Original Song - I ain’t lost

Hi all,
It’s been ages since I wrote an original song and to be honest I am not very good at sitting down and just writing, as I usually wait until something inspires me or an idea just pops into my head and the song then seems to pop out. Anyway I was driving home the other evening and saw a bumper sticker on a car and thought it might be a good idea for a song . I slept on it and woke yesterday morning and just scribbled down the lyrics and just went for it as is…

Thanks for listening….


That was really Enjoyable Eddie! :clap: :clap:

One of my personal favorite things about the songwriting process is how ideas can be sparked from the most seemingly mundane things. I love that you wrote that whole song based on a bumper sticker!

Your vocal tone sounded really nice and the guitar sounded great as well. Nice job! :+1:

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Great! I like it a lot! I could have finished quite a few songs by now I think, but I always struggle with the lyrics - you clearly don’t! :+1:

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That was excellent Eddie.

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Yes it has been a while Ed, good to you back on that verandah :+1:. Nicely done with song and sound came over nicely too :+1: what was you recording on?

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beautiful guitar! nice song to, well done @Eddie_09 . I write lyrics on the spur of the moment as well. very inspiring to see this, I need to actualy write the song for my lyrics now :face_with_spiral_eyes:thats the hard bit for me

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That’s fabulous, Eddie. Really liked the vibe, great feel.

I liked the way you kept what I think is the I chord out the verse, giving the chorus that extra boost when it comes in (of course I could be completely wrong about that :rofl:)

Now I am also not one of the Oasis fan club, and maybe it is just the stuck chords, Cadd9 Em moves, but song has a decided Oasis sound to me. Not a bad thing at all, just something I noticed.

But mostly I listen to your rhythm, the feel of the strumming, and get all wishful.


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Hi Eddie,
Wonderful start to the day, enjoy these peaceful sounds and singing voice before breakfast while the tea is steeping. :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Excellent song and performance, Eddie! :sunglasses:
I’m presuming the song title was the bumper sticker, even though there were a bunch of lines in the lyrics that could fulfill that role as that as well :rofl:

A gentle prod to @domi7, @Kate_South & @CD02, who’ve all expressed interest in songwriting/collaboration on another thread:
The time is now.
Putting off things ‘until we’re better’ does not make a for a better songwriter. It’s like everything else, you only get better at the things you practice. You’ll probably feel your initial attempts are terrible, but they can be so satisfying! :smiley:


Hi Eddie, a wonderful song you wrote! If I heard it on the radio, I’d turned up the volume immediately!
Loved the vibe and the thoughtful lyrics a lot! The melody, the chord progression, your strumming and singing fit very well together and make this song a most enjoyable listen.
And I liked the dynamics, getting more intense towards the end.
More please!


Thank you Jen for the listen and the nice supportive comments. Writing about seemingly mundane things or being inspired by something I see has always been my approach to songwriting as it helps me feel more connected and invested in what I am trying to achieve.
@domi7 thank you Dominique for the kind words and go out and finish those songs you have started. I look forward to hearing them!
@brianlarsen Thanks Brian, yes now that i have listened back to the Sony there are a few bumper stickers in there :joy:. Perhaps inspiration for another song? :joy:. The one I did use was “all those who wander aren’t lost”.
@TheCluelessLuthier thank you so much Mark!
@Helen0609 thank you Andrea for the supportive comments and the high praise. I am really glad you enjoyed the song
@Kate_South thank you for the listen Vivienne and I hope you get to finish and share with us some of your songs.
@roger_holland thanks Roger and I am glad I passed the time for you while your tea was seeping and hopefully I made it taste a little sweeter :joy:
@CD02 Thanks for the listen Craig and happy that you enjoyed the song. It was a very simple recording, just acoustic guitar and and iPad. Just like me and nothing fancy :joy:


Thank you David for the nice comments. To be honest I didn’t go for the Oasis vibe but I will happily take that! I am a fan of the stuck 3/4 chords and use them a lot . I didn’t make a conscious decision on leaving the 1 chord until the chorus but when playing around with the song it seemed to work better and added some dynamics and as Justin says “if it sounds good……”

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“I ain’t lost!” would be much funnier :rofl:

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Unless of course you are lost :joy:

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That’s a nice tune, Eddie! :smiley:

It has a really catchy melody in the chorus, I keep on humming the last line since 10 mins. :slight_smile: Great back story with the bumper sticker - it’s amazing how small things in life can inspire us to create something beautiful like that.

Thanks for sharing!

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Super song and performance, Eddie. Good to see you back posting some originals. Hopefully, something else inspires you very soon, so we can get another treat from you.

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Hey Eddie! Nice one! Really liked it. It’s got pop appeal. I even had a go at soloing over the progression there in F#minor Pentatonic. . .which was. . .interesting. . .only for my lack of fluency around the fretboard, nevertheless, it made me wann try to put down some single note lines and that’s saying something I reckon.

Anyway, I had fun listening and stumbling along in the old minor pentatonic. . .probably weren’t even in the right key. . but t’was fun nevetheless!

Thanks for that!! Keep em coming!


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Thank you Lisa and I am happy that I got you humming along even after you finished listening :sunglasses:
@Socio thank you James and hopefully the next song comes along quicker than this one.
@jgottwals thanks Jeremy and I am pleased to hear that you had a go at improvising over the song. I hadn’t really thought about that until you mentioned it so maybe I will try something myself with a looper pedal and see how it goes. I appreciate the listen and the comment :sunglasses:

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Catchy melody and clever lyrics too Eddie. Well done.

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Cheers Gordon. I appreciate the listen and the comment.