That Stuff Can Kill You (Cover-ish, collab)

Another fun and new collab here, with none other than community pillar Shane @sclay , who’s been propping up the northern hemisphere with a couple of antipodeans for the last couple of years :smiley:
I mentioned in a couple of other threads that Cousin Lars had been visiting from Copenhagen. He suggested I learn a Kim Larsen song, which I didn’t like, but chose to cover a different Kim song instead, Kvinde Min
The Spotify algorithm inevitably lured me down a Danish music rabbit hole, and I came across the band Sonja Hald (anagram of singer/songwriter Jonas Dahl). He had a couple of songs I liked but the simplicity of this one appealed to me and although I don’t understand all the lyrics, I can make out enough to appreciate their quirky uniqueness. Two songs in Danish in a row is a bridge too far, so I took the liberty of a ‘mother-tongue-rewrite’ under the ‘inspired by’ moniker.
Du ka’ dø af det der means You can die from that
I thought it could do with some lead guitar embellishments, as well as a solo, and given the subject matter of laying off the booze, I thought Shane and I would make a good combo :laughing:
Look closely and you’ll see I had to mime the performance as the vocals and guitar were separate recordings, but I did sing and play at the same time.
Shane did a stellar job, producing the goods promptly, with positive critique and helpful suggestions.
Cheers mate
Enjoy :sunglasses:


The Signal was poor and you slowly drifted apart
But you made a connection with a stool at your local bar
Your heads in the sand, it’s all society’s fault
When you put piss in, piss is gonna come out

Get off your high horse and step back from the trough
You’re playing with fire and there soon won’t be enough
That stuff can kill ya. That stuff can kill ya
Give it a rest .That stuff’ll kill ya

Now they’re calling last orders but you feel it’s your last chance
A mumbling barfly caught in a tumbling glass
The icy pavement kisses the back of your head
Stars start spinning as you settle on your frozen bed

Get off your high horse and step back from the trough
You’re playing with fire and there soon won’t be enough
That stuff can kill ya. That stuff can kill ya
Give it a rest. That stuff’ll kill ya
And your mother always said you’d catch your death of cold can
That stuff kill ya. That stuff can kill ya
Give it a rest
That stuff’ll kill ya



Excellent translation, rendition: really good song. There’s an echo of Dire Straits in there somewhere. Terrific.




Brian and Shane, wow, what a treat! Very suitable to celebrate 50 Community Recordings (unless I am mistaken).

Brian, your guitar and percusion served the song perfectly playing a supporting role. Your singing is always fabulous, so much character. But I have a sense that this is right up there with your best performance. There’s a softer, gentler feel to the tone to go with the usual expression and character. I really liked it.

Shane, take a bow man. That was superb playing, start to finish. Loved the tone and feel.

Put it altogether and I am hearing echoes of Mark Knopfler solo work or Chris Rea.

Maybe the two of you can try one of Knopfler’s solo tunes. He’s produced so many great albums you’d surely be spoiled for choice.

From a production perspective, I might have tried some jiggery pokery to get the rhythm guitar out a little wider, give the whole more width. And the backing vocal seemed either too loud to be that faint echo style or a little disconnected from the lead in the sonic space to add fullness and texture to it. I hope needless to say, that these are just my own opinions, for whatever they may be worth.

Now I think I shall give that another listen, which I tell ya is not my norm here!


@beejay56 I heard the same Brian, though attributed it to Knopfler solo rather than with Dire Straits. I guess now we know some of the influences of Jonas Dahl :grin:

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That was excellent! I played it few times and I really enjoyed it.
I thought you both did a great job, your guitars work so nicely together. :slight_smile:

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Cheers Brian :smiley:

That’ll be Shane :laughing:

Ta David

Where do you get this info from? :rofl:
Thanks for the very generous thumbs up. High praise indeed.

Always appreciate your ears, David, and you’re on the mark with this one.
With my recent pc meltdown/recovery, I think I was a bit keen just to get everything back up and publish. I was not very happy with my backing vocals, (which Shane also pointed out), but did not really fancy re-recording/mixing. In fact I think I forgot all about panning and everything is slap bang in the middle :thinking:
Maybe I will revisit some day and have another go.

Thanks @Boris1565 much appreciated :smiley:

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Very enjoyable listen - congratulations folks on a super result! You are both really good at this¬

“Made a connection with a stool at the local bar” - lyrics by a gastroenterologist :rofl:

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Wow, what a superb collab :star_struck:!! I love this production :heart_eyes:. Your guitars are in such harmony, great playing, and very enjoyable vox.

I totally agree. So well sung, Brian :clap::clap:.

And excellent solo work from Shane @sclay :star_struck::+1:.


Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.


Thanks everyone for your kind words. Very enjoyable collab with Brian; smooth and cruisy experience, as I knew it would be; learnt a bit along the way too.
Great lyrics for the song as well. This gentleman can write, I tell ya.

Cheers, Shane


Wow! That was awesome! Very enjoyable as usual :clap: :clap:
You guys make an amazing collab.
I got a Knopfler vibe too

:+1: poetic and creative
great performance from both of you :star_struck:

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What a great collab guys, really enjoyed that. You’ve taken that original framework and produced a nice gem. Did you use the Trio for bass and drums btw ? Great lyrics well delivered and supported by some exquisite riffing from Shane.
Well done guys.


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Brian and Shane great job . Shane love the solos you are rocking.

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Hi Brian and Shane,

I first started by reading the lyrics … you already deserved the like there :sunglasses: :clap:

And your singing this time was definitely not a cheap Rioja :smile: … Very pleasant to listen to :smiley: :man_bowing:

And Shane, I really enjoyed your guitar playing :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses: :man_bowing:

So Boys ,you deserve a big :clap: and :bouquet:

Thanks and greetings


Well guys, that was pretty darn good. I think that’s your best miming performance Brian (seriously one of your best vocal and guitar performance (if not the best) to date. And the super guitar playing from Shane, that was the icing on the cake. Bravo lads.

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Well Brian, you mentioned in the other thread that you’d not been around here so much recently. If this is what you can produce during a period of absence……
Wow, I thought that was terrific. Your vocal was excellent, expressive, softer than usual. (even the best of them mimed on TOTPs back in the day!) Rhythm guitar, backing percussion and bass were spot on.
And as for your lead guitarist! That was superb Shane @sclay. Yes as others have said definitely a Knopfler vibe going on.
Well done both of you.

A really good lyric to that song but I’m a bit confused. Did you write it or translate it from Danish?

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You two guys made an excellent job! That was really really enjoyable to listen to!

I didn’t notice that, the quality of sound was
really terrific! Bravi, tutti e due :wink::raised_hands::blush::raised_hands:


Fabulous collaboration guys. Great lyrics, vocals , guitar work and the solos really added to the overall experience. Someone above mentioned a Dire straits vibe going on and I concur with that. Great work guys!

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Hey Guys,
To me this started out with a kind of Floyd type of vibe to it. Nice laid back tune with some tasty lead guitar. Mellow comes to mind and it was perfect for a Sunday morning with coffee!

Keep up the good vibe!

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Cheers Phil,
High praise indeed. Neither of us spent too much time on this one. Everything clicked into place pretty smoothly. We settled for good enough :wink:

… the urologist helped out at the end of that verse :rofl:

Hey @NicoleKKB , vielen Dank
Much appreciated :smiley:

@Avalon426 Hi Jasmine, thanks for the listen and positive vibes-
Shane Knopfler it will have to be, it seems :wink:

Merci, @TheMadman_tobyjenner , mon ami :smiley:
Yeah, I got the old Trio band together again for this. I did send the track to my brother to see if he fancied doing some drums for it, but he wasn’t that keen. I thought of asking Chris for some fiddle but he’s off in Shetland for a week and I’m waiting for contributions on two other tracks from him. We left this as a Chuckle-brothers production

Cheers, Jeff :smiley:

Hehe, I’ve heard enough of Shane’s blues journey to know he’s produce the goods. :wink:

Aw, @roger_holland, thank you,
Much appreciated and pleased it didn’t offend your palate.
I’ll see if I can provide some good teasing material in my next offering.
(I’m thinking of incorporating yodeling again :rofl:)

@Socio Wow, James, very generous of you.
Maybe I shouldn’t put as much effort into my projects after all? :rofl:
Always good to hear from you :smiley:

Ta Gordon, the Scot is being a bit ‘flahoolah’ with his praise today, but I’ll gladly take it. :smiley:
Yes, I’ve been busy enough with guitar related stuff recently, just absent from the forum. I have a couple of projects on the go and it was fun to talk guitar with my cousin.

I didn’t understand all of the Danish, so it’s a rewrite, although I did borrow many of the phrases to ‘keep it real’

Grazie @SILVIA , much appreciated. It was good fun. I think most of us are a bit apprehensive embarking on a collaboration with someone new, but they’ve always been very rewarding for me :smiley:

Cheers, @Eddie_09 ,
You’ve been a pillar of support since you joined. Much appreciated and keep playin’ :smiley:



The Brother dropped the F-word :open_mouth:
Doesn’t get any better than that :laughing:
You deserve Sunday morning coffee every day of the week after that