The Gift of Music

It’s my darling’s birthday today, so I got her this :smiley:

If you’re looking for something other than chocolates or roses for your loved one this Valentine’s Day, why not get them a personalised ‘love song’? :heart: :heart: :heart:


Oh that’s great :smiley:

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What a wonderful idea :smiley:

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That’s brilliant!

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What a brilliant gift, amazing! :heart_eyes:

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Brilliant, Brian, and here’s wishing your darling many many happy returns

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Congratulations … :partying_face: :sunglasses: :bouquet: :sun_with_face:

some things/ idea`s must be repeated :smiley:…they are really nice :sunglasses:

Brilliant opening line… “There’s something wrong with my hands, they’re not holding you”


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You old romantic you. I hope your wife has a wonderful birthday and that she really enjoys her song.

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That’s so cool. But I forget which one of you is Geraldine, so wish the missus happy birthday !


That is so thoughtful and beautiful!! :heart_eyes:
Happy birthday to Geraldine too :smiling_face:

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@LievenDV @franzek @mathsjunky @Lisa_S @DavidP @roger_holland @SgtColon @TheMadman_tobyjenner @Avalon426

Thank you all for the listen and positive comments :smiley:
Brilliant was the most used term and I have to agree, although that refers to the artists’ talent, sense of humour and willingness to engage :smiley:


Lovely idea! That guitar Brian…I’m no expert but it has such a shape as an ancient guitar! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


Very cool and a beautiful present Brian. I hope a wonderful day is heading Geraldine’s way :birthday::slightly_smiling_face:

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Mr Larsen - you are a wonderful treasure.
I hope the smile on Geraldine’s face was extra wide and full on opening her gift.

I think I may have to partake of the valentine thingy fro Mrs C.
We are going to see Ariel & Mathias (presenting ‘Never Work’ with Shotgun Jimmie) on 13th April.

Happy birthday Geraldine! xx

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Grazie @SILVIA :smiley: … old and small :wink:

Cheers @Gonetoearth :smiley:

A convert! How cool :sunglasses:
Be sure to introduce yourself (and give them my love too)
I was just listening to their robot revolution song last week :open_mouth:


I have also bought the gift of music for Mrs C … :heart: :gift_heart:


:heart: :heart: :heart:

Well now, can’t get too much more romantic than that peeps!!! I’m sure you better half’s :wink: @brianlarsen @Richard_close2u ended up being all warm and fuzzy inside leading to a happy spouse, leading to a happy man!!!

Not only that, they said they were in P.E.I. right next door to Nova Scotia…this to me is too cool!!!

Rock on!

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You old silver fox, you. :smiley:
All class Brian, and a romantic heart to boot.
I’m sure your wife was both thrilled and overwhelmed.

Cheers, Shane

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Happy Birthday Geraldine! :clinking_glasses:
I assume you’ve told her about the new guitar Brian and this is not just a smokescreen.