The great vocals within the community, but why covers?

Are you still going to learn these songs to have in your campfire locker? Is it just the songs that your learning at the start of your journey don’t interest you?

@Socio - I had to imagine being a DJ or something similar, in order to come up with that list of five. I don’t have anything in my campfire locker. At a campfire I will be the one listening and join in or play my own songs. Though I most likely will not be able to be at a campfire gathering or any other gathering as such.

I do have a couple of those campfire songs, but I use them as a mean to test how my training is developing. Kind of experiment, on how the training spill over to be able to pick a song like that and play.

I have few songs I would luv to play, but they are further down the path, as I need to train certain techniques in order to play them. But I will not showcase them or play them in public, it is just for my own ears to hear. - “Nothing Else Matters” Metallica and I have few of Kim Larsen songs as well. That’s all. Just for myself. - Else its all about song writing and composing. - Also I have no really interest showcasing those either. - Also again just for my own enjoyment and also to have something fun and interesting things to do, as I no longer can ride my bicycle, do gardening, work as a carpenter which all I loved so much. - Now I finally found something I can do while having fun and enjoying. I luv every moment of this.

Few hours away from my bed and toilet is what the body can handle at most. - So I am very limited in this sense. But I find my ways around it, as good as I possibly can.

What I post in my learning log is not to showcase myself or promote myself, as some might think. It is to show the progress and how I go about things. Nothing more and nothing less.
I composed one song and I will continue develop this and write about how I deal with certain issues, my thoughts behind it and like that. - Kind of showing the process behind the curtain. I might not even want to show the final result here.

Also that is something that have developed and changed since I first came 5 weeks ago and until now. I kind of have settled now and know what direction I want to take and how I will use and benefit from the community and having a learning log.

Not sure if it makes any sense to any of you. But that’s the road I am taking.

For me it is roughly all coming together, some minor details might change, but over all, I have got all I need to move on in my desired direction.

Hi Brian,

A lot of it was unfortunately lost - simply because we’re talking about OLD stuff, recorded to tape. And time simply slipped by, and a lot of it was never digitized :frowning:
I do have some stuff lying around, I might make a post with a selection of tracks, if it would be of interest. I would have to swallow my pride a bit though, because neither tone nor playing skills matches my own standards these days. But if there is anywhere I could safely post such stuff it would probably be on these forums, where people understand :wink:


I have a couple of friends who played in bands when they were younger. Most of them are pleased when they come across recordings from the past :smiley:

Whilst that might prove difficult for you, the worse you sound, the more encouraging it might be for those who listen to your lead play in awe, thinking ‘I’ll never be that good!’ :laughing:
You’ve always struck me as having good balance between modesty and confident self-awareness :smiley: