Thank you so much!

Thank you so much, Justin and the hole team!
This course is for me a great opportunity to start into this amazing world of music. I’m finishing Beginner Grade 1, trying to consolidate. I`ve never thought, that this method learning to play guitar will work so good for me. Your course is phantastic! Well structured, very instructive and always motivating!
Can’t wait to start the Beginner Course Part 2!


Good to see that you like it, hopefully you’re having fun too!

Way to go, Andrea! Congratulations on reaching the end of Grade 1! Try not to rush through consolidation too quickly, it’s important. I’ve only started on Grade 2 quite recently, so probably about the same level as you. It’s very exciting stuff!

What is your favorite or most satisfying accomplishment so far?

Great stuff Andrea, it’s heaps of fun. Nice to hear from you

Most satisfying accomplishment? The experience, that’s REALLY possible to learn to play guitar with this method and the feeling, when I first played “Wish you were here” and it sounded almost like “Wish you were here” :joy:. A song, worth working on it, also in the future.


Love it, Andrea! Look forward to hearing WYWH


Thanks Andrea and kudos for your own progress. :grinning: