Tearing down Folsom Prison

1st go. Still need to learn the lead bit.


H,i Chip
Good start and … keep practicing :sunglasses:…don’t think I’ve ever gotten a good start on this…the right back and forth between the bass notes and those at a reasonable speed and muting once seemed like quite a tough job…maybe I’ll start soon, :sweat_smile:
unfortunately my singing is slightly well…different…well uh…a lot :blush: so no singing it is and then it is not that graet I think to play …we see :smile:

Have fun decorating this one :sunglasses:


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Much obliged @roger_holland

This one has lots of nuance that I didn’t appreciate until I started listening more closely. Without the band I need to “chunka chunka” a bit instead of pluck to get the train feeling. I know what that means in my head, but my fingers are slow. (And 15 minutes is obviously not enough time to master the solo parts!)

Thanks for the kind words.

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