The Limit- CounterPlot (jenndye429, nzmetal, ddye) plus special bonus song

Jennifer ,Dan and Jeff
:ok_hand: :boom:
I think both videos are great, if I had to express a preference, I like the 2nd one the most because I can see you 3 much better and I can connect with you more in an instant :smiley:ā€¦really super, nice ,good , and good looking listening playing etc etc etc :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:



Thank you so much Mal! I think we all feel like we have improved so much since our first song together! Our recording and mixing ability has gotten much better and since we have done a few videos now we have learned a lot! We are always striving to improve, so Iā€™m glad that comes across :blush:

Thank you so much! We will make sure that you are on the list to get one when itā€™s done :wink:

Thanks for checking it out LB! I always enjoy hearing your thoughts since you are very familiar with the remote collab process :wink:

The three of us instinctively knew that Bananas would be the JG Community favorite between the two :wink: Our style in general is not going to be to everyoneā€™s taste, and thatā€™s totally ok :blush: I think thatā€™s partially what brought the three of us together in the first place- we all love the hard and loud stuff! :laughing:

I did think about adding a backup vocal to The Limit at one point, but I think I really enjoyed the simplicity of this one without it. I LOVE a good backup vocal though, so there will be others coming that have them :wink:

Thank you again for checking it out and sharing your detailed feedback! Iā€™m happy you are able to enjoy our work, even if itā€™s not always your thing :sunglasses:


@Ontime @Elixir1253 @roger_holland

Thank you all for watching and for your kind words! Glad you all enjoyed it! We were curious what the reaction would be between the two songs would be and we are thrilled that so many have been able to enjoy both of them. :sunglasses: :guitar: :guitar: :drum:


Awesome job again guys. Ye really have this songwriting and performing thing nailed! You all gel so well together to produce these gems. :sunglasses:


You guys just keep pushinā€™ the boundaries dontcha? (or is that the limitsā€¦ :laughing:)
An album. Thatā€™s a bit outrageous! :open_mouth:
Well, youā€™re still clearing the bar you set on your previous clutch of releases on the songwriting, performance and production fronts. One of these days you will crash and burn, but today is not that dayā€¦

Constructive ā€˜nigglesā€™ :wink:

The Limit
Strong Sisters of Mercy vibe from the intro (thatā€™s good!). Rockinā€™ tune. I would have liked to hear what the vocals would sound like with reverb turned up.
Possibly a missed trick by not having backing vocals as well. (Harmonies or one of the guys with some low chantingā€¦)
Credits font :-1:

Can you actually play drums with a knitting needles grip? :rofl:
Ahh, the harmonies have arrived- my favourite part of the song.
Blue denim on a blue couch? :grimacing: :laughing:
Credits font :+1:


Thanks @brianlarsen for checking it out and all the great feedback!

:laughing: :laughing: We are self-admittedly outrageous so we might as well do outrageous things :wink:

Iā€™m aware that day will come, but luckily it hasnā€™t hit us yet, so we need to get the album done before it does :laughing:

Admittedly, Iā€™m probably the one in the band who would be the most against that :laughing: I have a hard time hearing effects on my vocals. I really love the rawness of my voice and while Iā€™ve gotten a bit more used to having some reverb added in, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d end up liking having it dialed up much more :laughing: Even when I was at the recording studio with DyeV, that was one of my biggest issues- I didnā€™t want them adding a bunch of effects to my vocals. In fact, I asked to have some removed. Dan and Jeff know this so we end up compromising with how much gets added in :laughing:. I do love doing backup vocals so that is something I would consider adding.

:laughing: :laughing: Yeah, that was probably an oversight on my end. We green screened this before we really knew what background we were going to use, so it ended up being blue on blue :laughing: Oh well

Thanks again for watching glad we havenā€™t reached creative burnout yet!

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Thank you so much Eddie! We think so too :wink: Iā€™ve told @nzmetal this before, but I really just had like an intuitive feeling that he would be a good match with us. Tuned out to be even better than I could have hoped!

We really all gel so well together and Iā€™m so glad that we have the tools available to be able to collaborate together despite the distance. We make it work :sunglasses:


Iā€™m pleased to say that you can! I doubt anyone would recommend it though. :joy: The weird grip came about because I wanted to use bongos in the song (in the actual song track Iā€™m playing them on top of my snare), I picked up the sticks and played them in the grip youā€™re seeing so that I could get the sound of my hands and the sharp rap of the sticks at the same time. This not only made it sound more like a CounterPlot song, but also helped pick up the sound of them without reconfiguring the microphones. When we went to do the video I considered ditching the sticks (because who plays bongos with sticks?), but Jennifer argued that it was actually how I played them (minus the snare), so I went with it. I think it adds to the fun vibe. :smiley:

I do try to pick-up some proper techniques as I go/learn, but mostly Iā€™m figuring out the drums as I go. :joy:

Incidentally, the first idea was to play the song with actual bananas! :smiley: :banana:


Great stuff you lot rock! Jenā€™s got all of the attitude and sas that a rock chic needs, sheā€™s great! The instrumentation was very good and the mixing and production was pretty decent too. Patiently waiting for more, subscribed!


Two more great songs from CounterPlot.

The second is so different, really unexpected.

Your video productions are just so professional.


Thank you SO much Darrell! This is a huge compliment for me. Iā€™ve been a performer my whole life really, but this skill has really come to fruition for me over the last year specifically :blush: Thank you for the sub! More will be coming :wink:

Thank you David!

Both Dan and Jeff are very skilled in video production and editing! If it was just me doing it, our videos would look very different :laughing: This is part of what makes our trio work so well. Our skills balance nicely so everyone has a different area where they can shine. :sparkles:

We were laughing about how different these two songs are- yet they both still feel very ā€œusā€. :wink:


Two very different songs but you managed to get the CP vibe across in both of them. That, I think, is the mark of a band thatā€™s in tune with the sound and style they want to produce. Super video production for both songs. You are a talented trio and as Iā€™ve said before, itā€™s amazing you can achieve this from opposite sides of the world. Well done all of you.


Thank you so much Gordon! This means a lot to us as we really give a lot of thought to our sound and how all the songs fit together so everything is cohesive :blush:

Thank you again for checking it out and Iā€™m glad you enjoyed the songs!


You three are a talent explosion. :fireworks: Love your sound --lyrics, rhythm, lead, videos, everything! I especially like ā€œBananasā€ (the song and the fruit :grin:). Dan is a wizard with the camera. I canā€™t wait for the rest of the album to come out!


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks so much everyone!! Such amazing feedback and support! Hugely appreciate all your comments!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks Toby! Iā€™m glad you liked the heavier side to this one! :metal: I think we all hoped that you might be into it when we were putting it together as we felt the harder edge could appeal. Was fun getting to dig into some palm mutes on this track!! :metal: :smiling_imp:

Thanks Jason!! So glad you liked them and thanks heaps for checking them out!! :smiley: :+1:

Thank so much, Mal! Yeah, we definitely can feel that thereā€™s been some solid growth! Always an ongoing work-in-progress but hopefully tracking in the right direction! :smiley:

Thanks mate! Super appreciate that, means a lot! :blush:

Thanks LBro! Totally agree, Dan really nailed the drums on The Limit! Whilst I was editing his clips, I felt concerned for the wellbeing of his cymbals! They took a hammering on this one!! :rofl: Thanks also for your other comments and suggestions! Really helpful stuff! Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Thanks buddy!! Really appreciate you checking it out! Got me concerned for a moment thoughā€¦ had I actually remembered to record bass on The Limit?! :thinking: :flushed: I had go back and double check the files as I couldnā€™t recall for sureā€¦ Putting these two tunes together was a bit of a blur! :crazy_face: Thankfully I did! :rofl: But Iā€™m not super confident with my bass playing as Iā€™m essentially a complete novice. I also have no idea about creating a decent tone, so I guess thatā€™s led to a tendency to dial back the bass a lot. Although Iā€™m having fun learning, Iā€™d say itā€™s far from my primary focus, so J&D will certainly attest to the fact I keep making hints about needing a proper bass player as part of the band! :wink: :joy:

Greetings Rogier! Always great to hear from you and thanks so much for your kind words! :blush: I have a real soft spot for Bananas, it may be my secret favourite too, donā€™t tell anyone!! :shushing_face: :face_with_peeking_eye: :rofl:

Thanks Eddie!! You wonā€™t of course know this, but youā€™re partly responsible for The Limit :joy: I had been practicing intervals for ear training and was playing around with a couple of those in F# minor (pedaling the tonic and cycling between the Perfect 5th, minor 6th then minor 7th and circling back to the minor 3rd, etc) when I came up with the riff for this one. I didnā€™t intend to do anything with it until I watched your ā€œI Ainā€™t Lostā€ original song post. Your comments about just running with an idea when it comes, and how well your idea evolved into a great song, inspired me to send what I had to Jennifer and Danā€¦ and well, they sprinkled their magic onto it, so we ended up with what is above :laughing: Just want to say THANK YOU!! :blush:

:roll_eyes: :cheese: :rofl:
Thanks Brian!! Love your comments and feedback, always great insights! :smiley: Jenniferā€™s already mentioned about her vocals and sheā€™ll agree that I have a tendency to sneak in little bits of reverb, (and, god forbid, delay! :scream:) at timesā€¦ doesnā€™t always make the final cut, but itā€™s fun to play around :wink: :shushing_face: :rofl: In saying that, I am a huge fan of her vocals without any effects, as I think she has a phenomenal voice and am often blown away by how great she sounds whilst working on the mix for our songs :heart_eyes:

Thanks so much Darrell!! Weā€™re really starting to find a good workflow for bringing these tracks together and slowly improving our recording/mixing skills. So much to learn, but lots of fun (and laughs! :laughing:) along the way! Thanks again for checking them out! :smiley:

Hi David! Thanks mate! Glad you liked the new tracks! :smiley: Yes, Bananas was a bit of an odd one that just fell together out of some joking around :laughing: but couldnā€™t be happier with the result! :slight_smile: And thanks for your kind words on the videos too! I think both Dan & I quite enjoy putting them together (weā€™ve both had some very late nights working on these whilst ā€œin the zoneā€! :joy:). Jenniferā€™s input is huge too, she provides a lot of direction whilst ensuring the final product comes out on theme and polished. Some pretty hilarious discussions have been had about making these videos, shame we havenā€™t recorded themā€¦ or perhaps thatā€™s for the best?! :thinking: :rofl:

Thanks Gordon!! :smiley: Yeah, it is kind of crazy when I occasionally remember that we havenā€™t actually met in person before! :flushed: :joy: It feels like Jennifer and Dan are long time friends now! The barrier of distance has mostly evaporated, although there are still times I wish I could just jam with them whilst working out the new tunes or be all huddled around Danā€™s laptop when pulling a mix or video togetherā€¦ maybe one day! :crossed_fingers: :laughing:

:joy: Thanks Donna!! Love that! :heart_eyes: Youā€™re too kind!! :blush: :hugs: We really are having a blast! :boom: :joy: Super appreciate you checking these out! :smiley:


Yep, can attest! :rofl:

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This time, Iā€™m so late to the party due to all the christmas prep that has to be done :wink:.

Iā€™ve listened to both tunes and most of what I could say was already mentioned by others, so I just pick a few things out.

You did great on both of them, really enjoyed the video productions!

The Limit
Musically, like others, I would say, youā€™re finding YOUR sound and it gets more and more immediately recognizable :+1:!
Concerning Jenniferā€™s voice, Iā€™m more in the ā€œnoā€ reverb camp, I guess. Her voice is quite succinct, raw and strong, another distinguishing factor apart from the sound and out of my gut instinct doesnā€™t need reverb.
What I would like indeed, is kind of a backing vocal from one of the guys (I know for sure, that at least one of them can sing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), that would have added an additional level and reduced a slight impression of repetetiveness.
But all in all, great production and another piece of creativity!

What a cute song :star_struck: and so surprisingly and enjoyable different!
A lovely change of sound!
I enjoyed listening to both songs, although I have to admit, that ā€œBananasā€ wins the race for me!
I love to see the three of you united in a room :heart:. Great idea for the video, wow, impressing, how this could be achieved on the technical side!
Thereā€™s a great vibe going out of this tune, I guess after listening a few times, I now have an earworm :100:. I like the ā€œpumpingā€ chords from around 2:07 a lot.

I wish you all the best for the upcoming new year and hope creativity will be on your side in the future too. I have no doubtā€¦ :blush:!
Keep on the good work!


Thank you so much for checking it out Donna and for the kind words :blush: So happy you enjoyed them!

Thank you so much Andrea! Dan and Jeff did absolutely amazing work on these videos :smile: The first time I saw the rough cut of The Limit video, I about fell out of my chair :laughing: it was SO good!

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: Thatā€™s my opinion too :wink: I (like many other people) used to dislike what my voice sounded like recorded :laughing: Since I have been playing guitar/singing I have really grown to like what it sounds like and I appreciate the character my voice has a lot more now. I feel like effects tend to ā€œflattenā€ it if that makes sense :laughing: Iā€™ve gotten used to a little added reverb, but many others effects, including this one :wink: :arrow_down:

Are hard for me to hear applied to myself (Sorry Jeff :laughing: :laughing:) Luckily both the guys know this about me and know when they can sneak some in or dial it back :laughing:

We thought so too :blush: Itā€™s a not so hidden secret that some band members may even cite this one as their favorite :laughing:

Thank you! You as well :blush: We will ride the creative wind for as long as it will have us :wink: :wind_face:

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A little late to the party, I guess, but luckily enough I didnā€™t miss it out completely! :smiley:

I have a new favourite: Bananas (even though their not my favourite kind of fruit either :rofl:). Itā€™s so lighthearted and fun and with the video, it does seem to just have popped out of a jam session the three of you had (and yes, the video is great in that regard, Dan @DDye !). There were some tasty lead lines by Jeff @nzmetal

Blockquote Ruin everything that youā€™re in
Including democracy

I love that lyric! :smiley:

@Jenndye429 Jenn, I really liked the harmonizing vocals in bananas!

But also The Limit was great. Fantastic vibe and of course, an amazing artistic video! Jenn, I really liked your lead lines, they were adding to Jeffā€™s rhythm so nicely. To me, that was Danā€™s best job on drums so far.

Also, thank you Jenn, for putting so many background info up here. It was a fantastic read and it feels so cool to get an insight on how CounterPlot works! :smiley:

I am soooooo much looking forward to your album! :smiley:


@Lisa_S Thank you so much Lisa! I know our group always looks forward to your thoughtful feedback :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Glad you loved Bananas! The way it came together was such a whirlwind, I think it surprised all of us :wink: But we all loved how it turned out and I think we really got the mix on this one right. I think we all knew that Bananas would be the JG Communityā€™s collective favorite :wink:

As the guys can attest, I love anytime I can add a backing vocal in. It doesnā€™t always work, but for this one it really enhanced the song.

We look forward to sharing the album with everyone when itā€™s done. It has been really cool seeing it all come together :blush: :guitar: :guitar: :drum: