of guitar pro tab files.

I’ll mention my set-up here, a little different to your but still relevant I think. I have a PC laptop with a licensed version of Guitar Pro 8 which is good. The problem has always been the mobile part of the equation. On iPhone (I imagine the same will be true for Android) the Guitar Pro app looks to be basically abandoned, really basic and hasn’t had an update in years (I think I recall) but they still want money for the app. And that’s when I started hunting around for alternative solutions and found SoundSlice. I’ve never tried editing using it but it appears possible. On the free tier you can definitely upload GP files and play them back. I’ve not needed it lately but I think you can do stuff like alter playback speed and do loops on the free tier. It will cost you nothing to take a look

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Thanks for the replies.
SoundSlice looks interesting - I’ll look into that.
The free trial of Guitar Pro will be useful - I’ll find a couple of quiet days when I can get to grips with it - 7 days is a little short for me (brain works slowly :crazy_face: )

I downloaded Guitar Pro on my PC awhile ago and I really like making tabs with it for learning songs. Once I learn the song, though, I try switching over to songsheets since their more compact format means for less scrolling.

I didn’t know Guitar Pro had an android version. Going to need to look that one up.




very cool. thanks