That Stuff Can Kill You (Cover-ish, collab)

I loved the vibe of this whole thing. Mellow comes to my mind. Your vocals always sound great. Loved whatever FX you used. Great work by @sclay.

I read your other post about losing your data. How stressful; but so glad you were able to recover most of it. Technology is great but also can be such a pain.

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I had to look for something in your topic`s recently( :see_no_evil:) and then I came across the yodel thread and thought for a moment about reviving it, but after about 15 minutes on YouTube I decided to leave that in the mountains of youtube :hear_no_evil:

But for one of your yodeling sessions I’ll prick up my ears :smiley: :smile:

Greetings from a sunny Nijkerk :sunflower:

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Aw, thanks again Pam :smiley:
A bit of reverb is all. Yeah, Shane did great :smiley:
IT seems to be behaving itself again, so no excuses at the moment :laughing:

Wow, Brian @brianlarsen and Shane @sclay ! You guys really started a collaboration together :astonished:? It sounds awesome, you complement each other so well! I’m deeply impressed. Also, the lyrics - such a thoughtful rewrite. To my ears the whole production sounds fantastic, I really enjoyed it :smiley:


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@brianlarsen @sclay Brian and Shane, that was a wonderful production. It had an ethereal quality to it that was lovely. Vocals suited the song perfectly, Brian, and Shane your soloing is awe inspiring for how it fits the song and enhances the story.

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Vielen Dank @franzek :smiley:
Cheers for the listen and compliments. Glad you enjoyed it!

Hey there @Mari63 Thanks for dropping by and taking this in :smiley:
You might be on the money with the ethereal remark-
The latest song I’m learning just oozes ‘ether’ :laughing:


Always try to get the original artists approval for your covers… :rofl:


Hi Brian! Great collaboration, you both did a great job, I always watch your live performances with great interest!!


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@brianlarsen @sclay

That was just terrific, Brian and Shane! :clap: So glad I didn’t miss on this one completely. What an amazing outcome of this collab. For me, it’s my favourite vocal performance of yours, Brian. Shane, excellent touch on the strings, as usual. The lead parts were a pleasure to listen to.

Overall, a most enjoyable listen. :smiley: Thanks for sharing this and hopefully, this will not remain your last collab. You two complement each other well. :+1:

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How cool is that! :smiley:

Good job guys, loved that vibe!

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Thank you, Mike. Much appreciated and the feeling is mutual :smiley:

Hallo, @Lisa_S Vielen Dank :smiley:
What a lovely comment!
You never know what the future holds, but aside from simply being an enjoyable experience, I hope it encourages others to go down the collaboration road.

@LievenDV Thank you, my friend :smiley:
You just popped up whilst I was doing my ‘housekeeping’ :laughing:


Brian, you’ve come a long way my friend, this was great! Shane, take a bow - sublime colouring of the sound with your fills.

Haha, thank you Neil,
Flattery will get you… everything! :rofl: